Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 521

"Your Majesty, I ask you to go to war."

When the Qing Dynasty officials were helpless, a low voice sounded slowly.

The voice is not loud, but with the sound, the ministers instantly quiet down, the voice seems to have a huge magic, let a person incomparably at ease.

Dorgon stepped out slowly and stood in the center of the hall, bowing to Huang Taiji.

For a moment, people were shocked.

For many years, Dorgon did not give such a formal and solemn salute.

"Well, the troops of the Qing Dynasty are up to you."

Without any hesitation, Huang Taiji directly handed over the commanding power of the army of the Qing Dynasty to duoergun.

He knew that the Qing Dynasty needed a big war to stabilize the morale of the army. Dorgon was the best choice, but the fate was really ironic.

It took him countless years to take the military power from Dorgon, but now he has to send it back in person.

But Huang Taiji has no way. At present, few people he can trust, and Dorgon is the only one who has the ability to revive the morale of the army.

He is a wolf in the grassland, a myth of invincibility, and a god of war in the eyes of the people of the Qing Dynasty.

It's just, what happens after that.

Huang Taiji understands that after duoergun gets military power, he will never hand it over. This is why he does not hesitate to let zhe Zhe and others control Li Xian. Huang Taiji does not want to fight.

Once the war started in the Qing Dynasty, Dorgon was bound to take back the military power. Now Huang Taiji doesn't want to expand his territory and fight everywhere. What he wants is to stay on the throne.

It's just a pity that nature makes people.

"Thank you for your trust. I will live up to my mission."

Dorgon also did not have any hesitation, turned and strode away from the hall.

"May the Regent return soon."

The voice of congratulation from the ministers showed that everyone was full of confidence in Dorgon's expedition, because the Regent was invincible, which was a myth in their hearts.

However, Huang Taiji's face is more and more ugly.

After the end of the early Dynasty, the ministers did not leave. Many people asked to see Huang Taiji, but they were blocked by jing'er outside the imperial study.

"Your Majesty, you should still see them."

Zhuang Fei gently rubbed his shoulder for Huang Taiji and said softly.

Huang Taiji closed his eyes, frowned and said in a cold voice: "seeing what they are doing, these people just come to complain. They say that Dorgon should be on guard when he is in power. They will complain in a few days. They say that the Regent is rampant and domineering. It's just a violation of their interests. How can the Qing Dynasty become like this?"

As intelligent as concubine Zhuang, he naturally knows the reason. Maybe Huang Taiji himself knows the reason, but he doesn't want to admit it.

"Your Majesty, it's still the consolation of the Qing Dynasty. Now that Shanhaiguan and canglanjiang are defeated, it's better to give him military power than your Majesty's personal expedition without the Regent."

"That's right, but I'm more worried about other strengths."

Huang Taiji opened his eyes with a sense of killing in his cold eyes.

The dynasties around Cangzhou region have been eyeing me for a long time. The reason why I don't want to go to war for many years is here. Hateful, the Tang Dynasty has done me a bad job.

At the moment, Huang Taiji blamed all the faults on the Tang Dynasty, but he did not think that it seemed that they started the war first.

Now, however, none of this matters.

Huang Taiji was more worried about how to deal with Dorgon. As for the defeat, he never thought about it. No matter what his grudge with Dorgon was, he also believed that Dorgon would not lose to the Tang Dynasty.

As for how to deal with the follow-up, it depends on whether Dorgon really wants to go to that step.

Think of here, Huang Taiji's eyes in kill meaning more victory.

"Yuan Chonghuan, mobilize the children's army of the eight banners."

In the camp of the Qing Dynasty, without any delay, Dorgon immediately ordered his troops and horses to gather the generals.

"It's the Lord, but it may take some time for the army to gather, and it will also take time for the soldiers and horses from all parts of the country to come together. Should we first gather the generals from all parts of the country to discuss the countermeasures?"

Yuan Chonghuan hesitated for a moment and said that the army of the Qing Dynasty belonged to various departments, and it was impossible to deploy them in a unified way. Even if there were instructions from his majesty waiting for them to be transmitted level by level, it would take time for the armies from all over the country to come.

"No, when the local armies arrive, your majesty will deal with it. First, you have to worry about our troops and prepare food and grass. I will lead the troops to set out first, and then the troops will go straight to Shanhaiguan."

Dorgon didn't look at the crowd at all. He gave the order directly. Obviously, he was ready to fight him.

Yuan Chonghuan, also a famous general of the generation, immediately understood the meaning of Dorgon and said in surprise, "Wang Ye wants to let the army feint and lead his army to attack canglan river?"

Dorgon nodded his head and said: "yes, the Tang Dynasty is using the strategy of resourcefulness this time. Since they have the ability to attack canglan River and the generals infiltrate into it, why can't they attack Shanhai Pass for a long time? They even let Daishan send out a letter asking for help. It's obvious that they want us to go to the rescue and ambush on the way. At that time, the infiltrating Tang army will join together and attack both inside and outside. What do we have How many people are not enough to see. Since they want to take risks, I will play with them. Once the canglan River defense line is broken and the return of the Tang army is blocked, I see what countermeasures they have. "Dorgon said coldly.

"Regent, although this plan is ingenious, but the king's body is in danger. Let me go."

Yuan Chonghuan couldn't help saying.

"You can take down canglan river. Besides, if I command the army, I'm afraid your majesty won't rest assured. I have my own worries about this. You just need to stabilize the defense line for me. Do you understand?"

"The end will take orders."

Yuan Chonghuan quickly nodded his head and agreed. At this moment, he realized that the sudden reconciliation between duoergun and Huangtaiji was only a superficial phenomenon. In fact, they were still exploring each other's bottom line. It seemed that the Qing Dynasty was really going to change this time.

For a time, the military barracks around the Qing Dynasty were very busy. With a dispatch, the troops from all sides were busy gathering.

Under the cover of night, the army quietly left the capital of Qing Dynasty and headed for canglan river.

If you look at it carefully, all the soldiers in this army are wearing black armor, covering the whole body. You can't see their faces clearly. What's more strange is that they look like walking dead.

The marching speed of this team is extremely fast. Although it is infantry, its speed is no slower than that of cavalry. God knows why these people can be so fast in such heavy armor.

Only Dorgon, who is in the front of the team, has a cold face and a pair of seemingly calm eyes full of cold killing intention. ..