Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 502

With di Renjie's words, people's faces were a little ugly.

They all know how important it is for the envoys of the Qing Dynasty to die in the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

In any case, it is not a wise choice for the Tang Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty to go to war at this stage. Moreover, once the Qing Dynasty makes trouble with it, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In the final analysis, the Qing Dynasty envoys died in the Tang Dynasty, the responsibility lies with them.

Hearing this, Li Xian was also slightly surprised. He thought of countless possibilities, but this situation was really beyond his expectation.

After a little meditation, Li Xian said.

"What's going on?"

"It is my fault to report back to your majesty."

Yue Fei took the initiative to come forward and said with a guilty face.

"Chen led his troops to garrison outside the imperial city to meet the envoys of the Qing Dynasty, but he didn't want to. The speed of the waiter's advance suddenly accelerated. When he got the news, he left in a hurry, but he didn't want to lose the news of the waiter on the way."

"When I got to the post house, I learned that the messenger had left, but I didn't meet him all the way. I found out that it was wrong. I quickly searched along the way, and finally found the body of the Qing Dynasty messenger and others in Yingchou stream. This is my dereliction of duty. Please let your majesty confess."

With that, Yue Fei fell to his knees.

Others may not know how serious this is, but Yue Fei is very clear.

That day, he knew that Li Xian was ready to deal with the Qing Dynasty. Now this situation will undoubtedly disrupt Li Xian's plan. This time, the problem is not how to deal with this matter, but will affect the future development of the Tang Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, this is not the fault of General Yue. Please take it lightly."

"Your Majesty, please take it lightly."

Seeing that Li Xian was silent, the generals thought that they really wanted to punish Yue Fei, and they all begged for help.

Li Xian waved his hand and said, "there are many mysteries in this matter. It's not general Yue's fault. Since General Yue has been punished, I will punish you to thoroughly investigate this matter."

On hearing this, Yue Fei suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Xian with a smile on his face. For a moment, he had mixed feelings.

A thorough investigation of this matter is not a punishment.

Yue Fei knows how serious the consequences of his dereliction of duty are, but Li Xian doesn't blame him.

"It's just a messenger of the Qing Empire. If he dies, he will die."

Li Xian said casually.

Yue Fei immediately understood this and was deeply moved.

Li Xian is saying that compared with him, a messenger of the Qing Dynasty is not worth mentioning.

"However, in case of such a thing, the Qing Dynasty will not give up. Di Renjie and Liu Bowen will stay here and prepare for the war."

"Yes, I do!"

Yue Fei and other generals took orders, and the excitement on their faces was hard to hide.

They have never been afraid of war.

Soon, only Li Xian, di Renjie and Liu Bowen were left in the imperial study.

"As expected, she was right."

Li Xian said with a smile.

"Your Majesty is joking. I have a crow's mouth."

Di Renjie laughed at himself. Seeing Li Xian's look, he knew that his majesty didn't care about it at all.

"Your Majesty, whatever the matter may be, it must be handled with caution."

Liu Bowen said on one side.

At this moment, he naturally understood that his majesty had already wanted to attack the Qing Dynasty, otherwise it would not be such a reaction. Naturally, he figured it out for the first time. Although he didn't agree with raising troops at this moment, there was no way.

"What does Aiqing mean?"

"What should be investigated is still to be investigated, at least on the surface, which can give us more preparation."

Liu Bowen said.

"I'm afraid we can't find out anything." Li Xian said with a sneer, "don't you understand? This is a good play directed and performed by the Qing Dynasty."

"Your Majesty means that the messenger was killed by the Qing Dynasty?"

Di Renjie and Liu Bowen are also extremely intelligent people. As soon as they hear this, they immediately understand Li Xian's meaning, but they have not considered this unconventional angle before.

"What else?" Li Xian said coldly, "envoy Zhang Xian is a master of Yuanying. The people in the Tang Dynasty stay at home all night. What's more, a master who can kill Yuanying can't wander in the Tang Dynasty without any sound."

"Your Majesty is right, so it seems that the messenger suddenly changed to make us unable to meet."

Di Renjie said.

"It's true that Yingchou stream is far away from the normal official road. I'm afraid it would not have been so if it hadn't been premeditated."

Liu Bowen said.

"But what is the significance of this move of the Qing Dynasty?"

Di Renjie doubts a way.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid we have to ask Dorgon. It seems that the internal contradictions of the Qing Dynasty are more serious than we think. I really think highly of them."Li Xian said very casually. Di Renjie and Liu Bowen were stunned. They immediately understood the meaning of the words, and their faces also showed a smile.

Qing Dynasty, Regent's house, secret room.

Dorgon sat on the chair, holding a young woman in her arms.

"And adults, the opening has been completed, the next is to see you perform."

Opposite Dorgon sat a somewhat bloated man, not ugly but not outstanding, with a rich temperament.

The Regent of the Qing Dynasty and the prime minister met in a secret room. If there was no conspiracy, no one would believe it.

With a little smile, he glanced at the woman in Dorgon's arms who was seven minutes similar to the empress of Xiaozhuang.

"Don't worry about the Regent, just leave the rest to me. I hope the prince will remember his promise."

"It's natural. After it's done, all the treasures will be sent to you. Ha ha, Huang Taiji cuts my military power. I will never give up. Just with you, the Tang Dynasty will not be broken with a single blow. "

Dorgon said uncertainly.

"Don't worry, the Tang Dynasty has unified the cangxuan region, and there is still some strength. In addition, I believe that your Majesty's army will fail several times in succession. At that time, your majesty will only be able to use the prince in addition to the imperial expedition. No matter which choice, it will be greatly beneficial to you."

"Good, good, so good."

After hearing what he said, Dorgon was very happy. He also showed a smile on his face, but he was a little disdainful.

For the sake of a woman, it's really a disaster for the two brothers. It's better to have money. There won't be so much trouble.

No matter Dorgon or Helian, they all took the Tang Dynasty as a tool in their plan, but they never thought that the Tang Dynasty was more powerful than they thought. ..