Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 505

He Heli pours directly at Xue Rengui, his eyes are red and his whole body is full of strength.

In the eyes of he Heli, Xue Rengui's strength is extraordinary, but he has been in Yuanying's realm for many years, so he has his own unique use of power.

At the moment, if you do your best, you may have a chance to kill. If so, today's battle may turn over.

He Heli blocked his dignity and last hope.

If you come back in such a pale way, your majesty or the Regent will not let it go.


In the face of he Heli's all-out attack, Xue Rengui didn't use Fang Tian's Halberd at all. Instead, he palmed the opponent.

Powerful air waves swept away, and a circle of visible ripples in the air spread outward.

Xue Rengui's figure is in a flash, retreats half a body position, and stops just after he Heli flies backward for a long distance. The whole person seems very shocked, even very frightened. He is not the opponent of the other party.

How is that possible?

It has been more than ten years since he broke through the realm of Yuanying. Even in the Qing Dynasty, he is a top ranked master. Why is he not Xue Rengui's opponent.

It's impossible. It's impossible.

He Heli kept negating in his heart, but he heard Xue Rengui's voice.

"The generals of the Qing Dynasty are just like this. How about if you take over my commander?"

As the shadow of the flower falls, a dragon song rises.

When he Heli looked at it, he saw Xue Rengui's figure suddenly rising. The halberd painted by Fang Tian in his hand came head-on like a dragon going out to sea. The spirit power around him was surging. The cold light on the halberd painted by Fang Tian was shining and dazzling, as if the sun on nine days had lost its color.

For a moment, he Heli's eyes were blank. He didn't think of defending until Fang Tianhua came to him, but it was too late.

A puff.

Fang Tian painted halberd straight through he Heli's chest.

This is how the elder of the Qing Dynasty was killed.

Xue Rengui holds Fang Tian's painting halberd, picks he Heli's body in the air, and says something that makes the soldiers of the Qing army heartbroken.

"But that's all."

This light words let the Qing army fall into a dead silence.

That's their general.

That's the man your majesty depends on.

Why did you die like this.

With the death of he Heli, the Qing army was completely defeated.

There is a huge gap between the two sides in terms of fighting ability, and now they are even more vulnerable. Occasionally, a few people who resist tenaciously or want to take advantage of the chaos are directly killed.

At that time, more than 100000 Qing troops were completely honest. If they were allowed to go east, they would not dare to go west.

"General, we won. The Qing army was defeated by us."

The deputy general said excitedly.

Since the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, they have heard the most about the neighboring Qing Dynasty.

Even those people who had been in the dark area mentioned the Qing Dynasty with awe, as if the Qing Dynasty was an invincible God. Over time, the officers and soldiers of the Tang Dynasty regarded each other as imaginary enemies.

They are happy to win the first World War.

"This is just the beginning. I believe that with the growing strength of Datang, the future war will be a hundred times or even a thousand times more than this war, and the next battle will be even more fierce. If you clean up the battlefield, you must not leak information. "

Xue Rengui said with a smile.

"The great general, the last general, will keep it in mind."

Looking at the excited soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, Xue Rengui shook his head.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to write a personal letter to Li Xian to clarify his doubts.

In his opinion, the battle was too easy to win.

Even though the other side belittled the enemy, it was absolutely not like the army that had ruled Cang for so long.

"Your Majesty, I'm good at it."

In the back palace of the Qing Dynasty, Huang Taiji closed his eyes and enjoyed the gentle massage of the woman behind him.

"Well, Fujin's new massage technique is very good."

"Your Majesty likes it."

In recent days, Huang Taiji's mood is really good.

After he sent troops to the Tang Dynasty, he even used some counter measures, which greatly suppressed the power of the Regent headed by Dorgon, and many of his ministers who had always been against him were honest.

Now just waiting for he Heli to win back, he can further attack Dorgon, as well as those proud old ministers.

For he Heli, Huang Taiji is very confident.

He was an old man who had been following him for many years. Although he had some personality problems, it was no problem to March and fight. This time, there was no sign that the Tang Dynasty would not be able to respond.

"Your Majesty, try the lotus seed soup made by my concubine."Fujin carefully holding the soup bowl, soft voice said.

Her majesty is in a good mood. If she serves her properly, maybe her share will be improved. If she is pregnant with a man and a half, she will be more comfortable in the future.

"Well, good..."

Huang Tai Chi nodded, just about to taste the lotus seed soup that no one prepared, the Guard commander suddenly rushed to the door and fell to his knees with a plop.

"Your Majesty, it's a big deal!"

Huang Taiji frowned, and his hands stopped. Behind him, Fu Jin was full of resentment, staring at the Guard commander. He had to come at this time if he didn't come early or late.

"Report to your majesty that the 200000 troops led by general he Heli are ambushed and completely destroyed. General he Heli has died for his country."

With a bang, the soup bowl in Huang Taiji's hand fell to the ground, and the whole person suddenly stood up, his face full of disbelief.

"You, what did you say?"

The leader of the guard repeated the words carefully, for fear that he would be angry.

But don't want to, wait for a long time Huang Taiji but no action.

"Is that all? How did he Heli die and how was the army ambushed?"

After a long time, Huang Taiji asked in a deep voice.

"Tell your majesty, no, no, these news are just from a few deserters. What's the specific situation? I'm in a humble position. I'm sending someone to inquire about it."

"Take those deserters to the imperial study, and stop anyone who comes to the audience later. Go."

Huang Taiji said.

"I will do my duty."

The leader of the bodyguard left in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, where are you going?"

See Huang Taiji also want to leave, Fu Jin want to stop in a hurry.

"I need to report to you where I'm going, Xiao Dezi. Please go to the imperial study."

With that, Huang Taiji left, leaving Fujin with a blank face.

The distance from the palace to the imperial study was not far, but Huang Taiji walked for a long time, and he walked very slowly.

Up to now, he doesn't want to see all the 200000 troops destroyed. He Heli will die. He's in Yuanying's realm. If he can't fight, there's no problem escaping.

Is the combat effectiveness of the Tang army really so strong? No, it's impossible. The army of the Qing Dynasty is invincible.

There is something wrong, there must be something wrong. Is it the Regent's plot?

But can he really make such a joke about the national affairs.

For a moment, Huang Taiji just felt the fog before him. He couldn't understand why his army was destroyed. ..