Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 520

The memorials from all over the country came like snowflakes, Shanhaiguan was besieged, canglanjiang defense line was broken, and the Tang army troops entered the territory of the Qing Dynasty. For a moment, it seemed that there were traces of the Tang army in all places, but the number was small.

They constantly harass the important checkpoints, passes and counties of the Qing Dynasty, but there is no trace left. So far, the number and purpose of the Tang army in the Qing Dynasty are unclear.

"Your Majesty, when the Tang army enters our country, it is necessary to get rid of it. I ask for an order to send troops to kill the enemy."

Above the hall, a general came out to fight.

Until this time, most of the generals of the Qing army didn't pay much attention to the Tang army.

They just think that the situation of Shanhaiguan and canglanjiang is a bit unexpected.

It must be the carelessness of the two princes. Otherwise, how could we fail.

No, this is an opportunity. When I lead the army to destroy the Tang army, I will not be able to get the glory and wealth easily.

Almost everyone is just this kind of idea, the perennial comfortable life has already let them develop a luxurious and licentious character, they have not put anyone in the eye.

For them, the Tang army is a small and weak mole ant, which can be crushed to death by stretching out its hand. This is a good opportunity to go out and collect merits.

"Your Majesty, I ask you to go to war."

"Your Majesty, I am willing to go to pacify the chaos."


For a moment, several generals came out one after another, hoping to get a good chance of promotion and wealth.

"Emperor, I think it's urgent to find out the real situation of Shanhaiguan and the real intention and specific strength of the Tang army."

The calm voice of He Lin came slowly.

He was always silent in the court. His voice was very high this time, which immediately suppressed the noise of the ministers. His eyes looked at Dorgon, then fell on Huang Taiji's face, and then lowered his head.

The meaning of this short glance is obvious. Now, it's not the time for infighting.

Looking at the courtiers in front of him, Huang Taiji was shocked.

"When did these heroes gallop on the grassland become this picture?"

"When did the mainstay of the Qing Dynasty become so greedy? It's useless."

"Were the brains of the generals who kept the Qing Dynasty running eaten by dogs?"

For a moment, a deep sense of powerlessness surged into my heart.

"Lord he, the army of the Qing Dynasty is invincible for the strength of the Tang army."

"That is, with adults, don't make alarmist remarks. The entry of the Tang army is just a small group of cavalry harassment, just to cheat our army to attack and delay time. We have used this tactic countless times."

"And my lord..."

For a moment, the public was very disdainful of He Lin's remarks.

In their eyes, He Lin just wandered between Huang Taiji and duo Ergun, and then he became the prime minister. He had no other skills except greed.

However, they never thought that they could maintain the balance between Huang Taiji and duo Ergun, but they could be reused by both sides without standing in line, which is innumerable times more powerful than them. Moreover, over the years, he has never been wrong in taking charge of the prime minister's position.

It's not everyone's ability to earn a lot of wealth and satisfy everyone at the same time. The most important thing is that they seem to have forgotten that he Lin had nothing at that time. He climbed up the military court step by step and stood in the position of a civil minister.

The most important thing they should not forget is that in those years, he was also the leader of the war. Moreover, he may be another general in the Qing Dynasty who was not defeated except Dorgon.

Of course, maybe they didn't forget it. It's just that some people tend to ignore the strengths of others and see only their weaknesses.

"Small cavalry, harassment. Have you ever seen any small cavalry attack more than 40 counties in three days?"

All of a sudden, He Lin yelled, a cold murderous air spread, and drank the officials directly.

"The Tang army is a mole ant. What's the guard next to canglan river? There are millions of guards in Shanhaiguan and canglan river. It will take a few days to stand there and kill. But overnight, the news of Shanhaiguan is unknown, and canglan river is lost. That's what mole ants do in your eyes. It's ridiculous that the Qing Dynasty has come to a critical juncture, and we are all in our dreams. "

He Lin's words fell into the ears of the courtiers, more like a thorn in their heart.

Maybe not everyone is living in a dream, but others are living in a dream, so why should he wake up alone? Sometimes, waking up is a very tired thing, so it's better to enjoy it. Maybe they all know the truth, but now they are directly exposed by he Lin. maybe only they can understand that feeling.

Of course, the most ugly face is Dorgon and Huang Taiji.

In the final analysis, the Qing Dynasty is still the result of the two of them. This is the most terrible. The corruption from the top to the bottom of a dynasty can not be controlled at all.He Lin's eyes swept over the two masters. There were countless words in his heart that he wanted to export, but he couldn't say a word.

Duo Ergun is self respecting and doesn't agree with Huang Taiji. Of course, He Lin knows what he's thinking. There's no evidence for their brother's love affair with Zhuang Fei on the grassland. It's just that seeing duo Ergun holding the woman who looks like Zhuang Fei every day, even a fool will know what he's thinking.

As for Huang Taiji, maybe all emperors are misers, sparing no effort to protect their women, rights and status.

And these generals, proud of their merits, desperately enjoyed the benefits, oppressed the people and treated them as slaves. Don't these guys understand that the people are the foundation of their dynasty.

Once upon a time, he was also a talented young man who wanted to make a career in the world. However, he did not know when he became this figure.

Perhaps, he had expected the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, so he would try his best to accumulate wealth. Nothing is more trustworthy than the money in his hand.

For a moment, the silent needles on the whole court hall could be heard.

However, at this time, a bodyguard rushed to the Golden Hall in a hurry.

"Report, inform your majesty, Shanhaiguan is besieged by the Tang army, without food for many days, ask for help on behalf of the good prince."

"It is reported that Prince azig was captured by the Tang army."


The incessant reports are used like tides of water. The battlefield situation, which originally had no news at all, is now just like the Jedi, with countless news coming bravely.

When every war report came, the faces of Huang Taiji and his courtiers were ugly. When all the war reports were over, the whole Qing dynasty fell into a dead silence.

Everyone's heart is magnificent, their brain seems to have lost its function, everyone's heart is only a word.

"How could that be?" ..