Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 474

Yue Fei and other generals in the Tang Dynasty are all very confident. They feel that their military command ability is by no means comparable to that of xuanming, the leader of xuanming sect.

Xuanming believes that power is invincible, that this is a world of the strong, and that the weak have no opportunities and means to speak of.

Unfortunately, xuanming did not know the strength of Yue Fei, Li cunxiao, Xu Da and Chang Yuchun.

Yue Fei's four men have now broken through the foundation building environment, and all of them have even become the top experts in the early stage of foundation building. I believe that before long, they will all become the top experts in the later stage of foundation building.

Now, even if Yue Fei's four men are all masters in the early days of foundation building, their combat effectiveness is not so simple.

His majesty Li Xian of the Tang Dynasty can fight with the master of building foundation while practicing Qi. Li Xian can definitely fight with the master of gold elixir by breaking through the realm of building foundation.

Although Yue Fei and others are close to each other, as long as they don't meet the elixir experts, they are all fearless and can even win the battle.

"General Li, General Xu and General Chang, I have decided to divide the troops. What do you think?"

"General Yue, tell me your opinion."

"If we divide our forces, the other side will also divide our forces. This is our chance. We can absolutely divide and attack it, causing great losses to xuanming sect. Finally, we will meet in front of xuanming sect. I believe that several national defense generals will come to support us at that time, and we will take the whole xuanming sect directly."

"It's a good choice, I agree."

Xu Da thought about it.

"I have no problem."

"Of course I agree."

Immediately, Yue Fei, Li cunxiao, Xu Da and Chang Yuchun divided their forces and headed for the city of xuanming sect.

But Yue Fei's green dragon army and Li cunxiao's white tiger army are all made up of 300000 troops. Xu Da's Xuanwu army and Chang Yuchun's Changlin army are all made up of 200000 troops.

I believe that the other side will certainly use the main forces to deal with General Yue Fei and General Li cunxiao, but Yue Fei and Li cunxiao will never have the slightest fear. They are confident that they will be able to deal with the xuanmingzong army.

Sure enough, the army of the Tang Dynasty was divided into four routes, and xuanmingzong got the news immediately.

"Lord, the Tang army is divided into four groups. What should we do now?"

A good foundation builder.

"How did they divide up?"

Xuanming road.

"Suzerain, General Yue Fei leads 300000 troops of the headquarters, Li cunxiao leads 300000 troops of the headquarters, and Xu Da and Chang Yuchun both lead 200000 troops."

The great protector of xuanming sect followed the way.

"Then we should also divide our troops to defend. You lead 200000 troops to block Li cunxiao's army. The third Dharma guard and the sixth Dharma guard lead 150000 troops to block Xu Da and Chang Yuchun respectively. I lead 200000 troops to fight Yue Fei. I believe we can win."

Xuanming road.

"That's natural. The Tang Dynasty thought that they had to divide their forces, so we had no choice. But it was the best chance for us to divide their forces. Our four foundation building masters must be able to make the Tang army have no way to escape."

The great Dharma path.

Xuanming also nodded confidently.

Xuanming immediately asked the Three Dharma protectors under his command to lead the army to fight against Li cunxiao, Xu Da and Chang Yuchun, and then defeat them.

But how could xuanming know that the other party really wanted them to do this? As long as xuanming arranged this way, xuanming sect would surely be defeated.

If xuanming had gathered all the troops together and used 700000 troops against all the troops of the Tang Dynasty, there might still be a chance, but now it seems that they are doomed.

The funny thing is that xuanming is still complacent, thinking that he has seen through the conspiracy of the Tang army, but he doesn't know that he is in the conspiracy of the Tang army.

In this world, there is nothing wrong with confident people, but overconfidence is not a good thing, especially for such a big event. War is often not as simple as people think.

Only when you know yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. Xuanmingzong didn't know the strength of the Tang Dynasty at all, or even almost didn't know much about it. He just thought that the Tang Dynasty was an empire, a new empire. Could it have the power to fight against xuanmingzong?

Obviously not. Xuanmingzong is very powerful, but compared with the current Tang Dynasty, it's still a little worse. Unfortunately, they don't understand this truth.

Now, all the five great generals of the Tang Dynasty have entered the Holy Spirit pool to practice. I believe that they will be able to break through the foundational realm when they pass through the gate. Although there are not as many foundational masters in the Tang Dynasty as xuanming sect, almost every one of them can defeat three or four foundational masters of xuanming sect. How can xuanming sect defeat the Tang Dynasty. ..