Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 515

"Who will come?"

Dai Shan stood at the head of the city and said aloud.

Although it has been abandoned for many years, Dai Shan is in a good state. He is also a master of Yuanying state. When he opens his mouth, it sounds like thunder, clear and audible.

"I'm Yue Fei, the great general of the Tang Dynasty. What does the enemy have to say?"

Yue Fei stopped and said slowly.

"That's to kill general he Heli of our Dynasty with a trick. Well, today our king will use you to sacrifice the flag."

Hearing the origin of the other side, Dai Shan's eyes were full of brilliance, and a cold sense of killing came into being.

"Hahaha, I'll wait here to see what you can do?"

Yue Fei didn't pay any attention to Daisy's threat.

"I think you can be so rampant that when and who will kill him for me."

Dai Shan gave a high drink.

"The end will be willing to go."

As Dai Shan's voice fell, no one came out of the crowd and went down to the city.

Dai Shan knew this man. He was huerhan, the white flag of Manchuria. He was not weak in cultivation, and he was very brave on the battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, Hu erhan had already rushed out of Shanhaiguan and directly killed the Tang army without fear.

At the same time, a general also appeared in the Tang army, which was about Guan Yunchang.

"The general will not kill nobody."

Hu erhan stopped in front of the battle. Seeing that the man was very powerful, he could not help but frown and drink.

Where will Guan Yu talk nonsense with this man? He urges the horse to move forward. In the blink of an eye, he will kill him.

Hu erhan saw that the other side despised him so much that he was angry. With a flash of the long sword in his hand, the blue light suddenly rose, and a green snake was born.

"I can't help myself."

Guan Yu sneered. The green light on the blue dragon Yanyue sword also soared. Suddenly, a green dragon stood out. In an instant, the green snake was swallowed up, and there was no spray left.

For a moment, huerhan was shocked. It was clear that he was in the same realm. Why was the strength gap between the two sides so huge? In a hurry, huerhan did not dare to continue to fight, but quickly turned around to escape.

How can Guan Yu give him this opportunity.

Only heard the wind whistling, blue dragon Yanyue knife suddenly fell.

With a puff, hurhan was split in two with his horse and his men.

The blood splashed so far.

For a moment, the cheers of the Tang army were everywhere. Looking at the Qing army, they all looked pale. Dai Shan's body trembled, and he held the city head in a hurry before he barely stopped.

"Why is there such a tiger general in the Tang army?"

"Don't go, thief. I'll meet you later."

Without waiting for the good law, there were two more generals in the Qing army.

The two men, named anfiyanggu and Fei Yingdong, were also well-known generals in the Qing army. They usually had a good relationship with hulhan. When they saw that their brothers were killed with a knife, they were furious and rushed to kill them directly.

In the face of the siege, Guan Yu has no fear. The green dragon Yanyue sword is full of wind, and a blue whirlwind hangs up with them.

On the top of the city, what Dai Shan saw was startling. How could such a brave general of the Tang army not fall behind in fighting alone? He even gradually suppressed them and gained an advantage.

Whether a practitioner or a general, the gap between martial arts talents is a kind of invisible attribute. Even in the same realm, different martial arts talents can cause great differences in strength.

The strength of Fei Yingdong is good, but it's not enough to meet Guan Yu's martial Saint level.

"No, if it goes on like this, our sergeant's morale will be low. All the generals in the Tang army can't be so powerful."

Dai Shan frowned, waved his hand, and sent someone to challenge him.

In his mind, the existence of Guan Yu at this level is almost the same as that of one of the Tang army. He can just recover the field from other generals. In this way, his morale can also be improved.

On this side, three people in the Qing army joined hands to attack. They were named Tong Yangzhen, Tong Yangxing and Tong Yangjia.

The three men were brothers of the same clan. They went out to fight this time just to understand Dai Shan's meaning and give Tang army a lower hand.

"Marshal, please fight."

Seeing the people coming from the opposite side, Zhao Yun did not hesitate to ask for orders to fight. Yue Fei readily agreed.

Zhao Yun's strength he naturally knows, but Yue Fei himself is also very depressed.

Li Xian made it clear that Zhao Yunhe was appointed to him. He told him clearly that as a general, he should not fight with others easily.

This makes Yue Fei very uncomfortable. He can only watch his generals kill the enemy.

The three brothers of the Tong family didn't care when they saw Zhao Yun's appearance. In their eyes, Zhao Yun was wearing white helmets and armour, and his face was pretty. To put it mildly, he was a white faced scholar. He didn't have the momentum of a general.

God knows how ridiculous the people who despise Zhao Yun's strength in the world are.

In a flash, four horses came near.There was Guan Yu's great power before, but now Zhao Yun naturally has the heart to show off his skills. He is the best one.

In an instant, the fire light shrouded the three brothers of the Tong family.


The three screams came almost at the same time. Looking back, the three brothers of the Tong family had fallen under the horse, and they could not die any more.

On the other side, there were two screams.

Looking back, Guan Yu also killed two generals under the horse.

In an instant, when Shanhai was closed, the general of the Qing army was pale and frightened. Dai Shan's whole body trembled slightly and could not believe his eyes.

Just died.

They're all dead.

In an instant, six grand prizes in the army were killed, and they didn't even have the strength to fight back.

Look over there, there are cheers in the army of Tang Dynasty. Guan Yu and Zhao Yun's broadsword immediately have the momentum that one man is the master of Guan and ten thousand men are not allowed to open.

"The whole army charged."

Looking at the city without momentum of the Qing army, Yue Fei naturally will not miss such a good opportunity.

At the same time, the whole army of the Tang Dynasty launched an attack. The siege troops took the lead and the air repair troops covered the attack.

As the Tang army charged, Dai Shan's face became paler.

"How could there be so many practitioners in the Tang army?"

"How can you fight him?"

Dai Shan's idea represents the idea of all the Qing army. In the face of the terrorist attack of the Tang army, they lost all their reaction ability.

"Prince, at the moment, we should rely on natural danger to keep the city. We can't wait to die."

Suddenly, a small school came forward and said.

Dai Shan was stunned when he saw this man, but he immediately responded and said, "what's your name?"

"It's zudashou."

"Well, Zu dashou, what do you think?"

"Rally, defend the city, wait for reinforcements and fight a war of attrition."

Zudashou quickly said a few points.

"Well said!"

Dai Shan patted Zu dashou on the shoulder and took out his sword to drink.

"All the officers and men will follow our king to kill the enemy."

The Qing army built the country by war, which was full of blood. Although the years of comfortable life and the strength of the Tang army scared them out of their courage, now with Dai Shan standing in the front, they also picked themselves up again. ..