Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 516

With the attack of the Tang army, Dai Shan hastened to command the troops to fight.

Undoubtedly, his words gave him some confidence.

This may be a psychological effect. Dai Shan always feels that the Qing army is still the extremely powerful existence in the area of eating and supporting Cang.

But in fact, all this is just his fantasy.

It was the practitioners of both sides who started the duel first.

Unlike generals, practitioners are specialized in training and rarely take part in such wars.

After all, most of the purpose of the practitioners was to seek a long life and obtain a more respected status, which was also given to them by the Qing army.

In contrast, the Qing army's Xiushi team was much stronger than other dynasties.

When Huang Taiji first controlled these practitioners, his purpose was to collect them for his own use, train them and make unified arrangements.

At the same time, we should train the soldiers and promote the strong practitioners from the soldiers. In this way, we can form a strong team of practitioners all the time.

Undoubtedly, this point coincides with Li Xian's idea.

It's a pity that Huang Taiji doesn't have Li Xian's powerful resources as support. After all, the resources needed by every practitioner are astronomical.

Secondly, with the Qing Dynasty unifying Cang area, Huang Taiji's focus was on internal struggle, and the plan for this practitioner was shelved.

Therefore, it seems that the cultivation Team of the Tang army is really good, with a large number and average strength.

But the Tang army's was even more terrifying.

It's just an army of monks.

In the sky, the roar and all kinds of brilliance of the earthquake continued to flash, a scream came, a corpse fell from the sky, as if it was raining.

Dai Shan's face was pale.

It is not difficult to see from the clothes that these fallen monks were from the Qing Dynasty.

I don't know who was the first one to escape. Then, those high-ranking practitioners in the air ran away, only to hate that their parents had two less legs.

In the blink of an eye, the practitioners of the Qing Dynasty ran away completely. Looking back, the practitioners of the Tang army in the air were uniform and majestic.


In the middle of the Tang army, a command came.

All the practitioners in the air put out their hands together. In a short time, a ball of light about tens of feet gradually became clear.

"Lord, run

The soldiers fled to the bottom of the city in a hurry, and the former generals of the Qing army ran away in an instant.


A huge ball of light came down from the sky, directly smashing a huge depression at the head of the mountain customs. Then, countless Tang troops came from the city.

The seemingly solid celestial being could not stop the attack of the Tang army.

In a flash, the Qing army knew what terror was.

The next moment, the two sides are close to each other.

Something even more terrifying happened to the Qing army.

The fighting ability of the Tang army was too strong, and their equipment was even more powerful than imagined. It was very difficult for the Tang army to be injured by the attack of the Qing army.

But after a few breaths, the Tang army had occupied the outer city, and the Qing army was still retreating.

It's hard to imagine that this is a duel between the two sides with the same strength.

Even Yue Fei did not expect that the battle would be so easy.

According to his estimation, there is no great difference between the Qing army and the Tang army. The victory should be between four and six. Originally, he prepared several ways to deal with it.

Unfortunately, this time he really overestimated the Qing army.

Over the years, the ease of life smoothed the spirit of the Qing army, and their arrogance and conceit made them have no courage to face the danger.

Even more than half of the so-called million troops are still on the way.

When the Qing army saw that the general was killed, there was nothing left in their mind but to escape.

"My life is over."

Looking at the flood of Tang army, Dai Shan's heart is full of despair.

Looking at the soldiers around him, his heart is full of helplessness.

He doesn't know why he lost today, but it's too late to say anything.

Only to die for our country.

Immediately, Dai Shan is ready to fight the Tang army to the death. It's just death. What's the big deal.

But don't want to, at this time, the momentum of the Tang army suddenly call for a golden withdrawal.

For a moment, Dai Shan was in the same place, and the Qing army looked at each other face to face.

What the hell is Tang Jun doing.

However, the Qing army immediately cheered to celebrate the victory, but also to celebrate the afterlife.

God knows what it is to celebrate when the other side withdraws. However, it is not important for the Qing army.

"Marshal, why do you want to retreat? We're going to break the mountain and sea barrier."

Not only the Qing army was puzzled, but also the generals in the Tang army were confused about why Yue Fei suddenly wanted to withdraw.After returning to the camp, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun and many other generals were puzzled, and Li cunxiao was also puzzled.

Yue Fei's action just now is a bit unexpected.

"Ha ha, as far as I know, there are two cities inside and outside Shanhaiguan. The inner city is so strong that if the other side sticks to it, I'm afraid our army will suffer heavy losses."

Yue Fei's eyes swept the crowd.

"There were some generals who were afraid of death in the middle of the Tang army. Just because the inner city was strong, we should attack more to avoid the other side's recovery."

Guan Yu can't help saying.

"What general Guan said is even worse, but you should read this letter first."

Yue Fei didn't mind. He took out a letter and handed it to Li cunxiao, who glanced at it with a slight frown.

"I've just received this letter. It's written by the commander of Qilin County, Zhou Gongjin. There's a bold idea in his letter. It's also for this reason that the commander stopped attacking the city. All the generals have a look."

Yue Fei counts.

Li cunxiao hands the letter to Guan Yu. The latter takes a look at it, and his face changes. A moment later, the letter turns around in the camp, and every general's face is filled with surprise.

"Marshal, governor Zhou, if this plan is successful, it can be done once and for all. However, there are too many scheduling and joints involved in it. I'm afraid we can't control it."

"Yes, marshal, I think it's better to attack the city steadily."

"Otherwise, Shanhaiguan is the gateway of the Qing Dynasty. If we can't win it in one go, the army of the Qing Dynasty will keep coming, which will be very harmful to our army."

"That's right. Even if we can win the mountain customs, the Qing army will try our best to recapture it. At that time, we will occupy a dilapidated city, and it will be difficult to ride a tiger. There are many reasons for our army's great victory today. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to fight again in the future. "

For a moment, there was a lot of discussion in the barracks.

The generals on the scene are all outstanding people. Naturally, they will not be dazed by a victory. Undoubtedly, what Zhou Yu said in his letter points out the embarrassment of Tang Jun at the moment.

However, his plan is too adventurous. ..