Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 525

Yuan Chonghuan and the generals of the Qing Dynasty were shocked to see the 200000 Tang troops arrayed outside the Longyang valley.

200000 troops are nothing to them. No one knows how many troops there are in the Qing Dynasty.

Because of the military and political division, the generals of all sides could not touch the military situation of other counties. They were afraid that the only people who knew the true details of the Qing Dynasty were Huang Taiji and duo Ergun.

However, yuan Chonghuan can also guess that the Qing Dynasty had an oppressive advantage in the number of troops.

Of course, what really worried him was the practitioners in the Tang army.

Yuan Chonghuan couldn't figure out why the number and quality of the practitioners in the Qing Dynasty should be very high, but why they were defeated one after another in front of the Tang army?

Of course, what scares yuan Chonghuan most is the team he is facing at the moment.

Generally speaking, on the battlefield, the attacking master has a huge advantage in momentum, which is beyond doubt.

What's more, the balance of power between the two sides is so great.

Strangely enough, the Tang army in front of him was very calm and indifferent. On the contrary, yuan Chonghuan felt a kind of fear inexplicably.

What's going on? I have a steady stream of reinforcements behind me. Why do I still feel this way.

"If you dare to rebel, you will not be caught."

Under the pressure of the inexplicable uneasiness in his heart, yuan Chonghuan came to the front of the battle and drank aloud.

His own realm is not low, at the moment this sound is resounding through the whole Longyang valley.

"Hahaha, our army is superior to heaven, and we should obey the Li people. We have done the opposite and violated the border of the Tang Dynasty. Now we dare to speak wild. We really don't know how to live or die."

Li cunxiao is ready to defend Longyang valley. Naturally, he saves the useless nonsense, and the fight is relatively merciless.

"You are only 200000 people. What capital do you have in front of the millions of troops of the Qing Dynasty? Surrender early, and don't involve the lives of innocent soldiers."

Yuan Chonghuan said again.

"Joke!" Li cunxiao sneered: "our army is fighting to protect our homeland. Tell him, are you afraid of death?"

"Not afraid!"

Two hundred thousand officers and men of the Tang army were as loud as a bell, shaking for nine days.

Every face of the Tang army was full of resolute determination. For a moment, yuan Chonghuan's face was ugly, and many of the Qing army were scared to retreat.


With a sigh from the bottom of his heart, yuan Chonghuan finally realized the strong sense of uneasiness.

It's determination, or the desire to win.

The Tang army had faith, but the Qing army was just a bunch of drunkards.

"If you want to die, I'll make it up to you."

Yuan Chonghuan's voice suddenly rose, and he stabilized the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty.

At the moment, he has no way to go back. Longyang Valley must be captured. Although he knows that these soldiers are different from the opposite, he has to make the scene beautiful.

At the beginning, yuan Chonghuan did not fight in array, but chose to let the practitioners in the array fight.

At the moment, he has understood that although there are a large number of people here, there is a big gap between the two anti ordinary officers and men. If you want to rely on these people under your command to crush the opposite side, it is unrealistic, then you have to fight through the experts.

First of all in the momentum over the other side, and then one fell swoop rout.

During the conversation, twelve Yuan Ying realm masters of the Qing army appeared together.

Of course, this was not the full strength of the Qing army.

It's just that the practitioners' state is high to a certain extent and their status is respected. Let alone the master of Yuanying's state, the golden elixir state has the power to dominate. It's hard to invite them out.

In the Qing Dynasty, the strength of all parties was to search these experts for their own use, which was the beginning of Huang Taiji.

After all, recruiting these experts is better than who gives them. As time goes by, these experts develop the personality of being respectable.

At the moment, not to mention going out with the army, it's difficult to mobilize.

Yuan Chonghuan himself managed to get these 12 masters. As for the imperial masters, they were gathered in the rear. God knows where they are at this time.

However, Yuan's eyes soon brightened.

In the other camp, there was only one Yuanying realm master, Qiao Feng.

"Great, it's an opportunity."

Although yuan Chonghuan was a little surprised, he was very excited.

Sure enough, it's just a country that has just become a dynasty. It's not rich enough. I think Geng Mingzhong has consumed all of their yuan baby masters.


With an order, twelve yuan baby realm experts rushed out.

"Well come!"

Qiao Feng gave a big drink and stood up to meet him. Although he had been injured before, it was not serious. Besides, he still had the elixir given by Li Xian with him. Now he had recovered.In this war, Li cunxiao has paid the bottom to Qiao Feng.

It's impossible to win by conventional means. At will, he used Tian Ji's horse racing method and hid other experts in the camp. In a word, the first attack of Qing army experts must be followed by Qiao Feng.

Li cunxiao originally meant to provide some helpers for Qiao Feng, but Qiao Feng refused.

He also knew that Li cunxiao had to use every bit of his resources carefully. If he was not a general protecting the country but an ordinary person, Li cunxiao would not have any helpers.

According to Li cunxiao's idea, Qiao Feng only needs to hold off some of the other's experts, but Qiao Feng doesn't think so.

"The dragon has regrets!"

With the sound of a dragon chant, Qiao Feng covered all the twelve yuan baby level masters of the other side as soon as he started. He was not afraid of such a huge number gap, and he did not fall behind in the fight alone.

"General Joe is mighty."

"General Joe is invincible!"

"The Tang Dynasty will win."

Seeing this scene, there were cheers in the army of Tang Dynasty, but the face of the army of Qing Dynasty was as ugly as eating flies.

Yuan Chonghuan, in particular, could hardly believe his eyes.

"How can it be, how can it be."

"These are twelve yuan baby level masters."

"This force can capture a small country."

"It's all Yuanying realm, even if there is a gap, but a pair of twelve, how can this be possible."

"What monsters are there in the Tang army."

Naturally, yuan Chonghuan didn't know that all the materials used by the top experts of the Tang army were the best, and they were infinitely used, and their skills were first-class. In particular, Li Xian personally cultivated the generals who protected the country.

In addition, Qiao Feng and other national defense generals have the best talent among the practitioners. All kinds of differences are put together, and the same realm is very different. ..