Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 507

The next morning, the court Hall of the Qing Dynasty was very depressed.

Almost no one said anything. Huang Taiji personally ordered millions of troops, and the two armies attacked from Shanhaiguan and canglanjiang respectively, vowing to avenge the previous one.

Soon, the news spread to the Tang Dynasty, which shocked the whole world.

Since the Qing Dynasty unified Cang area, there has been no such big military action for many years. It can be seen that this time, the Tang Dynasty really angered Huang Taiji.

This time, the children of the eight banners of the Qing Dynasty had four banners. The four marshals were Baile of the Qing Dynasty. These people were all the confidants of Huang Taiji. The Qing Dynasty had the meaning of becoming the Tang Dynasty.

After learning that Huangtaiji had sent troops, the major clans in the Qing Dynasty were ready to move, especially some clans at the border were even ready to meet the army.

Since ancient times, there has been a tradition in the Qing Dynasty that anyone who has made great achievements in military operations can be promoted to a position of nobility in exchange for a reward. Therefore, people who responded to Huang Taiji's sending troops are everywhere.

Similarly, the news also spread to the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

For a time, whether ordinary people or civil and military officials were divided into two groups.

The people who followed Li Xian along the way were naturally fearless, and even excited. From scratch, they defeated their powerful opponents. The situation in those years was much harsher than it is now. They were still fearless. What can they be afraid of now.

Of course, this is mainly because Li Xian has never let them down. They have absolute trust in Li Xian.

And the other part of the people are the unified Cang area after the reception of manpower.

Although some of them, with the efforts of Di Renjie and Liu Bowen, gradually had a sense of belonging to the Tang Dynasty.

But more people still just because of helplessness and surrender, now see the strength seems to be more powerful Qing Dynasty, naturally have other thoughts.

In fact, it's not their fault. The two armies are fighting. The only thing they can do is to protect their lives. However, some of them are still thinking about whether they will have the opportunity to sell some information of the Tang Dynasty, or even capture one or two generals alive and go to the Qing Dynasty to ask for credit.

For a time, the Tang Dynasty seemed to be in turmoil.

Compared with the folk situation, the imperial city is another scene.

In the main hall, Li Xianduan sat on the Dragon chair. His Highness's officials were excited, fearless and even smiling.

Some of the generals who had just surrendered in the dark realm looked at everything in front of them.

"Aren't these people sick? Why are they still like no trouble when millions of troops come to Cang? There is also the emperor. The upper court does not discuss how to resist him. On the contrary, it first looks like the people's livelihood of different places is rewarded. "

"You Aiqing, the Qing Dynasty sent troops, which general can go to destroy the enemy."

Finally, after reading the memorials from all over the world, Li Xian said slowly, with a relaxed tone.

On hearing this, the surrender generals could not help but silently bow their heads for fear that Li Xian would let them go first at this time.

To fight with the Qing Dynasty is not to seek death.

Who knows, as soon as Li Xian's words were finished, Chang Yuchun stood up and said in a loud voice,

"at the end, I will go far away to ask your Majesty's permission."

"Ah, General Chang, let me go. Our Xuanwu army hasn't fought for a long time."

Xu Da also stood up at the same time.

"Sire, the red flame is at war."

Mei Changsu said the same.

"Your Majesty, the white tiger army is willing to go to defeat the enemy."

Li cunxiao said.

In the hall, except for Zhou Yu, who is in charge of the Qilin army, the generals ask for a fight one after another, and the others look confused.

"What's the matter? It seems that these people are not going to fight to death, but to take credit. Don't they know the horror of the Qing Dynasty?"

Glancing at the crowd, Li Xian asked with a smile, "Gongjin, why don't you ask for a fight?"

On hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on Zhou Yu. Chang Yuchun said with a smile, "I'll say that Xiao Zhou is still sensible. It's like all of you are fighting for credit with Lao Tzu."

Zhou Yu shook his head and said with a smile, "Your Majesty has already made plans in his heart. Gongjin has her own place. Why ask for a fight?"

Hearing this, Li Xian laughed and said, "Gongjin really deserves his reputation. All the officers and men listen to the orders."

All the generals stood straight and spoke in unison.

"The end will come."

"The Qing Dynasty sent troops to invade our border areas, trying to seize our land and hurt our people. I will let him never come back, Gongjin."

"I'm here."

"The Canglang river will be handed over to you."

"I will surely live up to my mission, and I will return the enemy to repay your majesty."

"It's always spring."

"I'm here."

"You lead long Lin Jun to go out with Gong Jin. All actions are under the command of Gong Jin."Hearing this, Chang Yuchun can't help but be stunned. He is a veteran who has been following Li Xian for many years. What does it mean that he wants to be an assistant general for Zhou Yu this time.

It's OK to be deputy general to Yue Fei and others, but Zhou Yu is a newcomer after all. He's young, which makes him a little dissatisfied.

But Chang Yuchun quickly nodded and said, "I will obey you."

Seeing this, Li nodded first.

"Li cunxiao."

"I'm here."

"You lead the army to help Marshal Yue, and discuss everything with Marshal Yue."

"I take orders."

Later, Li Xian arranged some other things and then left, leaving the rest to your important ministers. It seems that he didn't pay attention to the war at all.

After seeing Li Xian off, there was a lot of noise in the hall. Under the leadership of Di Renjie and Liu Bowen, the generals discussed how to deal with the battle.

Seeing this, the newly surrendered generals stare at their pockets.

It's the first time I've lived for so many years.

Soon, however, these people's dismay turned into shock.

Although there was no one in charge, the important officials of the Tang Dynasty soon reached a consensus. They considered almost all the possibilities, but after a long time, they agreed to leave without any delay or quarrel.

This is the outstanding feature of Li Xian, or the Tang Dynasty.

Li Xian is a monarch. He is dictatorial but not dictatorial. He knows very well that there are many capable people under his command. It is best for them to decide how to fight by themselves. He just needs to set a big goal for everyone.

Because of their loyalty to Li Xian, these people would not attach importance to the interests of the Tang Dynasty.

When a dynasty is from top to bottom and no one is selfish, it is hard for outsiders to imagine its strength, at least not for the Qing Dynasty. ..