Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 501

After pondering for a long time, Huang Taiji said slowly: "in this case, the Regent thinks who can go to the Tang Dynasty."

Dorgon said without expression: "I think Zhang Xian is OK. What does your majesty think?"

Huang Taiji's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Zhang Xian used to be the leader of a small sect in Cang area. He was one of the first warriors to submit to the Qing Dynasty. He had the strength of Yuanying realm and good ability to handle affairs. He was very optimistic about this man.

But why did Dorgon recommend Zhang Xian?

Huang Taiji hesitated for a moment. Although he didn't understand the intention of this move, it was better for his own people to do the job than for Dorgon's people. He agreed immediately.

I don't know why, the news that the Qing Dynasty sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty spread quickly, even before Zhang Xian had set out.

In the imperial study of the Tang Dynasty, di Renjie and Yue Fei stand in front of Li Xian.

Two people concentrate on looking at the hands of the memorial, occasionally whispered a few words to exchange.

"What do you think?"

Li Xian's voice came slowly.

"Is your majesty going to attack the Qing Dynasty?"

Di Renjie put down the memorial in his hand and said without hesitation.

These memorials are the result of the royal guards' investigation of the Qing Dynasty. Although they can't deal with the real secrets, they are enough to let them have an understanding of the Qing Dynasty.

And di Renjie also understood Li Xian's meaning. He did not publish these memorials, but just let him and Yue Fei see them. This shows that his Majesty's next goal is the Qing Dynasty, but now is not the time to make public.

"What is the purpose of sending envoys here at this time of the Qing Dynasty?"

"In my humble opinion, this time the Qing Dynasty sent envoys should be just a trial, we have two strategies to deal with conspiracy."

Yue Fei replied.

"Oh, what about the plot? What about Yang Mou? "

"The conspirators hide their strength and please the envoys. In this way, the Qing Dynasty will despise us when the other party goes back. The schemers show their strength and take a tough attitude. In this way, the Qing Dynasty will be scared."

Hearing that Li Xian nodded his head, Yue Fei was worthy of being a famous general of the generation. He was considerate, and both of them had merits.

"What do you think of Mr. di?"

"In reply to your majesty, I think Marshal Yue's words are reasonable, but I'm afraid there's something strange about it."

Di Renjie hesitated and said.


Li Xian frowned.

"Yes, your majesty, according to the memorials, the Qing Dynasty is strong and prosperous, but I'm afraid there has been a long-standing conflict between the emperor Huangtaiji and Dorgon. This envoy is the candidate recommended by Dorgon, but this one is a close friend of Huangtaiji."

"Could it be a suspicious plan?"

Yue Fei said on one side.

Di Renjie shook his head and said: "it should not be. The contradiction between Huang Taiji and duo Ergun is not false. I'm afraid the problem lies in this messenger."

"All right!" Li Xian waved his hand and said, "I have understood the meaning of the two love ministers. Yue Fei, you take the army to meet the envoys, and you want to show the spirit of the Tang Dynasty."

"I will comply with the order."

Yue Fei took the order and left, the excitement on his face was hard to hide.

He is a military general, and the theory of conspiracy just now is only his duty as a minister. Naturally, he wants to compete with the Qing Dynasty.

But Li Xian's will is exactly the same as his idea, and his mood is naturally high for a moment.

"Prime minister, when the emissary comes, take charge of the arrangement, and I will be gone."

"I will comply with the order."

Di Renjie was also ordered to leave.

Now he has understood what Li Xian meant. The Qing Dynasty is their next goal.

After dealing with these things, Li Xian continued to practice.

Although the whole Tang Dynasty seems calm now, he already has a plan in his heart.

At the moment, di Renjie and Yue Fei should also know what he means.

He wanted to attack Cang region, that is, the Qing Dynasty.

There are two reasons why Li Xian didn't make this idea public.

First, the Tang Dynasty had just unified cangxuan region. Although the original subjects and soldiers would not be afraid, those new subjects would still be afraid of the strength of the Qing Dynasty.

Secondly, if we take the initiative to attack the Qing Dynasty at this time, it will inevitably break the hearts of the people just gathered by the Tang Dynasty. However, if the Qing Dynasty takes the initiative to attack, it will be different.

Therefore, Li Xian is planning to use this messenger's visit to lure the Qing Dynasty into war. In this way, the whole King Tang Dynasty will unite in everything, and the people of cangxuan will have a more sense of belonging to him.


Thinking of Di Renjie's worry, Li XianMei frowned slightly."Just hope it's nothing to worry about."

Li Xian shook his head, immersed in the cultivation.

However, he also knows that di Renjie's sensitivity to things is beyond imagination. Since he is aware of the abnormality, it is absolutely true, but now he can only cope with the changes with invariance.

With the strength of the Tang Dynasty, what if there is a conspiracy?

Ten days later, Li Xian, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Your Majesty, your lords are waiting for you in the imperial study."

Diao Chan's voice came from outside the training room.

Li Xian was slightly stunned. The generals of the Tang Dynasty knew that he was practicing. If it wasn't an extremely important thing, Diao Chan would never come to find himself.

Without hesitation, Li Xian went straight out of the door. Diao Chan had already been ready to wash his robes.

A moment later, Li Xianlai went to the imperial study and was slightly stunned.

Di Renjie, Liu Bowen, Yue Fei, Li cunxiao

The literati, ministers and generals of the Tang Dynasty are almost all here. What's the matter?

"See your majesty."

"You love me. What's the matter that makes you so anxious?"

Li Xian felt vaguely that something was wrong.

"To your majesty, the envoys of the Qing Dynasty died in the realm of our country."

Di Renjie stepped forward and said, with a helpless look on his face. ..