Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 517

Tang Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, governor Zhou's plan really means something magical."

It seems that the Tang Dynasty is not fighting against the Qing Dynasty at all.

In the palace, Li Xian and his two prime ministers are playing chess.

Of course, Li Xian's ability is not the match between the two of them. He plays chess with Liu Bowen and di Renjie, and Li Xian looks very happy.

Originally, Liu Bowen and di Renjie would not win or lose on the chessboard. They talked about the letters sent by Zhou Yu in the morning.

Liu Bowen praised Zhou Yu's plan.

Don't want to, Li Xian hasn't spoken yet, but di Renjie says first.

"Your Majesty, governor Zhou's strategy is really ingenious, but it's a little risky."

"Ha ha, in my opinion, now Yue Fei and they are also entangled in this matter."

Li Xian took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

Liu Bowen hesitated for a moment and asked, "Your Majesty, I think you have made a decision in your heart. Why don't you issue the imperial edict? In this way, you will also face all the soldiers and men to delay the fight."

There is no doubt that Liu Bowen is right. Opportunities on the battlefield are fleeting. Although they are sure of winning the war, they still have to do something to reduce losses. Li Xianming knows that there will be disputes on the front line, but he does not give orders. This is a bit surprising.

However, di Renjie said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this is to give governor Zhou Liwei. If you have experienced this time, I believe governor Zhou and the generals will really have a tacit understanding."

Hearing this, Liu Bowen nodded and then said, "I have thought of that, but you don't find that your majesty seems to be deliberately avoiding interfering in military and political affairs?"

Smell speech Di Renjie a Leng, immediately also show the color of doubt on the face.

What Liu Bowen said is right. Although Li Xian seldom interfered in the decisions of ministers before, in many places he would give an idea, that is, to put forward a general direction for everyone to solve.

Recently, however, Li Xian has rarely done so, almost letting the Tang Dynasty run by itself.

They couldn't help but look at Li Xian.

Looking at the appearance of the two important ministers, Li Xian said with a smile, "sure enough, I can't hide anything from you. Indeed, I came in deliberately to prevent myself from interfering in the operation of the Tang Dynasty."

Liu Bowen and di Renjie are silent. They know that Li Xian has something to say.

"Today, the territory of the Tang Dynasty is larger than before. I don't know how much. In the future, the number will be larger and the population will be more and more. At that time, how can I manage it so that the territory can be stable as the people think."

"Does your majesty want to enfeoffment?"

Liu Bowen's face can't help tightening. It's not that he hasn't thought about what Li Xian said, but no matter how he thinks about it, it's a problem that can't be solved.

Even if all the generals were loyal to the Tang Dynasty, the people of other people were not strong enough to swallow the elephant. No matter what the reason was, contradictions would certainly arise.

Moreover, with the development of the Tang Dynasty, more and more foreign people joined in, and the management of more and more large territory would be a big problem.

It seems that enfeoffment is a good choice, but Liu Bowen knows the disadvantages better than anyone else.

He was worried that Li Xian would take this step, but there was no better way.

However, Li Xian shook his head and said, "enfeoffment of princes will only lead to contradictory plans. Two Aiqing, what do you think is the most important thing for a dynasty?"

Smell speech Liu Bowen and di Renjie Leng for a moment, silent for a moment, two people are almost at the same time mouth.

"The people."


With that, they looked at each other, but they quickly got up to complain.

Saying that the people are the most important in front of the emperor can really lead to death.

Li Xian picked them up and said, "the two love Qing are right."

"My future plan is to let the people govern the Tang Dynasty."

"Let the people govern the country?"

Both Di Renjie and Liu Bowen looked puzzled.

Li Xian shook his head and knew it was unrealistic to explain these things to them now, so he said.

"It's about letting people from all walks of life choose representatives who can represent their own interests to participate in the decision-making of state affairs. I will naturally tell you how to operate in detail in the future. In a word, the whole Tang Dynasty will become a whole and continue to integrate into the fresh blood."

Li Xian's words make di Renjie and Liu Bowen deep in thought. Although they only hear a vague outline, they also realize that Li Xian's idea is different from that of any emperor.

After seeing them off, Li Xian looked out of the window in a daze.

He didn't know why he talked with the two prime ministers about these thoughts in his heart. Was it true that when he reached a certain level of cultivation, he had no desire and no desire."If you give up, you will give up something."

Li Xian sighed. He knew that this day would come sooner or later.

As he said, with the gradual expansion of the Tang Dynasty, he could not manage it in a unified way, and it was unrealistic for him to keep up with the fighting capacity of the whole country.

As he becomes stronger, his opponents will become more powerful in the future. Maybe one day, a strong man will be able to destroy the powerful Tang Dynasty.

However, Li Xian couldn't bear to use these people who believed in themselves as tools. What he could do was to let them learn to live on their own. This battle in the Qing Dynasty was the first step for them to learn to be independent.

The generals at the front line naturally did not know what Li Xian meant.

As he expected, Yue Fei and Li cunxiao had a heated discussion on whether to adopt Zhou Yu's method.

On the other hand, Zhou Yu, who is on the Bank of canglan River, seems very calm. Looking at the water village on the other side, his face doesn't change.

Standing behind him is Chang Yuchun.

In just a few days, Chang Yuchun's attitude towards Zhou Yu changed significantly.

Of course, it was Zhou Yu who proved his own reason by his practical actions, but he also owed the Qing army's cooperation.

Because of the role of duoergun and Heyao, Shi Lang, a general who is good at water station, has been put in important position.

In the past few days, the two sides have met each other several times. At the beginning, Chang Yuchun personally met the enemy, but as soon as he came up, he suffered a big loss.

At this time, Chang Yuchun finally realized that the difference between water war and land war was very big.

So he naturally asked Zhou Yu for his opinion.

Strangely enough, Zhou Yu didn't change his tactics at all. He just said something else to pay attention to. As a result, when he fought here, Chang Yuchun came back with a big victory.

Chang Yuchun thought for a few days but didn't understand. At this time, Zhou Yu also came up with his whimsical plan. ..