Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 472

It's a good thing for the whole Tang Dynasty that Li Xian breaks through the foundation building realm. At least the Tang Dynasty has a master of foundation building, which can calm the scene. Unlike before, there is no master of foundation building in the Tang Dynasty.

Then Li Xian summoned the army leaders of the Tang Dynasty and let them all enter the Holy Spirit pool and break through to the building base.

At the same time, Li Xian also entered the training hall, ready to practice to the later stage of building the foundation.

Once a monk breaks through the foundation building environment, his cultivation will become relatively simple. As long as he has enough resources and has a good mood, many monks will be able to quickly cultivate to the middle or even later stage of the foundation building environment.

As far as Li Xian is concerned, he will practice to the later stage of building the foundation as soon as possible. Once Li Xian breaks through the later stage of building the foundation, his strength will definitely change dramatically. Many skills that can't be used can be used with minimal damage.

Li Xian directly took out thousands of inferior spirit stones and put them in the cycle to be used for cultivation.

Li Xian believed that as long as he followed the operation method of the supreme emperor's decision, he would be able to break through the later stage of foundation construction in half a month.

Li Xian believed that the generals of Tang Dynasty, such as Yue Fei, Li cunxiao, Xu Da, Mei Changshu and Zhou Yu, would also break through the boundary of building the foundation. At that time, it was the time when Tang Dynasty sent troops.

Since xuanmingzong dares to attack the Tang Dynasty, then xuanmingzong must perish, there is no reason to continue to exist.

The Tang Dynasty will never allow any forces that try to destroy the Tang Dynasty to exist.

Finally, a month later, all the generals of the Tang Dynasty went through the customs one after another, and all of them broke through the boundary of building foundation. They did not live up to the expectations of Li Xian and others, and Li Xian broke through to the later stage of building foundation.

Later, Li Xian arranged for Princess Xue Jinlian and Phoenix to enter the Holy Spirit pool to practice.

After all, among Li Xian's concubines, only Xue Jinlian and Fenghuang have reached the peak of Qi training. Wang Ling and others are still in the middle or late stage of Qi training. They are not suitable to enter the Holy Spirit pool.

Li Xian knew that the Holy Spirit pool was a great treasure, and even the best choice for the emperors and ministers of the Tang Dynasty to break through the realm in the future.

Li Xian learned from the emperor system that with the continuous promotion of the Tang Dynasty, the Holy Spirit pool will continue to strengthen. I'm afraid that when the Tang Dynasty breaks through to the dynasty, the friars who build the base can easily break through in the Holy Spirit pool, and even the friars who complete the golden elixir will have a certain chance to break through to the Yuanying realm. This is the most terrible thing.

Chaotian temple.

"Long live your majesty, long live your majesty."

All the ministers said respectfully.

"Ladies and gentlemen, keep your body flat."

"Thank you, sir."

The ministers said immediately.

"If you have something to play, you have nothing to retreat."

Li Xianwei's voice rang out in the whole hall.

"Your Majesty, two months ago, xuanmingzong sent people to attack our Tang Dynasty. Now our Tang Dynasty has a strong army and a strong army, and our officials are asking for a fight."

Yue Fei stood up and said.

Li cunxiao is also a Taoist.

"Your Majesty, please fight."

Xu Da, Xue Rengui, Chang Yuchun, Mei Changsu and Zhou Yu all asked for help.


"In this battle, General Yue Fei led the army, with Li cunxiao, Xu Da and Chang Yuchun as the deputies. Three days later, he set out to fight. The rest of the generals defended the attack of other forces."

Li Xian thought about it.

Although they hope that they can start the first battle, since your majesty has made an order, they will definitely implement it without hesitation.

Li Xian returned to the harem. As long as he pointed out the direction for the development of the Tang Dynasty, he had his own ministers to help him deal with major affairs. He never wanted to do everything personally like some emperors. In that case, how tired he should be!

Datang sent troops, which is a very noteworthy news, even the forces around Datang all feel incredible.

They also judged from the direction of the action of the 800, 000 troops of the Tang Dynasty that the Tang Dynasty was going to attack xuanming Zong. It must be xuanming Zong's last attack on the Tang Dynasty that completely angered the Tang Dynasty.

Now the Tang Dynasty is fighting back, but I don't know if xuanmingzong can bear the pressure.

Maybe they think too much. A new empire wants to compete with xuanmingzong. I'm afraid they don't have many chances.

In xuanming sect.

In the hall of the Lord.

The elders of xuanming and xuanming sect gathered together.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think of the intention of the Tang Dynasty to attack xuanmingzong?"

Xuanming road.

"Suzerain, soldiers come to block, water comes to cover the land. As long as the Tang Dynasty dares to attack our xuanming sect, we must make him never come back, and let the surrounding forces know that our xuanming sect is not a soft persimmon, and that no one can challenge the authority of our xuanming sect. "

Three old ways.

"I agree with the three elders that xuanmingzong is not something that can be bullied by a local baozi empire. We must make Datang pay the most heavy price, and it's better to be able to destroy Datang."

Seven old ways. ..