Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 458

Many of Wu's generals could not accept it for a moment. Originally, their military power was all their own army. Although they were dispatched by Sun Quan and Zhou Yu, it was also their capital to make contributions. Who knows what it would be like to join the Qilin army.

But they seem to forget that Sun Quan and the state of Wu were forced by the situation, so they could have their own army. Otherwise, they would not have had an army.

In history, with the constant stability of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Quan extended his hand to them, and almost every general was forced to hand over military power, otherwise Sun Quan would make them die with all kinds of charges.

After all, in the middle period of the Three Kingdoms, there were few wars in the state of Wu, and the status of generals was not so high.

However, there are always generals who are open-minded, such as Lu Xun, LV Meng, Gan Ning, Tai Shici and so on. They all have to do this. His majesty Li Xian has taken a lot of risks to let Zhou Yu continue to lead them.

But how could they know that Li Xian would not take any risks? Did Zhou Yu really dare to lead the Chinese army under his command to revolt?

That is an impossible thing. Zhou Yu is not such a person and has no courage.

This time, almost all the generals made wise choices. Would they leave with their own troops?

That's even more impossible. Even if Zhou Yu allowed it, I'm afraid Li Xian would send a large army directly to exterminate it.

In the end, Zhou Yu selected hundreds of thousands of troops from hundreds of thousands to form the Qilin army.

Originally, Zhou Yu wanted to select 200000 troops, but after all, there were not enough qualified soldiers!

As for the soldiers who had not been selected, Zhou Yu directly ordered them to return to their hometown to farm. These soldiers were all very excited. After all, they didn't want to be soldiers!

But soon they regretted it, because the soldiers of Datang were treated so well.

When Zhou Yu showed his skills, almost all the generals were very grateful to his majesty, which means that his majesty wants to make the Qilin army a strong army.

When they heard that the top armour and weapons of the Tang Dynasty would be delivered to them in a month, they all cheered.

However, Zhou Yu also carefully observed every general. Once he found out that one of them was wrong, he would take them down immediately.


Hulao pass.

Hulao pass can be said to be the most powerful pass in the world, whether it was Lu Bu's suppression of the heroes at that time, or it was the place where the Han Empire and Yan kingdom would fight.

However, with the fall of Luoyang City, this time the general of hulaoguan directly chose to surrender to the state of Yan. In fact, his best choice was to surrender to the Tang Dynasty.

However, he felt that the state of Yan must be able to drive the Tang army out of the territory of the Han Empire, so he chose to surrender to the state of Yan.

But I believe he will regret it soon. After all, the strength of the Tang army is far beyond his imagination.

Now, one million troops of Yan state have come to Hulao Guanzhong.

It makes the whole Hulao pass seem very crowded, which is not even what ordinary people can imagine, but what does it matter?

As long as we can keep the Tang army away from hulaoguan, everything is worth it.

In fact, what Yuan Shao and others didn't know was that Tang Jun actually had a chance to arrive at hulaoguan first, but Tang Jun deliberately slowed down and let yuan Jun arrive ahead of time.

In fact, the Tang Army wanted to directly annihilate one million yuan troops in Hulao pass.

Now, with the strength of the Tang army, it is very easy to conquer Hulao pass, even very simple.

After all, the weapons and armor of the Tang army were by no means comparable to those of the yuan army.

Ironically, Yuan Shaohe's advisers and generals ignored this. They just felt that although the Tang army was strong, they still had a chance. In fact, they really had no chance, let alone the rest.

"Your Majesty, we have now occupied Hulao pass. As long as we hold it, I believe that the Tang army has no way to attack Yan."

Xu you stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"Ziyuan, you have made a great contribution this time."

Yuan Shao was also very excited.

"Newspaper! Here comes Tang Jun

Suddenly a scoundrel ran into the road.

"Go! Follow me to see the Tang army. "

Yuan Shao immediately stood up and said.

"I will obey the order."

The ministers said immediately.

Yuan Shao did not believe how powerful the Tang army was! Even Yuan Shao didn't know where the Tang army was strong. He always felt that his army was the best in the world.

However, officials like Xu you naturally share the same moral character with Yuan Shao. How can they believe in the fighting power of the Tang army?

However, I believe they will see the terrible fighting capacity of the Tang Army today, and their pride will be gone.

Immediately, Yuan Shao and others came to Hulao pass and saw Tang Jun.

All of them were almost stunned. Tang Jun's neat steps, bright armor and fearless momentum seemed to press towards Hulao pass step by step.Yuan Shao and his ministers subconsciously stepped back. Xu you was shocked to death. He already knew that the state of Yan was going to lose. After all, the Tang army was too strong, especially the black armor. ..