Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 536

"Your Majesty."

"Change into casual clothes, call linger, let's go out."

"Ah! Just a moment, your majesty. I'll go right away! "

Hearing Li Xian's words, Xue Jinlian was stunned for a moment, then reacted and disappeared.

Seeing this, Li Xian shook his head. It seemed that it was time to spend time with them.

Not long after, the palace side door, dressed in casual clothes Wang Ling five women appear together, five people are beautiful, even in ordinary clothes can not hide the beauty of the country.

Li Xian also changed into an ordinary servant, like a rich man, holding a folding fan and going out for an outing.

At the gate, Xu Da led more than 100 cavalry to prepare their horses and chariots.

See Li Xian and others appear, quickly kneel down to meet.

"Don't be too many miles. There's nothing to go out this time, your majesty. Only Mr. Li and your ladies."

With that, Li Xian took the two beauties in his arms.

"It's your majesty. Oh no, Mr. Li."

While talking, a group of people each got on the carriage and quietly left the city.

After leaving the Imperial City, the women couldn't bear to be lonely. One by one, they left the carriage and rode on horseback.

Li Xian doesn't mind. Anyway, there won't be any problem with the strength of the five women. Besides, there are also protectors behind the scenes.

With Xu Da, Li Xian's eyes swept the picturesque scenery around him, and his heart moved slightly.

All these rivers and mountains belong to me. No wonder everyone wants to be an emperor. This feeling is really good.

"Mr. Li, do you need the support of the army for this trip? I heard that the place is not very peaceful."

Suddenly, Xu Da said softly.

"No harm." Li Xian said with a smile: "they dare to beat me out. Besides, is there General Xu?"

"Well, Mr. Li, that's what I said, but just in case..."

Xu Da also wanted to persuade a few words, but he saw that Li Xian had already driven his horse forward, so he had to swallow the words behind him, leaving them carefully protected.

In the world, Li Xian is the only one who dares to take the empress and concubine to leave the palace for an outing.

Of course, Li Xian has such capital.

He turned the Tang Dynasty into a machine, a machine without his management but with absolute control power, which other countries and monarchs could not do.

Of course, Li Xian didn't just come out to play along the way.

After the unification of cangxuanyu, Li Xian had no chance to really come out and have a look at the local conditions and customs.

There are some things that can't be seen on the memorials. Only when you see them with your own eyes can you know what cangxuanyu looked like in the Tang Dynasty.

On this day, Li Xian came to a small town.

"Let them rest outside the town. Let's go in and have a look."

"Your majesty

"No harm!"

With that, Li Xian led the girls into the town. Seeing this, Xu Da had to call his entourage and follow him.

When Li Xian entered the town, he immediately attracted countless eyes.

However, when they look at Xu Da and others behind the road, they immediately turn their heads as if they didn't see them.

Xu Da and others didn't hide their identities. Although they didn't wear the military uniform of the basaltic army, the equipment around them was all the weapons of the army of the Tang Dynasty. At first sight, they were officials.

Li Xian's control of military equipment is almost harsh, and it is impossible for the people to appear.

I found a tea stand at random and sat down.

Shangguan Wan'er said quietly: "it seems that the folk customs here are different from those in other places!"

"What sister Wan'er said is that it seems that the area here is a little remote, and many government decrees have not been promoted."

Diao Chan said thoughtfully.

"It's not that they didn't promote it, but that people here didn't listen at all." Xue Jinlian took a look at some monks who secretly looked at this side in the distance and continued with a sneer: "this is a gathering place for the monks of the king Dynasty. They don't have any Majesty in their eyes, Emperor."

With that, Xue Jinlian took a special look at Li Xian.

Several women are smart people. Naturally, they can see that Li Xian's taking them out of Ali this time is not only for sightseeing, but also for other things.

Seeing this, Wang Ling poured a cup of tea for Li Xian with a smile and said, "ladies and sisters, let's watch the scenery with peace of mind. Anyway, if someone doesn't say it, we can't guess what he wants to do even if we want to break our heads."

Hearing this, Xue Jinlian also covered her mouth with a smile and said, "what my sister said is that I didn't know anything before I followed someone every day."

Subsequently, several other women are also tongue in cheek, Li Xian can not help but look depressed.

Xu Da and several bodyguards looked up at the sky one by one.It's better not to get involved in this kind of thing.

It was almost noon, but Li Xian didn't mean to leave.

Several women can not help but be very strange.

At this time, a small beggar quietly appeared in the tea stand, carrying a broken bowl.

"Please, give me some money!"

Then the little beggar came to Li Xian.

Seeing this, Xu Da immediately pushed out, but he didn't want the little beggar to slip past like a loach.

Xue Jinlian's eyes were in a daze, her wrist was in a daze, and a chopstick was in her hand.

She will never allow Li Xian's safety to be threatened a little.

Who knows, she was just about to hand, but Li Xian pressed her wrist.

Looking back, the little beggar had already sat opposite Li Xian and said with a smile, "I've met Mr. Li, and I've met your ladies."

With that, the little beggar was not polite. He grabbed the snacks on the table and put them in his mouth.

Hearing this, everyone understood that the little beggar was his own, and Xu Da quietly retreated to one side.

"Mr. Li, you are here. If you don't come, I will starve to death."

It's not easy to swallow the things in your mouth, the little beggar said with some complaints.

Hearing that Xu Da's face changed slightly, Li Xian said with a smile, "it's natural to see the scenery on the road. It's you. A beggar who starves to death is not qualified."

"I don't want to be a beggar either. I made a mistake. The deputy commander wanted me to be a beggar. I can only kill people. Where can I ask for food?"

Seeing the little beggar's resentful face, people couldn't help smiling.

Li Xian shook his head and asked, "what's your name?"

"If you go back to Mr. Li, the villain's name is Lu Bing."

"Lu Bing?"

Li Xian pondered for a moment, as if he had heard the name somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

"Are you full?"

"Full, full."

"Well, then lead the way."

Li xianphen said, and everyone immediately got up.

The little beggar Lu Bing looked at Li Xian and the girls, and suddenly said, "Mr. Li, you don't want to take your wives up the mountain."

"Why, is there a problem?" Li Xian asked.

"Well, those people on the mountain don't have eyes. I'm afraid they will collide with the ladies." Lu Bing said hesitantly.

Seeing this, Li Xian naturally understood his meaning and said with a smile.

"I didn't know before, but after today they must have eyes."

Lu Bing, a little beggar, laughs and leaves the town. ..