Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 473

All the elders of the xuanming sect agreed, demanding that the Tang Dynasty should pay the most heavy price this time. Only by annihilating the Tang Dynasty can they regain the prestige of the xuanming sect.

"Elders, since we all feel that we must destroy the Tang Dynasty this time, I don't know which of you is willing to lead the army and make immortal contributions to our xuanming sect?"

Xuanming zhengse road.

"Suzerain, I think it's about the life and death war of our xuanming sect. Only the suzerain himself can show that our xuanming sect attaches great importance to this war."

Seven old ways.

"Suzerain, I agree with the seven elders. Only when the suzerain leads the army in person can our soldiers give full play to their combat effectiveness, so you must do it yourself, suzerain."

Er Changlao.

"We all agree that it is better for the patriarch to do it himself."

The other elders said one after another.

Up to this time, they didn't care about Datang at all. They just wanted to let the Xuanjia of the patriarch lose some fighting power.

They think it's very simple to deal with the million army of the Tang Dynasty. They don't need xuanmingzong to do their best.

If it is said that it is not the Tang Dynasty but the xuanyue empire that is attacking xuanmingzong at this time, then xuanmingzong will unite as one as never before and face the attack of xuanyue empire.

Because the xuanyue empire is so powerful that it is almost equal to the xuanming sect. Once the patriarch's family is allowed to fight against the xuanyue Empire, it will be swallowed by the xuanyue empire.

Therefore, although the elders of xuanming sect are selfish, they can also recognize the situation clearly. But these selfish guys will surely suffer evil consequences this time.

"The elders are right. I totally agree with them."

Xuanming road.

"The patriarch is wise."

They said immediately.

"However, I have a request that each of you take out 300 inferior spirit stones as military expenses for this expedition, otherwise I will never easily use the strength of the army and my Xuanjia family."

Xuanming zhengse road.

The elder's face is really embarrassed, but they have no choice. After all, they don't want to spare their life now!

So they all took out three hundred inferior spirit stones and gave them to the xuanming patriarch.

"Ha ha ha! Thank you, elders. As the leader of xuanming sect, I will never let xuanming sect be attacked by evil forces. I will destroy the Tang Dynasty! "

Xuanming laughed.

The rest of the elders also accompanied with a smile, but they all hoped that the Xuan family would suffer a heavy loss this time.

But they all didn't realize that the result of this war was that xuanming sect lost a lot, and even destroyed it.

If they had known that the Tang Dynasty was so powerful, they would have tried their best to fight against the Tang Dynasty. Unfortunately, when they got the Xuan family destroyed, it was over.

There is no regret medicine in this world. Although they all regret it, it doesn't help. They can only accept the failure of fate.

Then all the elders left the main hall of zongmen, leaving only a laughing xuanming.

Xuanming felt that he had made a lot of money this time. Twelve Zhanglai and each elder gave him three hundred pieces of spirit stone, which was three thousand six hundred pieces of spirit stone! This is equivalent to the income of xuanmingzong for three years!

Xuanming was very happy, but what he didn't think of was that this was also the beginning of the end of their xuanming sect.

In the end, xuanming led their three foundation builders and 700000 troops to the southern border. The elder and the second elder were in charge of the xuanming sect.

700000 troops, but a very large army, and this military equipment is very luxurious, not even comparable to the general army, can definitely fight against the army of the Tang Dynasty.

But xuanmingzong must have no peerless generals, no generals who can fight. How could he be the opponents of Yue Fei, Li cunxiao, Xu Da and Chang Yuchun?

The understanding of the four generals, such as Yue Fei of the Tang Dynasty, to war is by no means comparable to that of the xuanming sect. Therefore, the result of this battle is self-evident.

The army of 700000 xuanmingzong is powerful, but can they think how many of them will be able to go back this time and their lives will not be threatened?

"General Yue Fei, there is news from the royal guards that xuanming, the leader of the xuanming sect, personally leads 700000 troops to the border. It seems that he is going to fight our army."

"They're looking for their own death."

"Why did General Yue say that?"

"Xuanming sect is a sect. Their strength lies in their foundation building experts, not in the army. Now there is only one xuanming sect leader, xuanming, who leads 700000 troops. We can perish easily."

"General Yue is right. They don't understand military war at all. They want to fight against us. It's beyond their capacity." ..