Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 580

"We've lost and we don't have a quick picture yet."

Zhou Yu's voice resounded throughout the battlefield. The Qing army looked at yuan Chonghuan kneeling on the ground and was at a loss for a moment.

"I'll fight against you, but I'll kill you."

Li Xian opened his mouth slowly, and his voice was very domineering.

With his command, nearly ten thousand practitioners joined hands, and the huge thunder light fell on the plain not far away.

For a time, the earth moved and the mountains shook. Under the endless thunder and lightning, nearly a hundred feet of the area suffered a devastating blow.

As the thunder and lightning dispersed, a shocking scar was left on the earth.

In an instant, the momentum of the whole Qing army dropped to the freezing point.

"Don't kill me. I surrender. I surrender."

There was one place, there was a second. But in a moment, hundreds of thousands of Qing troops surrendered, most of them fled.

Yuan Chonghuan looked at everything in front of him and was helpless.

In front of Li Xian, he was like a doll, and had no fighting power at all.

"Gongjin, you are responsible for cleaning the battlefield."

Li Xian dropped a word, and then led the army forward.

The battle on the Bank of the canglan River took only a few hours.

In front of Li Xian, the defense line of the Qing army was in vain, which could not stop the attack of the Tang army.

"Your Majesty, these fleeing Qing troops will certainly spread the situation of this war. We can slow down our attack. When General Yue's side is ready, we can go two ways together."

Chang Yuchun spoke at Li Xian's side.

Li Xian shook his head and said: "no, there are not many cards in Yue Fei's side. We try our best to attract the opponent's attention to this side and launch a decisive battle. After this reform, the Qing Dynasty actually has a group of good generals, and they may not be able to see through our plan."

"I understand your Majesty's meaning, but if we push too fast, will we help Huang Taiji out instead?"

Chang Yuchun asked anxiously.

This time, Li Xian actually launched an attack in several groups. Li Xian led them to bear the brunt of the attack. In fact, their real strength is not strong.

In fact, what Li Xian did just now is to preserve his strength, so that the enemy can't see through. Moreover, Chang Yuchun is worried about what Li Xian is going to do, so he makes such a proposal.

"No matter, even if the Qing Dynasty is united, what's my fear? Besides, I believe you, I believe Yue Fei, I believe officers and soldiers of the Tang Dynasty."

"I will protect your majesty to the death."

Hearing Li Xian say so, Chang Yuchun doesn't say more.


In the Qing Dynasty.

Huang Taiji got the news that canglan river was defeated.

"Your Majesty, this is what happened. Yuan Chonghuan surrendered, and half of the army followed him."

Said one of the generals.

Originally, yuan Chonghuan fought to death in the battlefield. He took a risk and was captured alive only when his strength was poor. These people directly escaped without looking back. As a result, they fought to the death and Yuan Chonghuan surrendered, which led to the loss of canglan river.

"Li Xian, it's too deceiving."

Huang Taiji roared and clapped his hand on the dragon book case, making a loud noise.

"Your Majesty, it's expected that the Tang Dynasty will send troops. Over the past two years, your majesty has worked hard to rule the country. The fighting capacity of the Qing Dynasty has long been different from what it used to be. This defeat is due to yuan Chonghuan's betrayal of his holiness and his surrender to the enemy, not the crime of war."

A minister said.

"Yes, your majesty, the strength of the Tang Dynasty is far less than ours. Your majesty only needs to send a general to guard the front line, and then we can counterattack the Tang Dynasty when we calm down the San Francisco rebellion."

"I asked for orders to fight."

For a time, the ministers in the court were full of words. After they attributed the defeat to yuan Chonghuan, they did not pay attention to the Tang Dynasty.

In the past two years, the development of the Qing Dynasty is obvious to all, while the Tang Dynasty is weakening step by step.

This is how people always believe in what they see, and get carried away with a little achievement.

This scene is so similar to two years ago that everyone takes the Tang Dynasty as a meritorious service and doesn't care.

"All right."

Huang Taiji swept the crowd and stopped their argument.

"Yue Zhongqi, you lead a half million troops to meet the enemy, not for meritorious service, but for no fault."

"I take orders."

"Your Majesty, my minister..."

"Your Majesty, General Yue is young, maybe..."

"Your Majesty, should General Yue be given an assistant general?"

Hearing Huang Taiji's arrangement, the ministers burst into a frying pan.

Yue Zhongqi is one of the new generals, who was not well-known before.

At the moment, against the Tang Dynasty, some people are worried about Yue Zhongqi's lack of strength, but more people feel that the people who let Yue Zhongqi go to them will not be able to make contributions. They must arrange their own people for this kind of thing.For a moment, people thought of various reasons, trying to block Huang Taiji's decision.

Of course, there are also a group of people who argue that these are new generals like Yue Zhongqi. This is the achievement of this reform.

Looking at the crowd's appearance, Huang Taiji's sullen face is deeper.

How similar this scene is, how long it happened to be like this again.

This is the time when my pillars became rotten moths one by one.

"Come on, Yue Zhongqi, you start immediately. I'll give you Shangfang's sword. You have the right to act first and then act. You can retreat."

With that, Huang Taiji turned back, leaving behind a group of stunned ministers.

At the same time, the southern border of the Qing Dynasty.

In the camp, a middle-aged general, without armor, sat in a chair drinking herbal tea.

One of the attendants was busy with his fans, and his face was full of depression.

Occasionally, soldiers passing by the barracks gate were not surprised at this scene.

This man is the general Nian gengyao who calmed Wu Sangui this time.

This new year's general is also a miracle. He doesn't fight after he comes to Yunnan. He doesn't train or attack after he has set up camp. He is very leisurely on weekdays.

But the strange thing is that Wu Sangui's sneak attacks on the other side were all predicted by this young man, and directly hit him head-on.

After several times of fighting, Wu Sangui also settled down and didn't attack. The young man didn't attack either. The two sides faced each other peacefully here.

"Young master, what do you say you have to take the initiative to come to Yunnan for? It's very hot."

The servant could not help complaining.

"What do you know? Of course, you come here for meritorious service. If you don't have to fight, you have to take credit. Otherwise, if you want to make a smooth progress, you can only fight with the Tang Dynasty."

"The Tang Dynasty, they want to beat us, won't they?"

Said the servant doubtfully, naturally unable to understand his master's intention with his knowledge.

Nian gengyao sneered and said, "what do you know? There must be a war between the Tang Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. Why do you think these three vassals suddenly revolted?" ..