Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 569

"He Lin wishes the empress a long life. My Lord has ordered her ministers to prepare a few small gifts. I hope the empress will not despise vulgarity."

When he stepped forward, a loud and clear voice was transmitted, and then he waved his hand, and the eunuch lifted up the same object covered by red silk.

The object is three feet square and uneven. Because it is covered with red cloth, people all guess what it is, and can't help talking about it.

With a smile, he stretched out his hand to lift the red silk. For a moment, people's eyes could not help moving with his action, but they were all stunned at the next moment.

The two eunuchs were carrying a statue of nine heaven Xuannv carved from flawless jade.

The statue is crystal clear, and the moment the red silk is untied, it emits dazzling light, which makes the surrounding lights dim for a moment.

Seeing this, Li Xian was stunned and took a look at Wang Ling.

The latter is also at a loss, both of them see the doubts in each other's eyes.

The Ministry of Rites has handed over the things he brought. Wang Ling is clear about what he brought, and he is ready to respond. After all, the things he sent are different, and the opinions are different.

However, the statue of the nine heaven Xuannv is not among them.

As for Guo Jia and others in charge of this matter, they were also stunned, but then they browed.

At the moment, Li Xian probably knows that this statue of nine heaven Xuannv is not a gift prepared by the Qing Dynasty, that is, Huang Taiji.

"I see."

Li Xian whispered, then said.

"Your country has a heart. I'm afraid this statue of the nine heaven Xuannv is not ordinary?"

"Your Majesty's eyes are burning." He said with a smile.

"This statue is thousands of years old. It is said that in the early years there was a king of a country who believed in the goddess of nine days. He worshiped her day and night and finally got her true face."

"Then, the monarch summoned all the skilled craftsmen in the world, but it was difficult to carve one ten thousandth of Xuannv's face. The monarch always regretted that if he was sincere, he would be smart. One day many years later, a huge tianwai cold crystal was born, and the monarch carved a statue of Jiutian Xuannv, which is this one."

He Lin's voice was quiet, but everyone whispered after listening.

Many people seem to have heard of this legend, even if they have not heard of it, they know what tianwaihanjing is.

"Since ancient times, tianwai Hanjing has been the object that practitioners dream of. It's amazing that an ordinary Hanjing can be as big as a palm. Is your monarch willing to take it as a gift?"

As Li Xian said, his eyes are fixed on he Zhen. He already knows that he Zhen is probably the one who brought it out himself. As for the purpose, I'm afraid it's not just for the sake of regaining face in the Qing Dynasty, so let's put it this way to test it.

Sure enough, he said with a smile, "the leader of our country is brilliant. Although the statue of Hanjing is good, it's not priceless. Since you are a mysterious lady, it's the best use to give it to the empress. As for whether you are willing or not, ha ha, I believe your majesty won't let me down."

This dialogue is not like a dialogue between the envoys of other countries and their own monarchs.

Many courtiers' faces changed slightly, and they looked around each other to point out that it was a pity that many important courtiers of the Tang Dynasty kept their eyes shut and looked indifferent.

"He is not expensive. He is the Prime Minister of a country. He has courage and means. Do you know a trick that can make people disappear out of thin air?"

Li Xian said suddenly.

"Oh, it's the first time I've heard of such a trick."

He said without expression.

"Ha ha, it's the first time I've seen them. It's strange to say that I really want to find them. But since they've disappeared, maybe it's God's will that I don't want to find them. Just let them go, don't you think, Lord."

"Your Majesty has a good opinion. This trip not only brought this statue of nine heaven Xuannv, but also another thing. I hope your majesty will not blame it."

With that, he Zhen made a big gift to Li Xian, which surprised everyone.

"this trip is not a decision to make peace. In order to celebrate the birthday of the queen of the great Tang Dynasty, my Lord sent Princess Shuo to come and ask her royal highness."

Suddenly, He Lin raised his voice and saw that the group of women who should have been arranged to perform songs and dances suddenly scattered. In the middle, a woman in palace clothes came.

This conggulun princess has a good appearance. She was born in the imperial family. She has a different kind of kingly temperament. She has a beautiful appearance. But now she is just amazing in the main hall.

After all, today's protagonists, Wang Ling, Xue Jinlian, and Fenghuang, all look better than conggulun.

"It's your princess. Your majesty has a heart. Come and have a seat."

Wang Ling's first reaction was that his eunuch invited conggulun to the queen.

"Empress Xie, although I live in the deep palace, I have heard that the Tang Dynasty is very powerful under the rule of the dragon and Phoenix in your country. Today I see that it really deserves its reputation. Empress Xie is very lucky."Conggulun's words after thanking Li Xian were exported, and his appreciation of Li Xian was not concealed, and his eyes did not move away from Li Xian.

Seeing this, people could not help worrying.

the royal highness of the princess is obviously watching her majesty.

Your majesty is so lucky that she let the princess of the enemy come all the way.

It seems that today's birthday is interesting. It's the birthday of the empress, but it's just like this.

On the surface, the crowd was still quiet and happy, but no one knew the ups and downs in the dark.

Li Xian had a smile on his face and had a banquet with his important officials, but he didn't understand his hand in his heart. Of course, he also had some admiration.

It seems that both he and Guo Jia underestimated the ability of he Zhen. Maybe they focused all their attention on the assassinations and ignored the existence of he Zhen.

What really bothers the other side is princess conggulun. Originally, Li Xian and others knew her existence, but they didn't know how he entered the palace.

Originally, Li Xian prepared several plans. Once conggulun appeared, he would try to stop her.

After all, it was for the princess of the enemy country to enter his own palace. Regardless of the subsequent influence, it was very difficult for him to launch an attack on the Qing Dynasty immediately.

They sent a princess to celebrate her birthday. You attack her with your backhand, which is very eloquent. What's more, how do you deal with this conggulun princess.

Whether or not to let go is a big problem.

In fact, the series of actions of He Lin are more disgusting than those of assassination. ..