Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 503

The news of the messenger's death soon spread back to the Qing Dynasty. For a time, the courtiers were excited and determined not to give up.

Huang Taiji even sent a large army to the border, a look of war.

For Huang Taiji, Zhang Xian's death made him very angry. Originally, this man was the confidant he planned to cultivate. He wanted to be sent to the Tang Dynasty this time. If he had made great contributions, he would be put in an important position.

After all, now the contradiction between him and Dorgon has become more and more intense, he needs all the strength to consolidate his power.

But he didn't want to. As soon as he arrived at the Tang Dynasty, he died. What's more, the Tang Dynasty didn't even have a statement, which made Huang Taiji furious.

As the founder of the Qing Dynasty, Huang Taiji was not a fool.

He knew that Zhang Xian's death had become a fact, so how to make use of his death to maximize his own interests was the most important thing, so there was the scene of sending troops at the border.

In Huang Taiji's view, the newly rising Tang Dynasty certainly has a certain strength, but it is certainly far inferior to the Qing Dynasty with profound foundation.

If the Tang Dynasty is afraid of war, he can claim the land of cangxuan region, so as to prepare for the future attack. If the war starts, the iron hoof of the Qing Dynasty is unstoppable.

With this war, his reputation will be even higher, and then Dorgon will not be able to fight with himself.

Huang Taiji thought about all the following things, but he didn't know two things.

This is the plan of Regent Dorgon, and the strength of the Tang Dynasty is far beyond his imagination.

There are two places between cangxuan region and Cang region, one is the mighty canglan River, the other is the dangerous Shanhaiguan. The Qing Dynasty sent troops from Shanhaiguan.

The rosefinch is in the big account.

"To the great general, the enemy sent 200000 troops from Shanhaiguan. He Heli is the leader."

"Explore again!"

Xue Rengui said with a deep look on his face.

After the stall left, Xue Rengui's eyes fell on the map in front of him, and all kinds of information surged in his mind.

He has the investigation information of the royal guards in his hand, and he Heli is also one of them.

This man is an old minister of the Qing Dynasty, and has the strength of Yuanying realm. Judging from his past achievements, he is a good general.

However, the weakness of he Heli is also very obvious. He is arrogant and has a short temper. How to deal with him needs to be carefully considered.

It was Xue Rengui's steadiness that made Li Xian garrison the rosefinch army in front of Shanhaiguan.

Xue Rengui is very clear that his task is to ensure that the frontier defense line does not lose, but when people call, he will not be indifferent. He has absolute confidence in the strength of the army of the Tang Dynasty.

A moment later, Xue Rengui said with a high voice, "beat the drum and raise the bill."

However, with the effort of a stick of incense, the generals of the rosefinch army went out of the camp one after another and entered the mountain forest silently.

"Grandma, are all the Tang army rats?"

The army of the Qing Dynasty moved forward slowly. General he Heli sat on his horse and said with disdain.

"The Tang army is just a local chicken and a local dog. They dare not fight before the great general's heavenly power. They can only fight with each other. In this battle, the great general is bound to seize the enemy's main general."

The deputy general complimented.

Along the way, he Heli met several Tang troops successively.

At the beginning, he was also worried about the combat effectiveness of the Tang army. After all, the dynasty that unified cangxuanyu should not be underestimated.

However, after some contact, the Tang army was defeated in the first World War and was not his opponent at all. Gradually, he Heli's caution gradually disappeared.

At the moment, I was flattered by the vice general, and I was a little bit elated.

"Command the army, full speed forward."

With he Heli's order, the Qing army speeded up immediately.

Half an hour later, the Qing army came to a canyon.

He Heli frowned and suddenly waved his hand to stop the army.

"How did the general stop?"

The deputy general asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hum, ignorant young man, this place is a natural danger. If the enemy set up an ambush, we would lose a lot. Maybe the previous battles were all arrogant tactics."

He he's moralizing.

"The general is clever. Come on, go and find out if there is an ambush."

The deputy general suddenly let the spies into the canyon.

In a moment, the detective replied.

"Report to the general that there is no ambush in the canyon."

On hearing this, he Heli was slightly surprised, and then sneered: "I really don't know how the Tang army unified the cangxuan region. The generals were so mediocre, and these natural dangers were abandoned."

"General, how can the generals of the Tang army compare with you? I think we'd better March quickly."During the conversation, the Qing army was on the road again. This time, he Heli was full of disdain for the Tang army. In fact, not only he, but all the Qing army thought so. They thought that the Tang army was a group of incompetent people.

It was getting late, and the promise of the Tang army could be seen vaguely. However, it was necessary to go through a mountain depression, which was also the best place to set up an ambush.

However, with what happened before, he Heli did not pay attention to it and ordered the army to speed up again. He wanted to capture the Tang army's border camp before dark.

In his view, all the Tang army had no power in the first World War, and the generals were incompetent.

But I didn't want to, when the Qing army came to the central position of the mountain depression.

All of a sudden, countless roars came.

"What's the matter?"

He Heli was surprised and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"The general is the army of the Tang Dynasty. It's an ambush of the army of the Tang Dynasty."

Said the deputy, pale.

"Rocket, no, the whole army is charging."

When he Heli saw the Rockets burning in the Tang army, he immediately felt bad and ordered everyone to charge. However, the Qing army, which was suddenly ambushed, was already in chaos. How could he command it? Even the formation could not be kept intact.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

The sound of countless arrows breaking through the air came, and in an instant, the whole depression turned into a sea of fire.

Originally, there were luxuriant vegetation in the depression, but now it's evening, and the cold wind is blowing.

In an instant, the Qing army was besieged in the sea of fire. ..