Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 524

With the sound of a gun, the Qing army marched into Longyang valley.

However, the Tang army has been informed that it has already been ready.

"Enemy general Li cunxiao, get out and die."

Geng Mingzhong personally led people to fight to win over the enemy.

"Who will come?"

Li cunxiao stood before the battle without fear.

"Our general is Geng Mingzhong, a great general of the Qing Dynasty. If the enemy surrendered quickly, he would not die."

Geng Mingzhong sneered.

"Ha ha ha, it's a fool's dream to ask me to surrender."

"You have the courage to attack the Qing Dynasty and seek death."

Geng Mingzhong said.

"Don't talk nonsense. You're just a local chicken and a local dog. You're doomed to the end of the Qing Dynasty."

"Cut the crap and die!"

Geng Mingzhong yells angrily, and suddenly pours on Li cunxiao from his guard.

Before he came, he had planned to kill the other coach with his own force. He was very confident in his ability.

From the previous intelligence, the advantage of the Tang army lies in its equipment. As long as it can kill the other commander, the Tang army will surely lose.

"It's just too much."

Li cunxiao sneered.

Bang bang.

In the middle of the sky, Li cunxiao and Geng Mingzhong fought fiercely together.

Although it seems that the two sides are not equal, people with a clear eye can see that Li cunxiao still has more power, while Geng Mingzhong has already done his best.


With a scream, Geng Mingzhong's figure flies backwards. He can't believe what happened to him. Li cunxiao defeated him.

It's impossible.

I'm not weak among the generals of the Qing Dynasty.

At this moment, Geng Mingzhong deeply regretted his decision. If he didn't want to fight quickly, he might have won the battle at the expense of some soldiers. Now, our army's morale is bound to suffer.


On the other hand, he said that the Tang army and the Qing army were also fighting at the same place. It is obvious that when the two sides fight each other, the combat effectiveness of each other's soldiers is not at the same level.

Perhaps, the Tang army had an advantage in equipment, but their tactics and tactics were more powerful.

The formation and strategic comparison of the two sides are not at the same level. The tactics of the Qing army are very primitive, and they all want to win by virtue of their individual bravery.

As a result, the battlefield became very strange.

Originally, the Qing army had a huge number advantage.

But inexplicably, in the Tang army's array, on the contrary, a Qing army had to face several Tang army's attacks.

At this time, a scream resounded throughout the battlefield.

Look again, Geng Mingzhong has been killed by Li cunxiao, blood splashing, head flying high.

"Your coach is dead, and we are not ready to take him."

Li cunxiao's voice resounded through the sky.

Seeing the tragic death of Geng Mingzhong, the Qing army, which had been gradually suppressed by the Tang army, completely lost confidence, and most of them laid down their weapons.

They don't understand why their powerful self will fail, but they don't want to die. Most of them have passed the comfortable life, and they have no blood of their ancestors. At the moment, they have no backbone. Surrender to the Tang Dynasty is the best choice.

With the surrender of Geng Mingzhong's troops, the Tang army won the first battle of Longyang valley. In this race against time, Li cunxiao won the first step.

However, none of the soldiers of the Tang army looked excited and excited.

Li cunxiao has already made it very clear that in this war, they are alone in depth, without backup, no way out, only themselves.

They were all soldiers who initially followed Li cunxiao and Li Xian, and their loyalty was incomparable.

After the victory, everyone quietly cleaned the battlefield, preparing for the next more severe war.

And this scene, in the eyes of the surrender of the Qing army, is simply incredible.

The news of Geng Mingzhong's annihilation soon spread to yuan Chonghuan in the rear.

All the generals of the Qing army could not believe their ears.

What happened.

Geng Mingzhong, a Veteran General in the army.

Without 100000 troops, come prepared.

It's gone. I died in the first World War. I don't even have time to react.

If we say that the terrible rumors of the Tang army before are exaggerated in their hearts.

But now they're feeling fear.

Is the Tang army really more powerful than them? Is the Tang Dynasty really more powerful than the Qing Dynasty.

No, absolutely not.

It must be an illusion.

For a moment, the generals discussed how to deal with the current situation.

It's a negotiation, but it's a big fight.Perhaps, this is a habit they have formed over the years. Once something goes wrong, they will put the responsibility on others.

It's good to be alone anyway.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a moment of life and death for the Qing Dynasty. We should unite as one."

Yuan Chonghuan finally couldn't look down and said coldly.

For a moment, the crowd was silent.

"What general Yuan said is right. We should unite as one. It's better that we block the Longyang Valley and let the follow-up troops go around. Although it's a little late, we can avoid confrontation."

Said one of the generals.

Undoubtedly, although this practice is slow, the most important thing is to be safe. At least, we don't have to bear the responsibility.

Yuan Chonghuan was stunned. He naturally understood that time is the most important thing for Shanhaiguan.

If we can't get there in time, everything will be over, but it seems that everyone has to choose this safe way.

For a moment, yuan Chonghuan was helpless.

He is not Dorgon. He can't force these people to obey his orders.

At this moment, the voice of the messenger came suddenly.

"The general is not good. The Tang army is attacking!"

Hearing this, all the people in the camp looked at each other for a moment. They were still some distance away from Longyang valley.

The Tang army over there just fought Geng Mingzhong. How can they attack now.

In their mind, even if Tang Jun defeated Geng Mingzhong, they also suffered heavy losses. The reason why they didn't want to attack was that they were afraid of failure on the one hand, and they were even more afraid of being robbed of their credit, especially yuan Chonghuan.

However, what does the Tang army mean by attacking at this time.

"Make it clear what the Tang army is attacking him and how they can attack him."

A grumpy general grabbed the messenger and said fiercely.

"General, it's true. The Tang army has been arrayed outside the Longyang Valley and is about to attack."

The messenger said quickly.

Hearing this, yuan Chonghuan's face changed.

He suddenly understood what Tang Jun thought.

These people are nuts. They're nuts.

The Tang army knew that they might make a detour from other places to help Shanhaiguan, so their generals forced them to put the battlefield in Longyang valley.

There are only 200000 of them. In the face of the continuous attacks of the Qing Dynasty, there is no other way out but death.

How can it be? How can there be people who take the initiative to seek death in this world.

Yuan Chonghuan naturally did not understand the loyalty of the Tang army. ..