Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 581

"The master means that it's all the ghosts of the Tang Dynasty?"

"What do you say?" Nian gengyao said with confidence: "the three vassal kings are located in remote areas. Since the reform of his majesty, the control of military supplies and other items has been more strict. All the time, the three vassal kings have been respected. They can't rebel, they don't want to, but look at the present? "

"If you don't talk about others, just talk about Wu Sangui. You can see that his armaments and materials look like he has lived in Yunnan for a long time. Two days ago, the elite troops were better equipped than the elite wolf cavalry in his Majesty's hands. How did they come from?"

"Master, do you still ask for orders to come here?"

Hearing these words, the servants were even more puzzled.

Since it is so dangerous here, why did the master ask for permission to suffer here that day.

"Ha ha, there's nothing wrong with the rebellion of the three vassals, but it's only temporary. I think what these three are thinking is to wait for your majesty to appease them, increase their ranks and seek more benefits."

"What's more, as long as the supply line is cut off, the three vassals can't afford it. So this battle seems dangerous, but there is no risk at all. They can't attack. As long as they wait until the time comes, they will take the initiative to seek peace, and the feat of pacifying the rebellion will fall on their hands. Let's eat, drink, and do nothing here. Where can we find such a great thing? "

Nian gengyao said confidently.

"Master is wise, master is wise."

Said the servant with a look of adoration.

"Now, I'm afraid that the first battle of the Qing Dynasty is not good. If it doesn't block the first attack of the Tang Dynasty, I'm afraid that the three vassal kings will launch an attack."

Nian gengyao said anxiously.

The servant scratched his head. Of course, he didn't understand these military affairs. What he knew was that he followed the master and didn't worry about eating and drinking.

At this time, a sound of horse hooves came, and the messenger had not arrived yet.

"The general is not good. The Tang Dynasty has attacked the border and has captured canglan river."


Hearing this, Nian gengyao's face suddenly changed, so he jumped up and pulled the messenger to his body.

"What's the matter, again?"

"Big, big general." The Herald said with fear: "the Tang army has captured canglan river. General yuan Chonghuan has surrendered to the enemy. I've ordered you to prepare early."

Hearing this, Nian gengyao, who was confident just now, plopped down in his chair and looked depressed.

"How can this happen? How can this happen? What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? What are you doing to eat these wastes?"

After a cursing, Nian Geng stood up fiercely and yelled, "come on, command the three armies, and attack with drums."

"Master, didn't you just say you didn't have to fight?"

Said the servant suspiciously.

"Go away, the Tang army has won a great victory. Let's die before we attack."

For a time, the army and horses gathered in the camp around niangeng.

Tang army camp.

"Long live your majesty, long live your majesty."

"Long live your majesty, long live your majesty."

"Long live your majesty, long live your majesty."

All the ministers said respectfully.

"Ladies and gentlemen, keep your body flat."

Li Xian said with a smile.

"Thank you, sir."

The ministers said immediately.

"Who would like to be the vanguard of this attack on the Qing Dynasty?"

Li Xianwei's voice sounded in the whole barracks. In a few days, all the generals of the Tang Dynasty, except Yue Fei, who guarded the mountain customs, had felt the front line.

"Your Majesty, please fight."

Li cunxiao is also a Taoist.

"Your Majesty, please fight."

Xu Da, Xue Rengui, Chang Yuchun, Mei Changsu and Zhou Yu all asked for help.


Li Xiandao.

"In this battle, General Li cunxiao led the army, with Zhou Yu, Xu Da and Chang Yuchun as deputy generals. They attacked immediately, while the rest of the generals defended the attack of other forces."

Li Xian thought about it.

"I will obey the order."

The general said immediately.

Although they hope that they can start the first battle, since your majesty has made an order, they will definitely implement it without hesitation.

Later, the generals dispersed, and Li Xian stared at the battle map in front of him.

All along, Li Xian likes to fight in desperation, but this time he has to take a risk.

There is no other reason. He can't afford a protracted war.

It's not that Li Xian is afraid of the Qing Dynasty. What he is afraid of is those forces who secretly speculate and stare at them.

In addition to the cangxuan region, Cang region and the surrounding areas of China, there are other forces. For them, Li Xian is constantly collecting information, but little is gained. They are all old dynastic forces.

Once caught in a tug of war, these guys will definitely choose the Tang Dynasty to attack, rather than the Qing Dynasty.So this battle must be quick and decisive.

And the final magic weapon of this war depends on whether Yue Fei can understand his meaning. Of course, it needs a little luck.

"General Li, it has been proved that the guard general in front of him is Yue Zhongqi of the Qing Dynasty. The other side leads an army of 700000, showing a defensive state."

The spies reported the news of their explorations one by one.

"So fast, there seems to be a tough opponent."

Li cunxiao said lightly.

"General Li's words are nothing more than 700000 troops. Even if we are on the defensive, we are not hard to break them."

Xu Da said.

"Reaction time, from the canglan River attack to this Yue Zhongqi according to the risk and defense is how long."

Li cunxiao said.

"The general means that the other side is ready?"

Xu Da said.

"What about the preparation? I say that we should be careful not to look down on our opponents. The 700000 troops and the Qing Dynasty really look down on us."

Li cunxiao sneered.

Tang Dynasty's Li cunxiao and Deng Jun are very confident, they did not put each other's guard in the eye.

Maybe it's a matter of habit. People in this world are used to believing in power. Even such a huge thing as the Qing Dynasty is also a battle plan with the core of practitioners.

But under the leadership of Li Xian, the development of the Tang Dynasty is comprehensive, and even more emphasis on the tactics of ordinary soldiers, and the generals of the Tang Dynasty are also so, they have countless ways to deal with each other's practitioners.

From the very beginning of this war, they were ready. They really did not pay attention to the 700000 troops.

"You guys, I mean, if we want to make a quick decision, we have to lure the other side to send troops. What do you think?"

Li cunxiao said.

"The other side has suffered losses several times. I'm afraid they won't send troops easily."

Chang Yuchun said.

"I have a few ideas for you to see. First of all, we need to divide our forces. Secondly, according to the news from the royal guards, although Yue Zhongqi is the chief general, he has very little experience. We can disturb them by walking rumors. As long as an enemy army does not obey the orders, there will be no suspense in this battle. What do you think?"

"What the general said is not even true."

"There's a good chance that this plan will succeed, but preventive measures are needed."

For a moment, the generals of the Tang army began to talk. ..