Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 574

"Urgent report, urgent report!"

Loud and clear shouts accompanied by the sound of horse hooves.

The herald in silver galloped wildly, and the horse flashed past and came straight to the city gate from the pipeline.

Just as the guard was about to stop him, he suddenly saw that the messenger on the horse was in black armor, which was the highest ranking wolf cavalry in the Qing Dynasty.

The soldiers did not dare to stand in the way, but quickly dodged.

The herald didn't give way either. He drove straight into the gate. In a moment, there was chaos at the gate of the city, and the people gave way. Although many people almost got hurt and cursed, most of them were looking forward to watching the herald and whispering what happened.

In the blink of an eye, the messenger galloped to the palace.

It is the time of the early Qing Dynasty.

The palace guard was just about to ask, and the horse had galloped past and entered the hall.

"Your Majesty, Yunnan urgent report."

The messenger rode into the hall, and the whole hall was in a mess. Huang Taiji's eyes were shining, and there was a killing.

"Your Majesty, Wu Sangui, the king of Pingxi, launched a rebellion. The opponents of the eight prefectures of Yunnan have been killed, and all the wolf cavalry garrisons have been killed."

The messenger said that, with a plop, he fell down in the hall with his horse and his men. He was dead.

"Well, what's going on?"

A minister looked at the fallen messenger muttering to himself, some do not understand the situation.

In fact, not only he, but almost everyone couldn't believe what the messenger said just now. They looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

But don't want to, this time is a horseshoe sound.

"Your Majesty, the event is not good. The king of Pingnan is still happy to revolt..."

"Your Majesty, Geng Jingzhong, king of Jingnan, conspired against him..."

"There has been a rebellion in the four counties of Bingzhou, and the state capital has been captured."

"Newspaper! The emperor Honghu plundered the state capital. Please make your decision. "

"Newspaper! There is a conflict between Shanshui League and prefectures, and prefectures ask for help. "

But in a short time, dozens of memorials came first and then. In an instant, nearly half of the land of the Qing Dynasty rebelled.

"Well, what's going on?"

"Your Majesty, could it be a false report?"

"Your Majesty, it's a conspiracy. It must be a conspiracy."

In the court, the ministers were so worried that they were caught off guard by the news. Before that, they didn't get any news.

It was like an appointment. Suddenly, everyone was ready to rebel.

"Shut up, all of you."

Looking at the chaotic court hall, Huang Taiji's face suddenly sank.

"Guard commander, first send the wounded messenger to treatment, and verify the information at the same time."

"He ordered all prefectures and counties to dispatch troops to strictly guard the city, and ordered the troops around the capital to set up and prepare to support all localities."

"Minister of the Ministry of work, prepare to supply supplies."


As Huang Taiji's orders spread, the chaotic imperial court finally stabilized. Each minister took his own orders and left. The rest of them sat in the center, studying the incident around the map and waiting for news.

Soon, the news was gradually verified.

The cavalry of the three major vassals in the Qing Dynasty was famous for the deduction of military expenditure, and the imperial Taiji had no way. Correspondingly, there were many imperial relatives.

These people were the victims of the battle between Huang Taiji and duo Ergun in those years. Later, with the death of Duo Ergun, these people were secretly cleaned up by Huang Taiji, and now they are denouncing Huang Taiji one by one.

At the same time, the clans all over the country also rose one after another. It seems that they have no deep hatred with Huang Taiji, but who doesn't want to be the founder of the country.

They will only follow the interests, any king, Dynasty is nonsense.

"Let's talk about it. How should we deal with this situation?"

Huang Taiji's eyes swept the crowd, and there was no expression on his face. Only when he saw Zeng Guofan, there was a faint regret.

On that day, Zeng Guofan wrote several times, but he didn't care. In the end, Zeng Guofan reluctantly agreed to postpone the reform when he met him in the palace.

If I could listen to him earlier, ah

Thinking of this, Huang Taiji couldn't help feeling depressed.

"Your Majesty, from the point of view of my ministers, there are nine times out of ten what happened today is related to the rumors before."

An old minister came out and said.


Huang Taiji immediately thought of the things he had suppressed before.

The account book, which appeared in the palace for no reason, records the benefits gained by the major branches since the reform, as well as the benefits gained by the aristocratic disciples and courtiers.

In fact, Huang Taiji is not stupid either. At first glance, there are problems in that account book. Many of them are groundless. It's strange that Huang Taiji knows that these ministers are not corrupt, but he also knows that the figures on it are too exaggerated.Of course, he still had to investigate this matter, but before he could find out, this account book was spread among the people, but Huang Taiji had to suppress it.

After all, once the incident became serious, it would be a challenge to the stability of the Qing Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, although you don't believe those rumors, the ignorant and ignorant people believe that they will only feel that the officials protect each other, so as long as there is a little provocation, there will be riots. And those who want to use this opportunity to incite them to achieve their own goals. "

"What do you think Aiqing should do?"

"Your Majesty wants to tell the world, thoroughly investigate this matter, punish the chief culprit, and give an account to the people."

"I said Mr. Liu, what do you mean? They all said it was a rumor."

"Yes, you can't get rid of dissidents like this."

"Your Majesty, you can't believe Mr. Liu's words."

For a time, a new quarrel took place in the court.

Looking at their appearance, Huang Taiji is so disgusted that his teeth itch. These are the pillars of the Qing Dynasty. They are so guilty that they are as anxious as ants on a hot pot without investigation. Ha ha.

"Well, I'll take care of it."

Huang Taiji forcibly interrupted the quarrel. There is no doubt that Lord Liu's opinions are very important. Only by stopping the popular uprising can we prevent further deterioration of the situation, and then he can concentrate on pacifying the rebellion.

"Your Majesty, I'm stupid to see that the biggest trouble of this rebellion is the three vassal kings. The clans always just want to take advantage of the fire. There are many important ministers and loyal ministers who came from various clans in our court. Your majesty can communicate with these clans through them."

Zeng Guofan said.

"Well, what Ai Qing said is true. I'll leave it to you."

Huang Taiji nodded, then looked at He Lin and asked, "Lord he, what do you think of this matter?"

He ran out and said, "Your Majesty, what I am worried about is not the rebellion, but whether there is something hidden behind it." ..