Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 537

Not long after leaving the town, the people, led by Lu Bing, went further and further, and soon entered the mountain forest.

Lu Bing's mouth is not idle at all. In the final analysis, he is a child of fifteen or sixteen and a half years old.

"Wanren mountain is the most famous mountain in the southwest of the Tang Dynasty. There are many exotic flowers and plants in the mountain forest, and there are countless mineral veins, so many practitioners like to come here. Of course, it's not the main thing. It's said that there are old gods living in Yunxia Palace on Wanren mountain. "


Wang Ling Wen Yan looked at Li Xian, vaguely seemed to think of something.

"Yes, ma'am. Yunxia palace is also a famous place in cangxuan region. It has a long history. All the masters in the past dynasties practiced the method of longevity, and all the forces in cangxuan region respected Yunxia palace. Since the Tang Dynasty unified cangxuan, Yunxia palace has become the leader of the southwest sect. "

Lu Bing said casually.

Li Xian smiles a little. Lu Bing is a good material. Although he is a little younger, he is very observant. He seems to be talking a lot of nonsense, but he can't explain the situation here one by one.

It seems that the royal guards have found a treasure this time.

This time Li Xian went out, naturally he didn't go sightseeing.

He had known about the Yunxia palace in Wanren mountain for a long time.

The royal guards have a list of various forces in the dark realm. This list is updated in real time, but all forces worthy of attention will be marked.

The Yunxia palace is naturally one of them.

Before, Li Xian's focus did not focus on these forces in the cangxuan area. First, there were foreign invasion of the Qing Dynasty. Second, there was just reunification. These forces were not obvious.

But now it seems that Yunxia palace is determined not to submit.

Di Renjie was in charge of this matter before. With the submission of most forces, many monks who did not want to accept the leadership of the Tang Dynasty slowly gathered in Yunxia palace.

There is no other reason. The Yunxia palace is really rich.

Just as Lu Bing said, all forces in cangxuan area had a good relationship with Yunxia palace before, and it is said that Yunxia Palace also contains secret skills to break through Yuanying realm.

Di Renjie sent someone to visit Yunxia palace, but it's a pity that he didn't even have kendo.

This time, Li Xian intended to see for himself how deep the water in Yunxia palace was.

Of course, it had something to do with the discussion of the ministers in the morning.

After all, if the Tang Dynasty wants to launch a commercial war and a cultural war, it must be unified internally, and the Yunxia palace is the biggest obstacle.

Along the way, Li Xian knew something about the internal situation of the Tang Dynasty, and the fact was more troublesome than he thought.

There are many sects, and the practitioners do not want to accept the management of the Tang Dynasty.

In their view, the people-oriented policy of the Tang Dynasty damaged their interests, which is no wonder, after all, they were all high above, enjoying the glory and wealth.

How can they bear it now, just like the common people.

Gradually, these guys gathered around Yunxia palace. Although they hadn't raised their hands to revolt, Li Xianke didn't want to wait until that day.

Even if there are gods in Yunxia palace, he wants to meet for a while.

With the gradual steepness of the mountain road, the precipitousness of Wanren mountain is reflected. The more it goes up, the peaks will be like sharp blades on the ground, with jagged rocks.

The outline of the huge Yunxiao palace can be seen, but it's a pity that such a walking method can't arrive for a moment.

But fortunately, the scenery of Wanren mountain is very good. The scenery is picturesque all the way, the ancient trees are uneven, the rare birds and animals are in succession, and they have a unique flavor.

Li Xian and others are all good at cultivation. They enjoy themselves all the way.

"The jiejianting is ahead."

Suddenly, Lu Bing stopped and said, pointing to the hillside.

"It seems that you know Yunxiao palace very well. Don't you think it's well guarded and hard to explore?"

Li Xian said.

"I've been here several times, but I didn't enter the main hall. The main reason is that those people at the foot of the mountain are obviously hostile to the Tang Dynasty. Our people are also afraid of causing conflicts and damaging things. Otherwise, the royal guards will be out of action. How can they stop them. As for the defense, ha ha, what is done in Yunxia palace is shameful. Can it not be tight? "

Lu Bing said with disdain.

"It's a shame. Didn't you just say there might be immortals in it?"

Shangguan Wan'er asked curiously.

"I don't know if there are any immortals, but there are many young Taoist priests in it." Lu Bing turned his lips and continued: "these female Taoists are actually the cauldrons used by father and son in Yunxia palace. Anyway, I haven't seen them do anything else except double cultivation."

Wang Ling and others blushed and Li Xian frowned. He knew that Lu Bing's words must have been said after deliberation, so the actual situation might be even worse.It seems that Yunxia palace does not live up to its name, but why did the forces of cangxuan respect them so much?

Soon, Li Xian and his party came to the so-called jiejianting.

It's just strange to see a huge stone tablet standing on the spot from a distance.

"The world is smart and beautiful, and all directions gather Tianyuan."

These two sentences seem very strange, and they are not alike here.

Wang Ling and others are also full of poetry, but at the moment they also feel strange about the pavilion and stone tablet.

On the contrary, Li Xian looked at the things in front of him thoughtfully, and then looked up at the whole Wanren mountain, with a flash of fine light in his eyes.

"It seems that Yunxia palace is a bit of a gateway."

No matter the stone tablet, pavilion, or Yunxia palace, Wanren mountain is single and plain, but if combined, it has a great way.

Although weak, Li Xian vaguely saw the scene of the promotion of the dynasty that day.

Good luck!

The reason why a dynasty is a dynasty is precisely because of the gathering of Qi. Wanren mountain seems to be a place where Qi can naturally gather, and Yunxia palace is where Qi can gather.

"Strange, what's going on?"

Li Xian's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. If Yunxia palace had the ability to gather Qi and fortune, it would have been the overlord, but the scene in front of him could not be false.

However, when Li Xian couldn't figure out how to solve the problem, a burst of Yingyan's laughter broke his mind.

They couldn't help looking up. Behind the pavilion, a young man with extraordinary temperament came slowly, surrounded by a group of female Taoist nuns.

The young man had a peach sword hanging on his waist. His Taoist robes were floating, which meant that he was a bit of a fairy. The Taoist nuns were all delicate and enchanting.

If they were not all dressed up as Taoists, this scene would make people think that they had strayed into the land of yingyanyan. ..