Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 570

In this way, people who thought something big would happen on their birthday were disappointed.

In the end, nothing happened except a princess conggulun who appeared to be a flower maniac in the Qing Dynasty.

Wang Ling's birthday was thus spent without danger.

There is no doubt that many people who want to watch the show are very disappointed.

In their opinion, this time, either the Qing Dynasty made some big moves or the Tang Dynasty would humiliate them severely. In the end, it all ended up with a little peach news.

Late at night, Li Xian was surrounded by Wang Ling and other girls. After the banquet, they were slightly drunk, but they didn't lose their heads.

"Your Majesty, Princess angconggulen, what are you going to do? Do you want me to be confined?"

Xue Jinlian is responsible for the safety of the palace. Naturally, she is responsible for this kind of thing. As far as she is concerned, the whole dinner party is thinking about what the conggulun princess should do.

No doubt, the identity of the princess is uncertain, but you have no way to examine her, the best way is to send away the Buddha.

But who can guarantee the peace along the way? In case something happens, the princess is the fuse of the war.

However, once carried out in this way, the Tang Dynasty lost the opportunity, even if the final victory, Li Xian also fell back to a brutal reputation, leaving hidden dangers for the future.

These Xue Jinlian need to be considered, and all the women know it. What's more, they know that Li Xian will never involve the innocent unless it is necessary.

But if you don't send it back, it's a headache for you to get into trouble.

Confinement seems to be a good idea.

"It's not the same as telling people what to say. Besides, the princess is a dark chess left by he Zhen. If you are confined, she will commit suicide the next day. It's not more trouble."

Li Xian said softly.

"I see, just let your majesty accept this princess, and she will certainly face your majesty wholeheartedly, don't you think so?"

"Yes, your majesty. I think sister's idea is good. Do you want to think about it?"

"What should I consider? Now I have to consider how to deal with you. It's getting smaller and smaller."

For a moment, the sound of shame came from the bedroom.

The next morning, after the morning court.

In the imperial library, Li Xian summoned Di Renjie and Liu Bowen.

The war is about to start. Although Li Xian plans to build a path to spend his time in the dark, the two prime ministers need to know. It depends on them to know how to keep quiet and how to deal with the military affairs.

"Your Majesty, you should not criticize the use of soldiers at this moment, but there is one thing, how to fight? Please make it clear to your majesty?"

Liu Bowen said suddenly.

"What does Aiqing mean?"

Li Xian asked with a frown.

"The Qing Dynasty dominates the Cangzhou area, and the strength and the depth of the inside information are unknown to us. Although our country is becoming more and more powerful, it is almost impossible to win the war with the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, this war is a quick battle, a quick decision, a lasting consumption, a drum work to eliminate or a slow encroachment on your Majesty's life. Needless to say."

Surprisingly, this time, Liu Bowen looked solemn, and seemed to be very right. His tone actually meant to scold.

For a moment, the three men in the imperial study were silent.

After a long time, Li Xianchang sighed: "the lesson of love is that this time I am worried."

Liu Bowen said hastily: "Your Majesty is serious, but with the war, many things will be out of your control. At that time, if your majesty hesitates, how can you be worthy of the soldiers who died in vain before the battle."

"I see. You go down first."

At the moment, Li Xian has no intention to continue to discuss. After Di Renjie and Liu Bowen leave, they find Guo Jia.

Liu Bowen's meaning is clear to Li Xian.

As for how to deal with the war of the Qing Dynasty, Li Xian didn't really think about it. In other words, he had an overall plan, but Liu Bowen was worried about how to carry out this plan, and Li Xian himself hesitated.

No matter what kind of fighting, casualties are inevitable.

Li Xian did not have the heart to cause heavy casualties, but it was almost impossible to destroy the Qing Dynasty.

What Liu Bowen said is not wrong. It is irresponsible against the former soldiers.

If Li Xian can't make up his mind, then this battle can't be fought. That's what Liu Bowen means.

"Your Majesty, I beg your pardon."

While Li Xian was reflecting on what he had done, Guo Jia knelt down in front of him and pleaded guilty.

"Ai Qing, what's the crime? Please get up quickly."

Li Xian said quickly.

Although Guo Jia got up, he still said, "it's the minister who underestimated He Lin and gave him a chance to take advantage of him. His Majesty was embarrassed by his actions."

Li Xian shook his head and said, "don't say it's you. Even I didn't think of his series of actions. Give me an analysis to see if it's the same as what I thought.""I'll make a fool of myself."

Guo Jia did not refuse and said immediately.

"From the point of view of ministers, this move of He Lin is somewhat helpless. If it's not bad, they should have acted on their birthday, aiming at the important ministers around your majesty, and all this is what the other party wants us to think."

"Chen thought he had seen through each other's plan, but he didn't want to. The real purpose of each other was to hide the princess conggulun hidden among the singers."

"This move is very good. With the advantage of public opinion, it is very difficult for your majesty to find a proper reason to use troops against the Qing Dynasty. Another purpose of your opponent is to use Princess conggulun to destabilize your Majesty's harem. At this moment, your majesty will have an impact on whether you offer this princess as a guest of honor or receive her in the harem. The most important thing is that both your majesty and your ladies will have an impact The royal highness of the princess was helpless, and even the action of imprisoned her could not be done.

"I've also thought of these, so I find it difficult to deal with them."

Li Xian sighed. This time, he really got a hot potato.

"In fact, your majesty doesn't have to worry. The reason why your majesty is embarrassed is that your majesty is kind-hearted and refuses to do some dirty things. The princesses around are pawns and protons. As long as your majesty and she talk about it, trouble is trouble, but it's not difficult to deal with. What really worries me is whether there are other means behind the princess's move."

"What you said is light, or I'll go and discuss with the princess to see if they will marry you, and you'll go and say."

Li Xian is not angry to say that it is not to seek death to reason with women.

"Hey, Princess Royal, the body of the gold, or leave it to your majesty, yes, about the statue that the adults send, the minister may know what it is for."

Guo Jia said in a turn.

"Oh, why?"

"This minister doesn't say much now. He just wants to ask his majesty for his will." ..