Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 519

When Li cunxiao led the white tiger army to the Bank of canglan River, he saw a shocking scene.

Before that, after they got the result, Yue Fei asked Li cunxiao to lead the army to come. After all, the key point of Zhou Yu's plan was time.

However, Li cunxiao never thought that when he came here, Zhou Yu had finished the battle. Even Chang Yuchun's Changlin army had formed a floating bridge and opened up a way to enter the territory of the Qing Dynasty.

"Did Zhou Yu expect that, so he started ahead of time?"

Li cunxiao could only think of this possibility. For a moment, he suddenly felt that Zhou Yu was a little terrible.

It is not so much the victory of wisdom as Zhou Yu's determination of the people's will.

Immediately, Li cunxiao rushed to the camp. On the way, he met Chang Yuchun, who was commanding the army to cross the river.

"Cunxiao, you don't know. It's really beautiful to win this time."

As soon as he came up, Chang Yuchun talked endlessly to Li cunxiao about how Zhou Yu pacified canglan river before.

While listening to Chang Yuchun's story, Li cunxiao was even more surprised.

All of Zhou Yu's strategies, to put it bluntly, are just four words to lure the enemy into depth.

He did not specify tactics for the whole army of the Qing Dynasty, but made a judgment for general azig of the Qing army.

Through the data of the royal guards, Zhou Yu accurately judged the situation of the Qing army camp, analyzed the character and weakness of Shi Lang and ajig, and then carried out the plan.

First of all, he tried to make Liang Jun fight against Shi Lang, deliberately suppressing Shi Lang, so that the other side had to deal with the power and was physically and mentally exhausted. At the same time, he let azig delegate power to Shi Lang, creating the illusion that both sides were powerful enemies.

However, Zhou Yu understood that although azig gave power to Shi Lang, he was certainly not happy. After all, Shi Lang supported a great war, and where did he put his face as a warlike prince.

Over time, azig's desire for victory and fighting became more and more urgent, and Shi Lang was also exhausted in the duel.

At this time, Zhou Yu suddenly launched a decisive battle, and then created the illusion of being defeated.

Shi Lang, who is tired of coping, will only focus on the battlefield, while azig, who is eager for victory, can't wait to see the Tang army's defeat. Days of repression make him forget everything and try his best to touch it.

Along the way, Zhou Yu's detailed layout completely made azige think that the Tang army was defeated and wanted to win the Tang army camp regardless of everything.

However, the Tang army had already withdrawn from the camp, and countless gunpowder was buried under the whole camp. When azig's army rushed in, it detonated the gunpowder, which instantly made the Qing army lose its combat effectiveness.

At the same time, the whole army of azig was annihilated with little effort.

To put it bluntly, the whole plan was not particularly brilliant. Almost the marshals of the Tang army were able to work out such a plan to lure the enemy into depth. However, Zhou Yu saw all the details on the battlefield, and every reaction of the enemy generals was expected by him, which made this simple plan smoothly implemented.

"Zhou Gongjin is really powerful."

After hearing Chang Yuchun's words, Li cunxiao couldn't help sighing and deeply felt Zhou Yu's horror.

"Your Majesty is so discerning. No wonder Gongjin is in charge of this battle."

Invisibly, Chang Yuchun is very close to Zhou Yu's tone.

Not long after, they came to the camp. Along the way, the soldiers of the Tang army were in high spirits. This sudden victory was enough to make everyone excited.

Of course, they saw more prisoners of the Qing army.

The 700000 troops stationed in canglan river of the Qing Dynasty were generally killed by Zhou Yu's plot and half of them were captured. In this war, Zhou Yu could be said to be a perfect victory. What's more terrible is that it took him only a few days.

"Governor Zhou."

"General Li."

In the camp, Zhou Yu and Li cunxiao met each other, and the host of the protocol was seated.

"Since General Li dares to come, Gong Jin will not be polite. In this battle, our army captured ajige and Shi Lang alive, and now they have sent people to the imperial city. In addition, this is the route to enter the boundary of the Qing Dynasty. These cities must be captured first, so that we can intercept the enemy to the maximum extent and form a encirclement."

Hearing this, Li cunxiao stepped forward and looked at the battle map in front of Zhou Yu.

"Governor Zhou was really thoughtful, so I started immediately."

"That's very good. You and General Chang are divided into two groups. Remember that in this battle, we should divide our forces first and then encircle them."

"I understand. In this way, the defense on this side will be entrusted to the governor."

"Don't worry, general."

There was no superfluous words. All the people present knew the art of war well and understood the importance of speed in war. They should attack immediately.

At the same time, Yue feibing surrounded the mountain customs.

Dai Shan constantly sends messengers to break through the siege, but they are all stopped by Yue Fei one by one. The whole Shanhaiguan Pass turns into a dead city, and no news can be transmitted. As the food supplies are gradually consumed, the soldiers in the city gradually start to panic.At this moment, they have no previous arrogance, until now, they finally understand that the withdrawal of the Tang army was not defeated by them at all, just to further kill them.

What's more terrible is that the reinforcements who were supposed to be behind them didn't arrive. At first, they still had a little fantasy.

Dai Shan can also use reinforcements to appease them, but now, everyone knows that the fighting power of the Tang army is far beyond their imagination, and those following them may have been completely destroyed.

But they were wrong about that.

The reinforcements that originally followed them were indeed intercepted by Yue Fei, but they were not eliminated.

Yue Fei deliberately just blocked them so that these people could not move forward.

The Qing army didn't understand the horror of the Tang army. Yue Fei had 10000 ways to eliminate them, but he didn't.

He waited for the Qing army to pass on the news of the siege of Shanhaiguan. Only in this way can he disturb Huangtaiji to the greatest extent. At the same time, he will not expose the real situation of Shanhaiguan. What's more, he can hide the strength of the Tang army and cooperate with Zhou Yu's actions.

On the other side, on the Bank of canglan River, Zhou Yu firmly defended the defense line, Li cunxiao, Chang Yuchun and others' troops immediately divided into parts after they entered the territory of the Qing Dynasty. Each team had a small number of people. They began to attack from the surrounding counties. In this way, they could make the Qing Dynasty despise them to the greatest extent. When they gathered their main forces to Shanhaiguan, it was a decisive battle It's the moment of the day.

After such a long defensive counterattack, the Tang Dynasty finally launched a full-scale war and spared no effort to launch the attack. ..