Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 506

"Concubine Zhuang said she would come later. Please wait a moment."

In the imperial study, Gong e's face was calm and said that she was not as respectful as other eunuchs.

It's strange to say that a little maid Kendo emperor is not expensive, and a royal concubine of a dynasty makes the emperor wait.

But Huang Taiji didn't mean to mind. Instead, he nodded with a smile and said, "I know. Jinger, please step back."

Gong e, who is called jing'er, is not polite either. She turns her head and goes away, but Huang Taiji shakes her head and grins bitterly.

In fact, according to the folk saying, jing'er is Huang Taiji's wife and sister, but for some reason, she stayed in the palace as a palace maid.

For many years, there has never been a rebellion in the back palace of the Qing Dynasty. Most people think that it is because of Huang Taiji's empress Zhezhe, her favorite concubine Hai Lanzhu and Zhuang Fei.

Huang Taiji's three favorite women come from one family, so naturally there will be no cholera.

The real reason, however, is not.

The Qing Dynasty rose from the grassland. Huang Taiji was a descendant of the famous God of war on the grassland. He had strong blood of the God of war in his body. Huang Taiji and duo Ergun, the two awakened strong men of blood, became the common master of the grassland.

However, only a few people know that there is also a very powerful tribe on the grassland, named the moon shadow clan. Zhe Zhe, Hai Lanzhu, Zhuang Fei and even jing'er are all the power to awaken the blood of the moon god.

They were an extremely secret force of the Qing Dynasty. It can even be said that Huang Taiji was able to hold the throne and gain an advantage in the struggle with the Regent, and the Yueying family contributed a lot.

"Your Majesty, I'm late."

With a gentle voice, a dignified woman came to the imperial study. Her manner was dignified and generous, which made her look sideways.

"It's the right time for Princess Ai to come."

Huang Taiji said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, I have heard about it before I came here. Is it true that the Tang Dynasty annihilated 200000 troops of he Heli?"

Chuang Fei fell on Huang Taiji's side and asked in a soft voice. There was something unbelievable in her words.

"It's just for this reason that I invite Princess Ai to come here. From my point of view, the Tang Dynasty certainly has certain strength, but it's impossible to annihilate he he and the Ministry of rites completely. I doubt it's possible..."

With that, Huang Taiji's eyes became cold.

Concubine Zhuang immediately understood what he meant and could not help sighing.

Obviously, Huang Taiji thinks that the Regent duoergun used the means secretly. For a moment, concubine Zhuang is a bit absent-minded. She is Huang Taiji's concubine, but she is also old friends with duoergun. The gratitude and resentment between them is not clear.

"What is Aifei thinking?"

When Huang Taiji's voice came, Princess Zhuang came back to her senses and said, "I just think that although the Regent is a bit domineering in his daily life and has some disagreements with his majesty, he is still the Regent of the Qing Dynasty. No matter how ignorant he is, he should never do such a thing to destroy the Qing Dynasty. "

Zhuang Fei said carefully, considering the wording.

"What if he really doesn't understand?"

Huang Taiji's voice suddenly became cold. For a moment, the air in the imperial study seemed to condense.

"My concubines are loyal to your majesty, whether they live or die."

Imperial concubine Zhuang got up in a hurry and bowed down. Huang Taiji stopped for a moment, pulled her up and said, "I don't understand these things. It's just that interest and desire sometimes blind my eyes and heart. As for whether he did it or not, please have a look for imperial concubine AI."

With that, Huang Taiji gave an order.

"Bring it up."

A bodyguard brought up the deserters on the battlefield. As soon as they saw Huang Taiji, they immediately fell to their knees and kept kowtowing for mercy.

Seeing this, concubine Zhuang sighed.

"You look up."

Several deserters were stunned. He couldn't help looking up. When they saw Princess Zhuang, they were suddenly stunned in the same place, and their eyes were lost.

Next, more strange things appeared. In the imperial library, the scene on the battlefield of that day appeared. Although it was only a fragment, the situation before and after he Heli's March could be seen.

But unfortunately, when the scene came to he Heli, the ambush stopped abruptly, and these people ran away in a panic.


With the end of the picture, concubine Zhuang exclaimed, and her face turned pale.


Huang Taiji hurried to check with concern.

"I have nothing to do with my concubines. Just have a rest and let them be buried."

With that, Princess Zhuang raised her head and could not bear to see the bleeding bodies of several deserters on the ground.

The secret arts of the moon shadow clan come at a price.

After sending concubine Zhuang back to her bedroom, Huang Taiji sat alone in front of the book case with a gloomy face.

Although judging from the memory of these people, this time he Heli was accidentally ambushed, he was still worried about Dorgon, but the trace of brotherhood made him unable to bear the pain.In a trance, Huang Taiji felt that the throne was so uncomfortable.

But what he didn't know was that at the same time, the Regent Dorgon was also upset.

"How can we die? How can we lose the whole army."

With a slap, the teacup fell to the ground, which made the woman beside him shiver.

"Is He Lin's plan wrong, or is he Heli really useless? Damn, after this defeat, we have to win next."

Dorgon tried to suppress his anger. He Heli's death and the destruction of 200000 troops completely disrupted his original plan.

According to his plan, he tried his best to weaken the fighting power of the Qing Dynasty by making use of the internal forces in the army, and was deadlocked with the Tang Dynasty. In this way, he had an excuse to gain military power and accumulate prestige.

However, Dorgon never wanted to let the Qing Dynasty's army suffer a disastrous defeat. His grudge with Huang Taiji is one thing, and the Qing Dynasty's reputation is another.

This is the end of the matter. We must not do anything behind the scenes.

"Well, I've been waiting for so many years. I don't care if I wait a little longer."

In the end, Dorgon made a decision.

No matter he or Huang Taiji, all of them attributed the cause of the whiteness to the accident. They never thought that the fighting power of the Tang Dynasty would surpass them.

Of course, this also has something to do with their pride. Since the unification of Cang region, they have no rivals any more, and then all their attention has been focused on infighting.

Today, the seemingly powerful Qing Dynasty has already been riddled with holes in this endless consumption. It's ridiculous that they don't know it yet. It's really sad. ..