Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 526

Of course, under normal circumstances, a pair of twelve is a bit of a fantasy.

However, Qiao Feng is an exception.

In other words, this is Qiao Feng's talent. No matter what opponent or situation he is in, he always has a way to win. If we have to explain, we can only say that he is gifted.

Seeing that Qiao Feng is so powerful, Li cunxiao's heart of choice is also relaxed.

At the beginning, he let Qiao Feng do this thing is also worried.

To do so is to take risks. As a general protecting the country, if Qiao Feng is killed in this way, Li cunxiao doesn't know what to do.

When Qiao Feng refused his help, Li cunxiao was even more helpless.

He felt that Qiao Feng was a little conceited.

But seeing this war, Li cunxiao had nothing but admiration.

There is no doubt that Qiao Feng's practice makes many of his subsequent ideas useless, but Li cunxiao doesn't care.

Qiao Feng's success is far more useful than his plans.

Just then, a scream came.

I saw a Qing army master fall from the sky, seven orifices bleeding to death.

For a moment, the Qing army was shocked.

Then came a second scream.

Qiao Feng, like the God of heaven, bombarded the other experts one after another.

"Monster, this is a monster."

Yuan Chonghuan let out a full army charge.

He can't wait any longer. If he goes on like this, his morale will be reduced to the weakest, and there will be no chance at all.

At the moment, yuan Chonghuan looks at Qiao Feng in the sky, as if he saw the killing of his father and enemy.

He thought about all the changes on the battlefield, but he didn't expect it.

One person has changed the direction of the whole battlefield.


With the war drum thundering, the soldiers of both sides were fighting together.

Blood, fighting, screaming.

On this day, the land in front of Longyang valley was soaked with blood.

"General, we can't do it. Let's withdraw."

Deputy general pull kill red eye yuan Chonghuan said.

"Go away, I..."

Yuan Chonghuan was not reconciled. He didn't believe that he would be defeated by a general of the Tang army, and he didn't want that general to have only 200000 troops.

However, everything in front of him was like a thorn in his heart.

"No, it's impossible."

On the ground, countless corpses were piled up, most of them were the corpses of the Qing army. Facing the Tang army close at hand, the troops of the Qing army stood in one place, shivering.

Every soldier of Tang army was bloody, like a devil. In front of them, the soldiers of Qing army were as weak as lambs.

It's clear that the number of people has an advantage. Why is it like this.

Yuan Chonghuan kept asking himself.

There are only four yuan baby masters left after they die. They are still more out of breath and less in air. All the masters in the golden elixir realm are gone.

These Tang soldiers are crazy. They are not the opponents of the practitioners of the golden elixir realm at all, but those soldiers rush on them like they are not dying. One hundred, one thousand, they kill all the experts of the golden elixir realm with this sea of people tactic.

What's more terrible is that it was the enemy's general who took the lead in the charge.

When a war starts, there is no general at the front, the captain, the commander, and the soldiers at the end. It's unreasonable.


In the end, yuan Chonghuan said the last thing he wanted to say.

The Qing army retreated like a fugitive and was defeated.

Yuan Chonghuan's words of suffering.

This was his chance to prosper, but now, God knows what kind of responsibility he needs to bear.

Over the years, yuan Chonghuan has witnessed the darkness of the court Hall of the Qing Dynasty.

If he wins, the credit will be shared by the generals around him, which is the result of everyone's unity. After all, these generals represent the forces in the court.

But if he loses, all the responsibility is his.

These people will push clean, I'm afraid their end will be very good, because he is a person of Dorgon.

If it's an ordinary person, Huang Taiji may be open-minded, but for Dorgon's people, Huang Taiji would like to die a few more.

For a moment, yuan Chonghuan suddenly felt as if he were dead.

As a last resort, yuan Chonghuan could only retreat.

His army was several times more than that of the Tang Dynasty, but he was still unable to capture the Longyang valley. Instead, he was driven away by Li cunxiao's sudden attack, and finally returned to the plain to camp.

The news of Longyang Valley soon came back to the Qing Dynasty.

At that time, the whole Qing Dynasty was shocked.

If the victory of the Tang Dynasty can be explained by fluke and surprise.So this time, Li cunxiao held the Longyang valley with a weight of 200000, which is purely a display of strength.

They can't believe that the Qing Dynasty lost to the Tang Dynasty in the confrontation.

"What do you think of yuan Chonghuan's request for support?"

Huang Taiji's eyes swept the ministers, his eyes were gloomy and his voice was cold.

"Your Majesty, Huang Taiji has a bad start. It will damage our soldiers and should be cut off."

"Yes, your majesty, yuan Chonghuan's defeat must be severely punished to rectify the morale of the army."

At that time, the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty recounted yuan Chonghuan's crimes. For a moment, it seemed that the former general had become an unforgivable criminal.

"Enough!" Huang Taiji beat the dragon book case hard and roared: "now the enemy is at hand. You don't want to retreat from the enemy one by one. You have to kill the general first. I think it's you who should die."

"Your Majesty, I know my sin."

For a moment, all the ministers fell to their knees.

Seeing this, Huang Taiji had no place to vent his anger.

The law is not responsible for the public. What can he do.

If you think about it carefully, it's not for your own sake that the Qing Dynasty is like this. If it's not for the damned infighting, why is it like this? If it's not for Dorgon


With a deep sigh, Huang Taiji was helpless.

After an hour's discussion, no one finally came up with an effective way. The countermeasures discussed were nothing more than increasing the number of staff, and then pinned their hopes on Dorgon.

They all seem to believe that Dorgon will not fail.

However, there is a deep worry in Huang Taiji's heart. He is afraid that Dorgon will fail.

After retiring from the court, Huang Taiji brought in Hezhen.

He still has a lot of trust in him.

For nothing else, he is really greedy, but he is also collecting money for Huang Taiji.

The Qing Dynasty is so big that its power is intertwined, and there are many clans and clans. If there is no Helin's crazy money collection, Huangtaiji can support the Qing Dynasty.

"Ai Qing, do you have a plan to retreat from the enemy?"

Huang Taiji asked.

"Your Majesty, today, the real threat of the Qing Dynasty is not the Tang Dynasty. There is no way to retreat from the enemy, but there is a plan to protect ourselves." ..