Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 572

"Your Majesty, the reform has achieved considerable results. I believe your majesty is not far away from the real unification of Cang region."

Inside the palace, Princess Zhuang looked at the map full of the Qing Dynasty dragon flag and congratulated with a smile.

During this period of time, Huang Taiji has made great efforts to govern the country, appointed people on their merits, and made great efforts to reform. In a short period of time, he has firmly grasped most of the forces in Cangzhou. It is not too much to say that the world is unified and the people are United.

The strength of the Qing Dynasty also developed rapidly in a short period of time. Although Huangtaiji lost the support of many imperial relatives and relatives, it also made many old ministers of the Qing Dynasty frustrated, but undoubtedly these are worth it.

Even though Princess Zhuang had experienced the most glorious moment of the Qing Dynasty, she faintly felt that the new Qing Dynasty would be stronger and more brilliant if it continued to develop.

"Ha ha ha, what Princess Ai said is true. This time, I would like to thank Li Xian. If it wasn't for him, how could I have such a good chance."

Huang Taiji laughs a few times. When he mentions Li Xian, he has a ferocious look on his face.

Nowadays, Huang Taiji has come to realize from more years of comfortable life, and has become the hero galloping across the grassland. He wants to become the most powerful existence for generations, and Li Xian is his first goal.

Seeing this, concubine Zhuang whispered: "Your Majesty, Li Xian and the Tang Dynasty should be treated with care."

"Well! Sooner or later, I'm going to tear Li Xian to pieces. This humiliation can only be solved by frustrating him. "

Huang Taiji said indignantly.

Seeing this, concubine Zhuang did not dare to continue to persuade.

She is very clear that Huang Taiji's hatred for Li Xian and the Tang Dynasty comes from jealousy.

He didn't admit or believe that there were better people than him. He didn't believe that a dynasty that was only a few years old could force him to this point.

At the same time, he was more envious of the unification of the military and government of the Tang Dynasty, the monarch can be arbitrary without any worries, he was even more envious of the Tang Dynasty can develop so well.

Of course, she also knows that Huang Taiji can't wait to turn the Tang Dynasty into his thing.

"Your Majesty, Zeng Guofan asked to see you."

Suddenly, the eunuch's voice came from the door.

Huang Taiji was stunned. He remembered the name. He was one of the talents recommended by he Zhen. He had a strong ability to handle affairs. He was a good-looking person.

"Pass him in."

As Huang Taiji's voice fell, Zeng Guofan strode to the ceremony.

"What's the matter with Aiqing?"

"Report to your majesty, did you see yesterday's fold

"Yes." Huang Taiji heard this, his face slightly unhappy, said: "I am the Qing Dynasty is booming at the moment, you even asked me to delay the pace of reform, also said that the Qing Dynasty crisis is coming soon, Zeng Guofan, what do you mean?"

"I'm just telling the truth."

Zeng Guofan said calmly.

"The truth is or, hum, you talk well. If you don't speak well, you will lose your head today."

Huang Taiji said angrily.

Seeing this, concubine Zhuang said in a hurry, "Your Majesty, don't be angry. You must have found something wrong with what you said. Your majesty, since the reform, you should think about what you have done with your heart and soul

After hearing this, Huang Taiji frowned and thought about it, and then said, "you can say that at this moment, I'm trying to develop economy, agriculture and trade by drinking poison to quench thirst. Why do you say that?"

Zeng Guofan looked slightly in the direction of concubine Zhuang, and then said, "tell your majesty, what your majesty has done is not wrong. Compared with the Tang Dynasty, we have vast territory and abundant resources. At the same time, the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty is bound to be higher than that of the Tang Dynasty, but we are not as prosperous as the Tang Dynasty."

"What is it?"

Huang Taiji Q & A.

"Family, clan."

Zeng Guofan said in a deep voice: "the reason why the Tang Dynasty can develop wantonly is that all its resources are in the hands of the state, and all its decrees, even trade and economic ownership are in the hands of the state. The merchants of the Tang Dynasty need to cooperate with the dynasty, and then cooperate with other sects, strength, and even us. In this way, the Tang Dynasty has absolute power "I'm in control."

"But we are not the same. There are countless clans in the territory, and the clan is deeply rooted. Although it seems to be a prosperous scene now, once the interests reach a critical point, these clans will start to consider for themselves. Your majesty can't send troops to destroy all of them. Once these clans and clans begin to hide their selfishness, our economic chain will collapse, and we will lose without fighting. "

"Nonsense." Huang Taiji clapped his case and drank: "under the power of heaven, who dares to make trouble?"

"Your Majesty, I'm just telling the truth."Zeng Guofan said without fear.


Seeing that Huang Taiji was about to run away, concubine Zhuang quickly grabbed him and said, "Your Majesty, it's a matter of state affairs. We'd better call the ministers to discuss it. If you're not right, it's not too late for your majesty to deal with him."


Huang Taiji thought for a moment and agreed to Zhuang Fei's request.

Not long after, the ministers headed by he Zhen gathered together, and Zeng Guofan spoke his words again.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think of Mr. Zeng's words?"

Huang Taiji's eyes swept the crowd.

"Well, Mr. Zeng's words seem to be groundless."

"No, I think it's very possible. After all, a large part of China's resources are controlled by clans and clans. Once their interests move them, these guys will ignore China's development and only strengthen themselves. At that time, we will cooperate with them with greater interests and fall into a vicious circle."

"You, you are alarmist, our country..."

"Mr. Li, you seem to be a member of the Li family. Why don't you tell me how your clan thought about it?"

"I, the Li family, are loyal to your majesty."

"What happened to the three chambers of Commerce in Kyoto under your wife's name?"

For a moment, the ministers quarreled and exposed each other's shortcomings.

Listening to their words, Huang Taiji's face became more and more ugly.

At the moment, there is no need for Zeng Guofan to say more. Huang Taiji also sees the problem. It seems that, just like what Zeng Guofan said, far from it, these ministers in his hands are corrupt and pervert the law. ..