Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 583

Soon, Li cunxiao led the army to Longyin Valley, a pre designed ambush.

The Qing army almost followed.

Looking at the Tang army who got into the valley, General Zhao rushed to command the team to pursue.

He didn't worry about Tang army's ambush in Longyin valley.

After all, it was the territory of the Qing Dynasty, and he knew it very well.

Although Longyin Valley is a valley, there is no place for ambush. The surrounding cliffs are steep and bare, and the fire attack has no effect.

In short, it's a good place to ambush, but in normal people's cognition, it's impossible to ambush here.

After Longyin Valley, there was a flat plain. If Tang army retreated, he would not be able to catch up.

"Pass the orders, go ahead at full speed, and never let them go."

With a command, the Qing army marched into Longyin valley without hesitation.

From top to bottom, no one thought there might be an ambush here.

However, just as they got to the middle of the canyon, suddenly there was an earth shaking noise.

All the soldiers of the Qing army were startled and looked around in a hurry.

On both sides of the valley, the towering rock walls suddenly burst apart, as if they had been cut from the middle by a huge blade. The mountain peaks of tens of feet came straight towards the Qing army on the ground.

"Run away!"



For a time, the Qing army fled, and all of them lost their armor. They only hated their parents for having two less legs.

With a loud noise, the huge mountain suddenly fell to the ground. A large number of Qing soldiers turned their horses and trampled on each other. What was not affected was everyone pushing and shoving, and fell to the ground one by one.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of troops were defeated. The people in front wanted to retreat, while the people in the back wanted to move forward. Under the influence of both, it was difficult to move a cent.

"Go away, go away!"

General Zhao rode on his horse and didn't care about the soldiers in front of him.

At the moment, he can't understand why the Tang army can design such an ambush, how they can break the mountain without a sound, anyway, there is an ambush. It's better not to run now.

That's what the Lord will do, not to mention the others.

Who knows, at this time, there is a loud noise.

Look again, the retreat of the valley suddenly explodes from the ground, and the sand flies away, just like the end of the world.

In desperation, the Qing army's escape stopped.

A moment later, the smoke cleared away.

General Zhao fixed his eyes and saw that there was a gully more than ten feet wide and narrow on the ground before meeting.

"My God, what's going on here?"

General Zhao looked at the scene in front of him, stupefied. What happened now was far beyond his imagination.

"Come on, build a bridge."

Just Leng for a moment, General Zhao yelled out in a hurry.

The soldiers hurriedly prepared their tools and tried to cross the gully.

However, with a roar, the bow and arrow landed firmly in front of them.

"Will the enemy not surrender soon?"

Outside the valley, the voice of the general of the Tang army came, followed by a scattering.

"Rush, friar, rush out for me. I'll reward you a lot."

General Zhao, who was flustered, cried out in a hurry.

He respected his status, and naturally he was escorted by a group of special practitioners.

As his voice fell, more than a dozen figures jumped in, but as soon as they crossed the gully, the same figure came.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

"Pa Pa Pa!"

"Pa Pa Pa!"

However, after a few breaths, the more than ten monks were immediately beaten back, one by one vomited blood, and were defeated.

For a moment, General Zhao was as pale as ashes.

On the other side, Li cunxiao stood on the valley, looking at the Qing army, who was like catching turtles in a jar, with a sneer.

"General, we have wasted so much effort to dig out a road, just to trap people. Is that a bit overqualified?"

A deputy general whispered.

It turns out that this time Li cunxiao was able to disappear in Longyin valley because they had dug a hidden path from it before.

Li Xian had investigated the trend of mountains and rivers in the Qing Dynasty before, and Li cunxiao naturally got the map. With the power of explosives, it's not surprising.

"The significance of deterrence in this war is far greater than the total annihilation of the enemy. Besides, we can also use this channel. How can we be overqualified?"

Li cunxiao said.

"There's nothing wrong with that, general, but since we've got each other trapped, why don't we all fight to wipe out the enemy?"Said the deputy.

"Your Majesty has the virtue of living well. Let's not commit murder unless we have to. Moreover, sometimes the living are more useful than the dead."

Li cunxiao smiles.

What else does the Deputy want to say? The messenger is coming at a gallop.

"Report to the general that General Xu Da has successfully besieged the enemy. Please show me."

"Tell General Xu to follow the original plan."

Li cunxiao said.


The messenger turned and left.

Looking back at the road leading to Longyin Valley, Li cunxiao said in a high voice: "you should be ready to create a sense of life and death struggle with the enemy inside."

"Yes, sir."

Although the deputy general was full of doubts, he went to prepare immediately.

On the other hand, Yue Zhongqi, who was in direct contact with the Tang army, threw himself into the air.

The camp originally built on the mountain has long been unguarded. It is an empty camp.

"General, General Zhao is besieged in Longyin Valley, and the fighting is fierce. I hope the general will send someone to help."

"General, the enemy is standing and fighting with General Wang in orphan mountain. General Wang asks for help."

Two heralds came one after another, and the main force of Tang army appeared in two places at the same time.

Before, Li cunxiao and Xu Da launched ambushes one after another, but they only controlled a large number of enemy troops and intentionally or unintentionally released some people. Now, these people report to Yue Zhongqi.

For a time, Yue Zhongqi had some difficult choices.

His original intention was to attack the local camp, encircle Wei and save Zhao, but the other side did not give him this opportunity.

"One of two?"

Yue Zhongqi hesitated for a moment and said, "send orders to the three armed forces and march towards Longyin valley."

"What about my general? General, divide your forces!"

General Wang's deputy said in a hurry.

"To divide forces is to seek your own death. When the enemy forces divide forces, we should concentrate our strength to take down one side and rescue your general when we have captured Longyin valley."

Yue Zhongqi said and led the army to set out.

With this sentence finished, people present understood that Yue Zhongqi had made a choice.

"Yue, my general won't let you go. You wait."

"It's not over today."

"Yue Zhongqi, my general is..."

Listening to the cry from behind, Yue Zhongqi's face became more and more ugly. ..