Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 573

Finally, under Huang Taiji's decision, the original development plan was stopped.

For a time, the whole Qing Dynasty's courtiers were shrouded in a haze.

Of course, whether they were anxious because of the delay in the development of the Qing Dynasty or because of the decrease of their own interests is unknown.

"And adults, you see this Zeng Guofan, he is not nothing to look for trouble?"

"That is, you have to talk about him with your grown-up. How can we work together in the future?"

"Yes, if we don't cooperate with those clans, how can we do business smoothly? He even wants to take a share from the clans. Tell me..."

Listening to the people's complaints, he liugujingwubo, finally he waved his hand and said: "Your Majesty has given an order. You'd better restrain yourself."

With that, He Lin left without paying attention to the others.

A few days later, under the order of Huang Taiji, Zeng Guofan, as an imperial minister, began to deal with the cooperation between the clan and local officials, and made a new development plan.

Undoubtedly, this made the reform plan of the Qing Dynasty slow down, but people with a clear eye can see that this self breaking hemostasis may have saved the future of the Qing Dynasty to some extent.


The assembly hall of the Tang Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, it seems that this plan is no longer feasible."

Guo Jia looked at the memorial in his hand and said very depressed.

"It seems that I underestimated these people in the Qing Dynasty."

Li Xian shook his head. This memorial is just the latest news from the royal guards about the Qing Dynasty's stopping economic reform and making new plans.

In itself, Li Xian was waiting for the Qing Dynasty to take the initiative when the economy collapsed.

Even in the whole process, Li Xian even contributed to the fire.

As Zeng Guofan analyzed, the fundamental gap between the two sides is that Li Xian can control the whole cangxuan region, while Huang Taiji can't.

Li Xian can spare no effort to develop the economy. Even if there are families, clans and even courtiers who want to embezzle and get benefits, they all need Li Xian's consent.

In short, Li Xian told them how much they could eat. If they were not satisfied, they would not even have enough to eat.

But Huangtaiji is different from the Qing Dynasty. Huangtaiji can't control these. Once the interests reach a certain level, these clans will frantically seek for interests. At that time, the reform of the Qing Dynasty will become a joke.

However, Li Xian did not expect that Zeng Guofan had seen the problem ahead of time. As a result, his plan was in vain.

"Your Majesty, is it necessary to withdraw the caravans of the Qing Dynasty? After all, if there is no way to crack down on the other party's economy, those businesses that lose money do not need to be done."

Guo Jia said softly.

During this period of time, people from the Tang Dynasty have been engaged in activities within the Qing Dynasty, almost luring them to go further and further in this economic game by means of inverted posts.

"No, let them continue their activities and continue to give money, but change their focus, focusing on Wu Sangui, the king of Pingxi, Shang Kexi, the king of Pingnan, and Geng Jingzhong, the king of Jingnan, but change their identity, which has nothing to do with us as much as possible."

Li Xian said.

"Your Majesty is going against them?"

Guo Jiadao.

"Besides, if Huang Taiji interrupts the reform plan like this, it is bound to cause unrest in the dynasty. If you go to find someone to control the public opinion and incite it, the Qing Dynasty will be unable to suppress it and expand outward with the imperial capital as the center. The frontier garrison will certainly be mobilized, and they may have some opportunities."

Li Xian said.

"But your majesty, these three vassals are all high in the sky. I'm afraid it's not easy to incite their opposition."

Guo Jia said anxiously.

"Never mind. Try it. People are greedy. This time, the reform of Huang Taiji has made a lot of noise, but in fact, it has made a lot of money for many clans. The sudden stop has made these people very uncomfortable. In this case, none of these frontier guards has gained any profit. This sudden change has a greater impact on them. Even if they can't incite them to revolt, they will feel disgusted. "

Li Xian said with a smile.

"Good, but I want to contact these three vassal kings. What do you think of them?"

Guo Jia thought for a moment and said.

"No, I'm crazy to let you go."

Li Xian refused.

"No, your majesty, you just need to go and come back quickly. I don't think anything will happen. Moreover, if I don't do this kind of thing myself, I'm afraid that the effect will not be perfect. On the contrary, it will backfire and make them more united."

Guo Jia also refused to give in.

"That's no good. It's too long for you to see the three vassal kings alone. It's hard to guarantee that there won't be an accident."

"Then your majesty can send two more people. The three of us can go to see the three vassal kings at the same time. Maybe we have a chance.""When I say filial piety, you're trying to embarrass me. It's not enough for you to go through the danger alone. You need to take two more?"

"Your Majesty, for the sake of the Tang Dynasty, I believe that they also think so."

"OK, you contact me. Don't tell me who to take or when to leave. Get out of here."

Li Xian said in a bad mood.

"It's your majesty."

As Guo Jia left, Li Xian called directly.


"I understand, so I will arrange the general to protect the country secretly."

"Well, don't act alone this time. Take the royal guards and let Yue Fei and Zhou Yu's army move and be ready to take over."

"I understand that, your majesty, you don't have to worry too much. Mr. Guo has a sense of propriety."

"I'm not worried about them, I'm worried about the other side not playing according to the routine."

"Your Majesty..."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. How far has the royal guards collected the information of the Qing Dynasty's courtiers?"

"We have information about several important courtiers, but most of them are the privacy of some officials."

"Send out one copy of these materials to Huang Taiji, and use our people in the Qing Dynasty to spread them among the people. The main reason is that in this reform, how much corruption these people have done must cause a sensation."

"I know, but we don't have much information. I'm afraid it's hard to make a sensation."

"Silly girl, you don't have so much information. You can make it up. Anyway, it has nothing to do with us. We'll be responsible for saying whether we believe it's their business or not. Besides, even if they find out it's false, what can we do?"

"Well, your majesty, that's a little too damaging."

Xue Jinlian covered her mouth with a smile, as if thinking of the future of the Qing Dynasty.

"Well, it's just the beginning. More interesting things are still to come."

Li Xian smiles a little, Huang Taiji assassinates him several times, this matter can't be so simple to end. ..