Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 538

When Li Xian saw each other, the Taoist naturally saw Li Xian and others.

His eyes saw the Phoenix, Xue Jinlian and others immediately stunned, then saw Diao Chan, Wang Ling was standing in the same place, the look in his eyes was hard to hide.

At the moment, he didn't care about the young Taoist nun around him. After finishing his clothes, he went straight up and gave a polite salute. Then he arched his hand to Li Xian and said, "I'm Zhang Yunfan in the lower Yunxia palace. I dare to ask you..."

Before he could finish his words, Li Xian waved his hand. Xu Da immediately led the bodyguard to open the path to the Jiejian Pavilion. He looked like the master here.

"Your surname is Zhang. Who is Zhang's headmaster in Yunxia palace?"

On the way here, Lu Bing naturally made it clear about the news of Yunxiao palace. Zhang's surname is Zhang, and Zhang's real name is Zhang Haining. This is Zhang's only son, Zhang Yunfan.

Asked by Li Xian, the young Taoist Zhang Yunfan's face suddenly became ugly, and the Taoist nuns around him also looked like ghosts.

There's nothing else. This young boy is too arrogant.

Who doesn't know that if Zhang Yunfan says one thing about Wanren mountain, no one dares to say two. As for the northwest boundary of cangxuan region, it is Yunxia palace.

What's the origin of the boy in front of him? He has no eyes.

However, Zhang Yunfan has a lot of knowledge. He can see that Xu Da and others are all from the military. He has a quick mind. He knows that this young man may be a dignitary in the Tang Dynasty.

In a word, the Tang Dynasty was domineering enough. After the unification of cangxuan Kingdom, many unwritten rules were abolished immediately, and the law was revised. Many high-level practitioners could not survive.

Don't the Tang Dynasty know that the monks can't be provoked.

Originally, when the Tang Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty went to war, they were all waiting to see a good play. As long as the Tang Dynasty was defeated in the war, the southwest monks would immediately gather up to destroy the Tang Dynasty, so that they could know who was the master of the cangxuan region.

It never occurred to me that the Tang Dynasty had won the war.

Although the specific process of the war has not been spread out, people with clear eyes can see that the strength of the Tang Dynasty is extraordinary, and even these monks gather around Wanren mountain.

However, there is always a need for someone who is outstanding in everything. These practitioners don't want to respect the laws of the Tang Dynasty, but they don't want to be such an outstanding person. They just want to wait behind and make profits.

And the Yunxia Palace also understood this truth, and refused to come out. Once it came and went, the southwest region of cangxuan region became like this.

"It seems that the Tang Dynasty sent people to test the depth. Well, let them see today that Yunxia palace is not easy to bully."

Zhang Yunfan thought so and said with a smile: "the leader of Yunxiao palace is my father."

"I didn't see it!" Li Xian said faintly: "I heard that the leader of Yunxia palace taught immortal Zhang to have the secret skill of getting Tao, to know the immortal method, to turn a bit of stone into gold, and to turn decadence into magic. His son should be a gifted person. If you want to come to any Yuanying realm, you must not be talking about it!"

With this remark, Zhang Yunfan and the Taoist nuns looked slightly ugly, while Wang Ling and others couldn't help but smile.

This realm of Yunfan can barely be regarded as the realm of pseudo gold elixir, and its strength is beyond words. How can Li Xian not see it.

However, he is just looking for trouble today. Naturally, he will not save face for this dissolute young man.

However, in the face of such a line of words, Zhang Yunfan was able to calm down and calmly say

"it's all passed on by people outside. My father just got the real immortal's advice by chance, and the alchemy was successful. Later, the immortal granted my father the skill of driving ghosts and gods. For many years, my father has lived in Yunxiao palace to help the people and make it convenient for people. It's true to say that he got the right way, but it's true that all the heroes have to give a little face. "

Obviously, Zhang Yunfan must have practiced this set of sayings for countless times. It sounds very modest, but the last sentence virtually put the immortal Zhang of Yunxia Palace at a height of no cannibalism.

Li Xian naturally dismisses these statements. Most of the fairy tales are made up to support the appearance.

It's the same reason that emperors of all dynasties have to make a reincarnation of immortals and the arrival of real dragons. However, according to the previous information, there may be some secrets in Yunxia palace.

However, Wang Ling's several women are quite interested. They seem to think that there are gods in Yunxia palace.

"OK, lead the way ahead. I'll go to your Yunxia palace to see the immortals today."

Li Xian turned his lips and said.

"It's so good. I'm sure you won't be disappointed."

Zhang Yunfan said with a smile, but his eyes fell on Wang Ling and other women.

"No matter what you come from, you will never come back when you go to Yunxia palace. As for this young master, hum, I'll see how I deal with you."Zhang Yunfan, determined to shut the door and beat the dog, said nothing and led Li Xian and others up the mountain.

As for the rule of putting down weapons in jiejianting, people just don't see it.

Li Xiangen didn't want to give Yunxia palace any face.

In a short time, they reached the top of Wanren mountain and came to the grand Yunxia palace.

Because the Taoist nun had already informed us that at this moment, all the experts in front of Yunxiao palace came out, and dozens of experts in the realm of golden elixir came out and stood at the gate of the palace, forming a situation of encirclement.

Now Zhang Yunfan is a change before the gentle look, standing beside Li Xian, said with a smile: "this is the floating light array of our Yunxia palace, even if the Yuanying realm master is trapped in it, he can only put his hands on it, that is, the fit realm of the strong can also fight, what do you think."

Although Zhang Yunfan said it with a smile, his words were full of pride and threat.

At the moment, Zhang Yunfan's confidence is undoubtedly soaring. He grew up in Yunxia palace. The floating light array has trapped countless famous experts. Before, some dynasties did not believe in evil and sent soldiers to Gongda, but tens of thousands of people were annihilated by the floating light array.

In recent years, there have been more and more experts running to Yunxia palace. Now there are 18 yuan baby level experts gathered in Yunxia palace. Although they are not enough, they can only form a small floating light array, but I believe they can cope with everything.

Even if you are a descendant of the Tang Dynasty, you can't touch the majesty of the Yunxia palace. What's more in the Tang Dynasty.

But he didn't want to. Li Xian looked at the array in front of him and said to himself, "array, it's a bit interesting." ..