Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 459

"If I have such an army, why worry about the injustice of the world?"

Yuan Shao sighed.

Yuan Shao was shocked. He felt that if he had such a powerful army, what would Cao Cao and others take to fight against him?

"I have something to say about who will lead the army under the city."

Yuan Shao said in a loud voice.

Although Yuan Shao didn't become a strong man in the Wuwang realm, he was also a strong man in the late Wuzong realm. His voice was also very penetrating. Of course, Yue Fei and other generals in the city heard him.

"I'm Yue Fei and Yuan Shao, general of the Tang Dynasty. You can say whatever you want."

Yue Fei light way.

"General Yue Fei, are you willing to submit to me and I will make you king?"

Yuan Shao's words are astonishing.

"Ha ha ha! Yuan Shao, don't think about these unrealistic ideas. If you surrender now, you may have a chance to survive. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to survive after the city is broken. "

Yue Fei said coldly.

"Well! If you want to die, your majesty wants you to surrender. It's to give you face. Don't be shameless. "

Yan Liang said angrily that he had made great contributions to Yan Guoli. His majesty didn't even give him a title, but he wanted to give the Tang generals the title of king. How can Yan Liang bear it.

"General Yue Fei, don't you really think about it?"

Yuan Shao was still not willing to say so.

"Yuan Shao, my Yue Fei was born a minister of the Tang Dynasty and died a ghost of the Tang Dynasty."

Yue Fei said coldly.

Yuan Shao didn't think about his virtue either. He wanted General Yue Fei to surrender himself. He was really beyond his ability.

"In that case, don't blame me for being merciless. Yan Liang, go out and kill Yue Fei for me."

Yuan shaodao.

"I will comply with the order."

Yan Liang immediately excited way, he already see Yue Fei unhappy.


Immediately Yan Liang rode out of Hulao pass.

"Yue Fei, dare you fight me?"

Yan Liang roared.

"General, let me go."

Guan Yu said.

Yue Fei nodded and motioned for Guan Yu to fight. Guan Yu immediately stepped on a horse and rushed to the middle of the battlefield.

"Yan Liang Xiao'er, you can't challenge the General Yue Fei. First defeat me, Guan Yu."

Guan Yu said angrily.

"Guan Yu? You are the second younger brother of Liu Bei in Shu Kingdom. I didn't expect that you didn't die, but so what? "

Yan Liang said angrily.

"Cut the crap and take it!"

Guan Yu hummed coldly.


Yan Liang roared and rushed to Guan Yu.

Yan Liang is the first military general of the state of Yan. He only obeys Yuan Shao. Even in the face of Yuan Tan and others, Yan Liang doesn't give any face.

Guan Yu used to be the first military general of Shu, even stronger than Yan Liang.

With a loud noise, the two men's attack collided, shaking the whole earth constantly. Yuan Shao and others were also very shocked. They didn't expect that Guan Yu could draw with Yan Liang.

Xu you and others were also very shocked. They never thought that Guan Yu was so strong.

Yan Liang was the most powerful general in Yan kingdom. Originally, they all thought that Yan Liang was not afraid of anyone except Lv Bu. But today, it seems that this is not the case. It can't be blamed for them.

"Guan Yu, I didn't expect you to have such strength. It's really surprising."

Yan Liang roared.

Yan Liang did not expect that Guan Yu, like himself, was also a strong man in the middle of the kingdom of Wu.

"Ha ha ha ha! There are so many things you haven't thought of

Guan Yu said coldly.

Immediately Guan Yu and Yan Liang fight together, you come and I go, not wonderful.

All of a sudden, Guan Yu retreats. Yan Liang finds the right opportunity to attack and kill Guan Yu. He smiles at the corner of his mouth.

Even Yuan Shao and others on the wall also showed a smile.

But I'm afraid they can't see Guan Yu's expression at this time. At this time, Guan Yu seems very confident, because Guan Yu is going to show his unique skills next.

In history, Guan Yu also killed Yan Liang by this ploy. I believe this time, he can do the same.

Sure enough, one of them revealed that he was flying high, which was shocking. Li cunxiao and Yue Fei were ready to support at any time just now.

"Guan Yu, pay for my brother's life."

Wen Chou roared and rushed out of the tiger prison.

"Zhao Zilong of Changshan is here, and his practice should be rampant!"

Zhao Yun yelled and killed Wen Chou. He didn't have much fear for the second general of Yan state. Even after learning the skills that Yue Fei gave him, Zhao Yun's strength rose a step. I'm afraid he could crush Wen Chou easily.

The funny thing is that Wen Chou came to die!"Zhao Yun? This is the five tiger General of Shu again! "

Xu you stroked his beard.

Now it seems that the kingdom of Shu has really been destroyed by the Tang Dynasty, and even the states of Wu and Wei are very dangerous.

"Kill! Those who stand in my way will die

Wen Chou roars and kills Zhao Yun.

"Well! It's beyond our capacity. "

Zhao Yun light way.

Immediately, Zhao Yun and Wen Chou fight fiercely, but Wen Chou is always at a disadvantage. In the end, he is directly killed by Zhao Yun, and the whole tiger prison is closed in silence.

Yuan Shao's face is hard to see the extreme. Two extremely important generals under his command were killed one after another! ..