Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 500

Half a month later, all the troops returned to the imperial court, and the imperial city of the Tang Dynasty was bustling.

"Long live your majesty, long live your majesty."

In the barracks, all the officers and soldiers visited Li Xian, and the excitement on each face was beyond expression. After this battle, cangxuanyu had been completely owned by the Tang Dynasty. In a short time, they could achieve such a grand achievement. How could they not be excited.

"All of you, get flat."

Li Xian's voice is loud.

"Thank you, sir."

All the soldiers said respectfully.

"I will remember you, and the people of the Tang Dynasty will remember you even more."

"I would like to die for your majesty and for the Tang Dynasty."

Looking at the excited soldiers, Li Xian nodded.

"However, after this battle, you should also see that the vast territory is a drop in the ocean compared with the whole China. There are still more distant journey and more challenges ahead of us. Are you confident to face these challenges?"


In the barracks, the sound of waves came.

In response, Li Xian nodded with satisfaction and ordered the three armies to be rewarded. After that, he called the civil and military officials to the imperial study for a meeting.

It's exciting for most people to unify cangxuanyu, but as Li Xian said, it's just the beginning of his war in China.

In the imperial study, di Renjie, Liu Bowen and Yue Fei are debating fiercely, while Li Xian is sitting in front of the case and listening quietly.

It turns out that there are some differences of opinion on the issue of planning cangxuan area.

On the one hand, the Tang Dynasty has a large enough territory and should focus on internal affairs to gather people's support and accumulate strength. On the other hand, the Tang Dynasty should focus on the development of force and guard against other neighboring forces.

Generally speaking, both sides are for the consideration of the Tang Dynasty, but the focus is different.

"Your Majesty, I think that although the dark realm is unified at the moment, many of our people just because of our powerful military force and obedience. At this moment, we should focus on internal affairs, so that these people can understand our strength, understand your Majesty's benevolence, and sincerely submit to us."

Di Renjie suddenly turned to Li Xian and said.

He knew that no one could be convinced by such a dispute between the two sides. He could only let Li Xian decide.

"Your Majesty, the cangxuan region has just been unified. I believe that the news has spread at this moment. I believe that the forces of the neighboring cangxuan region will not be secure. It is time to consolidate the military and deal with the unexpected needs."

On the other hand, Chang Yuchun also spoke to Li Xian.

"General Chang, just because the neighboring forces are not secure, we should deal with the internal problems first. Look..."

"No, prime minister, the first thing we should do now is..."

Seeing that a new round of argument was about to begin, Li Xian coughed.

After a while, everyone calmed down. For Li Xian, they respected him from the bottom of their hearts.

"I have understood the opinions of you Aiqing. No matter what kind of plan is, it is for the good of the Tang Dynasty."

After a little meal, Li Xian continued, "since it's all for the good of the Tang Dynasty, there are two ways."

"Di Renjie."

"I'm here."

"You are in charge of publicizing and pacifying the people and educating the new forces. Let Chang Lin Jun cooperate with you in this matter. If you have a different mind, you know what to do."

"I will comply with the order."

"Yue Fei!"

"I'm here."

"You are in charge of the frontier defense work. You must always pay attention to the movements of the surrounding forces. By the way, you can conduct several large-scale exercises among your legions to show the strength of the Tang Dynasty, and let those restless people have a good look."

"I will comply with the order."

In the following time, di Renjie and Yue Fei began to deal with the internal problems of the mysterious realm by two different means.

Soon, everyone saw the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty. Under the governance of Li Xian, the whole cangxuan region had clear laws and regulations, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, far from the chaos before. Gradually, those who surrendered because of the force also sincerely surrendered.

As for those who still want to do something secretly, they are all dealt with quietly.

At the same time, several armies of the Tang Dynasty launched a magnificent performance, and all of them were awed by the powerful force.

As a result, the Tang Dynasty, which unified the cangxuan region, almost passed the integration stage without any trouble. Today's cangxuan region is the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty is the cangxuan region.

On the other hand, Li Xian, who is hard-working and hard-working, also has a new goal. There is Cang region, which is adjacent to cangxuan region.

According to the information from the royal guards, Li Xian also had some understanding of Cang region.

Cang region is located in the north of cangxuan region. It has two cangxuan regions, rich in products and many strong ones.It was the Qing Dynasty that controlled Cang region. What's more, Huang Taiji, the emperor of Qing Dynasty, was a strong man in the period of combination.

The Regent Dorgon is also a powerful man that can not be underestimated. At the same time, the Prime Minister of the Qing Dynasty is also unusual. It is he he. Under his administration, the wealth of the Qing Dynasty is astronomical.

It seems that the Qing Dynasty is much stronger than the Tang Dynasty in terms of both national strength and the strength of the strong.

"There's a decent opponent at last."

Li Xian did not worry about the strength of the Qing Dynasty. On the contrary, he was a little excited. For him, it was more like a challenge. If the Qing Dynasty could not be defeated, what would he talk about to unify China.

Cangbei region, Qing Dynasty.

On the throne, Huang Taiji's eyes swept over his highness and his ministers slowly said, "in recent days, the Tang Dynasty in cangxuan region has risen rapidly. What do you think should be done?"

Hearing this, all the ministers of the Qing Dynasty were silent, and some people's eyes fell on Dorgon, the Regent beside Huang Taiji.

Seeing this scene, Huang Taiji frowned and his face was not happy.

Seeing this, a minister came out and said.

"Your Majesty, the vast and mysterious region is only a tiny place, and the Tang Dynasty is only a small country. It is not enough to be afraid of."

"No, your majesty, I heard that the Tang Dynasty was very powerful. In a short period of time, it swept away many forces in the dark area. According to the old minister, we should be on guard early."

"Taifu's words are not good enough. Hearsay is not enough to be believed. Cangbei has a vast territory and abundant resources, which is far better than cangxuan. The gap between national strength is doomed that the Tang Dynasty will not be able to sink the climate. Besides, our Lord is a strong man in the realm of fitness. How can a Tang Dynasty be comparable?"

For a time, the ministers spoke one after another and held their own opinions.

"Your Majesty." Suddenly, the Regent Dorgon, who had been silent, opened his mouth. In a moment, the silent needles in the hall could be heard.

"The Regent, please." Huang Taiji's eyes flashed cold, but he said with a smile on his face.

"In my opinion, it may be exaggerated that the strength of the Tang Dynasty is weak. But if the other party can unify the cangxuan region so quickly, and then there is no turmoil, it has to be prevented. Why don't we send a person to the Tang Dynasty to show the national strength of the Qing Dynasty and test the reality of the Tang Dynasty? What do you think?"

"The Regent's words are very wonderful. I think they are feasible."

"I think it's possible, too."


Seeing that all the ministers agreed with Dorgon's opinion, Huang Taiji's displeasure was even worse.

After pondering for a long time, Huang Taiji said slowly: "in this case, who can go to the Tang Dynasty?" ..