Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 582

In the camp of the Qing army, Yue Zhongqi was very depressed. To be exact, he felt that he had no place to use.

In a few days, he was gradually unable to control his generals.

"General, the Tang army is coming. We should take it by surprise. Why does the general refuse to send troops?"

"The army of Tang Dynasty has been yelling and scolding outside these days. The general knows when our children of eight banners suffered this kind of injustice."

"General, the last general is willing to ask for a fight. If he is not able to win, he is willing to raise his head to see you."

A group of generals of the Qing army kept asking for war and sending troops in front of Yue Zhongqi. These generals were polite, and even some senior generals pointed to Yue Zhongqi's nose a few days ago and scolded the cowards.

"Well, your majesty has an order. You are not allowed to attack. You all step down."


"General, how can such a good opportunity be missed?"

"Think again, general."

"All shut up. Please fight again. The military law will wait on you."

Yue Zhongqi held down the Shangfang sword bestowed by Huang Taiji and drank it away.

"Cut, what a great general, how timid."

"That's to say, the other side is divided and dare not attack, coward."

"Ah, I can't help it. Who should be respected by your majesty?"

In recent days, not only the generals wanted to fight, but also the soldiers of the Qing army wanted to fight. First of all, under the command of Li cunxiao, the Tang army divided its troops and raided them. They were disturbed by the day and night invasion.

Furthermore, Tang Jun's standard of swearing is too high.

In the Tang army, there was a special team to fight against the enemy.

These people are all masters who can scold their ancestors for not paying attention to the same thing in the morning.

In recent days, the officers and men of the Qing army have been suffocating.

With Tang Jun's detailed work to stir up the flames, Yue Zhongqi's reputation has now dropped to the freezing point.

"Ah, no wonder general yuan will surrender."

In the camp, Yue Zhongqi said to himself.

He wanted to look at the map, designated tactics, but the thought of the past few days, the rotten experience did not lift interest.

He can understand the soldiers in the army asking for war, but what do these generals mean.

Can't they see that the Tang army's division of forces is to lure the enemy into depth? Can't they understand the Tang army's intention to fight quickly and make a quick decision? They really want to take the initiative to fight. These 700000 troops are cannon fodder.

There are reinforcements in the back. It's supposed to be here, but there's no news yet.

This bunch of dead people.

If you think about it carefully, Yue Zhongqi probably guessed what these people thought.

It is nothing more than the internal faction of the Qing Dynasty.

In those days, there were many factions in the imperial court, but only two. As long as there was no difference between the two, the Qing Dynasty could be unified.

But now that Dorgon is dead, there are more factions.

Everyone wants to make a contribution. Now when they see the Tang army's division, they naturally want to make this contribution.

They put the safety of the Qing Dynasty there.

There will also be food and fodder for the follow-up army. Some people in the court hall must think that they are the commander-in-chief, making a trip secretly.

"Ah, can the Qing Dynasty be saved?"

For a moment, Yue Zhongqi suddenly felt dejected.

"General, no, General Wang and General Zhao have sent troops."

All of a sudden, the messenger came in in panic and cried out.

"When did it happen?"

"Half an hour ago, the two generals said it was a patrol, but now they have not come back. The villain went to have a look and found that their generals have been taken out."

Said the messenger in a panic.

"These two wastes, wastes."

Yue zhongqidun time claps the case and rises, full of angry face.

His defensive formation is Trinity. Zhao and Wang are both appointed by Huang Taiji. They don't get along very well on weekdays.

However, Yue Zhongqi had no choice but to set up three campsites with military power in his hands. They were horns of each other and stood on three legs, showing a defensive posture.

According to Yue Zhongqi's idea, as long as their camp is not broken and the follow-up army comes, they can counter attack step by step.

However, at this time, when the two of them attack, their defensive advantage will be lost. Isn't that a death wish.

After a little meditation, Yue Zhongqi thought of remedial measures. At the moment, the best choice is to retreat and defend, and rely on natural danger to wait for reinforcements.

"Give orders and the whole army will withdraw."

Yue Zhongqi said.

"General Zhao is the son-in-law of Princess Yunhe, and General Wang is also a relative of the emperor. If the general doesn't go to the rescue, I'm afraid..."

A young player said.


Yue Zhongqi smell speech a Zheng, finally helpless issue a sigh way."Order the three armies to attack each other's camp."


"General, we find a big army coming to our army, trying to eat our army."

The deputy general is filial to Li Cun.

"An army wants to eat our army? How many people are there on the other side? "

Li Cun is filial.

"General, the other side has a total of 200000 troops."

Deputy general road.

"It seems that the other side is really dividing forces. They are looking for their own death."

Li cunxiao said coldly.

"General, what should we do now?"

Deputy general road.

"Go to Longyin valley."

Li cunxiao ordered directly.

"It's the general."

The deputy general said at once.

Longyin Valley is a very good place for ambush. Li cunxiao had thought about it for a long time, but he didn't expect that the fish would be so big.

"200000 troops, I thought it would take more trouble. Hehe, it seems very simple."

Li cunxiao led the army to walk slowly and leisurely.

On the other hand, General Zhao led his troops in pursuit of him in the rear.

"Yue Zhongqi said that Tang Jun was extraordinary, but that's all."

"That is, the great general is wise and powerful, and the little Tang army is just a tile dog. When you see the great general, you must run away."

"Hahaha, that's a good point. The herald army is advancing at full speed."

General Zhao said with a smile.

This time, he is running for meritorious service. Since the war with the Tang Dynasty, they have almost never won.

If he can beat the Tang army once, ha ha, it will be a great success.

He couldn't help smiling at the thought.

Similarly, on the other side, General Wang is also marching fast, chasing Xu Da in front.

As early as before the battle, the Tang army had already had a thorough understanding of the surrounding terrain. At the moment, everything did not escape their arrangement. Perhaps the only thing that was unexpected was that so many people and horses came from the other side.

200000 on one side and 300000 on the other.

In this way, there is no need for any other means. Once the war is won, the defense line of the Qing army will be completely opened, and their plan will be implemented smoothly.

Perhaps the only drawback is that after eating these two armies, Yue Zhongqi may not have a chance to eat them. ..