Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 571

The Royal City in December is snowy.

Scattered pedestrians wrapped in heavy cotton padded clothes, in a hurry, refused to stay on the road for a moment.

On weekdays, the bustling imperial city also became quiet, most of the shops were closed, and occasionally a few carriages passed by, all of them were driven carefully.

At the gate of the city, a pair of guards were still standing straight and staring at the distance, but their shoulders were covered with snow.

Today's cangxuanyu has an extremely cold winter, which is unprecedented in the eyes of many old people.

However, there was no turmoil in the early prepared Tang Dynasty, the relief food had been distributed long ago, and various emergency measures were carried out in an orderly manner.

In comparison, the Qing Dynasty is not far away.

The Qing Dynasty, which had made great efforts in reform and development, was obviously not fully prepared for this natural disaster.

A lot of victims and businessmen came into the Tang Dynasty.

I don't know when it started. It seems that the gap between the people of the Tang Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty is getting smaller and smaller. Li Xian and Huang Taiji also have a tacit understanding. They didn't set up any defense at the border, allowing the people and businessmen of both sides to go in and out freely.

Even the Qing Dynasty imitated Li Xian's practice and set up Duhufu at the border.

In the past two years, the two sides have been like this. On the surface, they seem to be in harmony. On the surface, they have been fighting openly and secretly, but they have never been less.

"Your Majesty, two more strongholds of the Qing Dynasty have been destroyed today. Here is the list and detailed process. Please have a look."

Guo Jia handed over the memorials that he had just written. Li Xian was too lazy to read them. He threw them to Zhang Juzheng and said, "just put them in the file. By the way, which one is this year?"

"Twenty three." Zhang Juzheng took the memorial and put it away. He didn't want to answer.

"So many, Huang Taiji is not tired?"

Li Xian shook his head.

Over the past year, Huang Taiji has almost gone crazy and sent spies to the Tang Dynasty to establish an intelligence network. However, Guo Jia led the royal guards to crack down on the moves. Almost half a month later, they were able to dig out a stronghold. Now Li Xian is numb to this.

"It seems that we can't wait there. However, the development speed of the Qing Dynasty in the past two years is really beyond imagination. This kind of harmony is interesting. It's easy to imitate our way of reform."

Guo Jia said with a smile.

"You don't have to say that he Lu really has a way. Marshal Yue said that he had organized several exercises at Shanhaiguan, and marshal Yue praised him very much."

Zhuge Liang said.

"That's amazing. Marshal Yue seldom praises people."

Zhou Yu said.

After this period of running in, Zhou Yu and others are really integrated together.

"Let him learn slowly. No matter how well he develops, he is ready for us."

"Sire, I think it's better for us to be careful. Instead of using this method, we'd better fight a decisive battle head-on. No matter whether we win or lose, there will always be a result. This always makes people feel uneasy."

Bao Zheng said with some worry.

"Lord Bao, you are confused."

Di Renjie said with a smile.

"The reason why your majesty let the Qing Dynasty imitate us, learn from us, and even let their people, businessmen, and zongmen come to our side to take benefits is for the sake of future planning."

"Lord Di, can you make it clear?"

Bao Zheng was stunned for a moment and asked suspiciously.

Di Renjie turned his head and looked at Li Xian, who looked around for a week. It was true that most of the generals and ordinary officials, except a few civil servants, looked confused.

"Di Aiqing, tell me in detail."

Smell speech Di Renjie nodded.

Today, in addition to the former important ministers of the Tang Dynasty, there are also new people promoted in the past two years in the imperial study. The core circle of the Tang Dynasty has more than doubled. These people are the pillars of the future and the mainstay of the future Tang Dynasty after its expansion.

It seems that your majesty has made up his mind.

Thinking of this, di Renjie said slowly, "Mr. Bao, do you remember a series of things that happened after we unified the dark realm?"

Not only Bao Zheng, but also all the people showed the look of memory.

"At that time, although we agreed to cangxuanyu by thunderbolt, it was inevitable that there was a riot on the local level, and the major branches were not under control, and even united to boycott us. When we carried out the new deal, we were greatly hindered."

Di Renjie's voice gradually became serious.

For a moment, people looked different.

There are also many original residents of cangxuanyu among them. When the harsh policies of the Tang Dynasty appeared, they really resisted.

"At that time, your majesty had expected that I and Mr. Liu would be prepared in advance, and at the same time, we would use force to suppress. Only in this way could we pass that period without danger. However, if you think about it, it's still the dilemma we encountered in the dark and dark world. What's the scene of the Qing DynastyHearing this, people's faces changed greatly.

Cang has a vast territory and abundant resources, and its clan forces are complex.

If the same situation occurs, even giving the Tang Dynasty twice as many troops can't solve it.

"If we win the war with the Qing Dynasty, then we will face these problems, the people's resistance to policies and the rebellious clan. At that time, we had just experienced a big war, and we are bound to be unable to solve these problems. In case of riots, not only our hard won victory, but also our present foundation will be hit."

"My Lord's meaning is that we make friends with the Qing Dynasty and exchange what we need. It's just to let their people, the clan, understand us, get familiar with us, and even accept us. In this way, we can avoid the post-war handling work."

"Not necessarily, there will be chaos at that time, but the pressure will be much less. The real significance of your Majesty's practice is to let Huang Taiji help us reform the Qing Dynasty and even Cang region."

"Yes, the original Cang area is in chaos. Even if we win, it will be a huge trouble to take over. It's better to let Huang Taiji deal with these things."

"But in this way, the Qing Dynasty completely changed the Cang area, and it was a thorny enemy for us, wasn't it?"

For a time, in the imperial study, the ministers had a heated discussion.

Looking at these young people, several old ministers of the Tang Dynasty smile.

A new generation has grown up.

, "what, you should not worry about this. Huang Tai Chi can reform the Cang region." but to what extent can he has the final say?

Li Xian's voice came slowly.

For a moment, everyone felt that the day of decisive battle with the Qing Dynasty was not far away. ..