Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 504

"Don't rush, general. Let's occupy the shady hillside on the back. The vegetation is damp there. As long as we hold our ground and cut down the trees, we can stop the fire spreading. Maybe we can also save our strength to break through."

Said the deputy in a high voice.

He Heli was stunned and looked at the deputy general with surprise.

All the time, he thought that the deputy general was an incompetent person who was charming. If he had not been eloquent, he would have been replaced.

But at the moment, what he said is very clever.

However, he Heli had no time to think about it now. He immediately ordered the men and horses to do what the deputy general wanted.

At the moment, the deputy general knows what he is suffering from.

He used to be a general. He had a good command of military knowledge and grew up in the military camp. He had a chance to make contributions and make a career.

However, he didn't want to offend the dandy and wait for his death. As a result, he was saved by he he. Since then, he has been placed in the inner circle of he Heli. For many years, he hasn't shown his mountain and water. This time, he has secretly instructed him to lure he Heli to defeat, and promised a large amount of rich rewards.

The deputy general is naturally happy with this. Over the years, he has been aware of he Heli's temper. He has some abilities, but his weakness is too obvious. It's easy for him to lose.

However, this time he did not expect that the Tang army's methods were so brilliant that it was no longer a question of defeat, but whether they could go back alive.

"Immediately order people to clean up the environment around us, and never let the fire continue to spread."

"It's the great protector."

The crowd answered.

He Heli also reflected at the moment. He had to say that he still had command ability. After being promoted by the deputy general, he immediately began to organize people to gather up the army and open up the open space. At the same time, the monks began to put out the fire.

Soon, the fire was under control, but everyone was enveloped in a deep fear.

At this moment, the bare mountain forest is full of burnt corpses, and even a smell of barbecue. They are all their comrades, but there is not even a complete corpse at this moment.

The most terrible thing is that they don't know what's going on and they become like this. Before, the Tang army had no fighting power.

Originally, they thought it would be an easy battle to win. Unfortunately, they have lost a lot of money without even seeing it. What should we do in the future?

Now the situation on the battlefield seems to be very clear. They are just lambs to be slaughtered.

"The friars attack."

Looking at the demoralized soldiers, he Heli gritted his teeth and took out his trump card. In his army, there are a group of strong men.

Originally, the purpose of this team was to surround and kill the opponent's experts, but now it can only rely on them to break through.

With he Heli's command, the whole army of the friars attacked. Although the number of the friars was small, the average strength of the friars was in the middle of the golden elixir realm. With the rigorous and orderly training, it can be said that the strength was not small.

He Heli believes that the Tang army can never resist this team, and the Tang army will definitely avoid the edge, which gives him a chance to regroup.

It's a defeat now, but it can't make the loss bigger.

With the attack of the friars, the faces of the soldiers of the Qing army showed a relaxed look.

Yes, and they, these strong and will certainly turn the war around.

I don't know. The friars here are determined to charge, and the drums in the Tang army camp are loud.

Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong

In the Tang army, a large number of monks walked in the air, facing the friars of the Qing army.

Seeing this scene, he Heli was heartbroken, and the soldiers of the Qing army were even dumbfounded.

There are so many experts in the army of Tang Dynasty.

"False, it must be false, they are just a large number of people, they must use some low level practitioners to make up for the number, the combat effectiveness will not be too strong."

He Heli comforted himself in his heart.

But the next moment, the two sides fight.

Everyone can't believe their eyes.

In a flash, the friars of the Qing army were defeated. They were not the opponents of the Tang army.

Even so, the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Everyone has this feeling in their heart.

Looking at the enemy's defeated strongman, Xue Rengui's mouth showed a smile of satisfaction.

The elite Tang army composed of the strong also existed. However, unlike the Qing Dynasty, the elite Tang army was selected from ordinary soldiers.

In other words, these strong men were ordinary soldiers before, and they are now, but their strength is stronger than ordinary soldiers.

However, the strong of the Qing army were not. They were carefully selected from various places. Many of them were disciples of the former clan.

Once they have strong power and noble status, they never regard themselves as soldiers, even if they are in the military camp at the moment.The fighting qualities of these guys are comparable to those of the Tang army who stood out from countless battles of life and death.

In fact, in the final analysis, this is the gap between the inside information and national strength of both sides.

Since the beginning of Li Xian's war, there are almost no weak people in the Tang Dynasty, whose average strength is far greater than that of the Qing Dynasty.

"He Heli of the Qing Dynasty is here, and the local generals can dare to fight."

All of a sudden, there was a roar, and then a ray of light rose up in the camp of the Qing army. He Heli in Yuanying's realm rose to the sky.

At the moment, he Heli's face was dignified, and his previous arrogance, pride and even despair disappeared.

At the critical moment of his life and death, he has realized that today there is only one way to go.

He was defeated. He was completely defeated.

But he didn't want to die. For today's plan, maybe only by defeating the local manager can he make his soldiers regain their confidence and fight a way out, but will the other side agree?

He Heli was very clear that he would never agree to this kind of request. It was just his last struggle.

Who knows, a loud voice came from the Tang army.

"Why don't you dare? Today Xue Rengui will let you know the power of the Tang Dynasty."

Then he saw a white light. He stood up in the sky at the same height as he Heli. He was wearing white armor in the sun. He was painting halberd in his hand.

"What a tiger general."

Seeing Xue Rengui, he Heli was also surprised.

From his opponent's hand, he felt the surging weather and strong fighting spirit.

For a moment, he Heli was in despair, but now he can't stand to retreat.

He Heli clenched his teeth and yelled angrily. He stepped forward and launched his most powerful attack, striving to kill the enemy. ..