Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 457

"Chang Aiqing, go back and have a rest. I'll have a good chat with Gongjin."

Li Xian said to

"I will obey the order."

Chang Yuchun said respectfully.

Chang Yuchun understood that his majesty attached great importance to Zhou Yu, and Zhou Yu also had a reason to be valued by his majesty.

"Gongjin, what's your plan? I know you are good at writing and fighting. Are you going to be a general? Or do you want to be a civil servant? "

"Your Majesty, I want to be a general. I want to command thousands of troops on the battlefield."

Zhou Yu said.

"Gongjin, do you know how big the world is?"

"Your Majesty, I don't know."

Zhou Yu said immediately.

As a matter of fact, Zhou Yu really didn't know how big the world was. Zhou Yu only knew about the Great Han Empire. He didn't even know what other countries were outside the Great Han Empire.

In fact, Li Xian now does not know what kind of opponent the Tang Dynasty will face after the destruction of several kingdoms in the Han Empire.

However, Li Xian firmly believes that the emperor system may have been fully arranged.

Li Xian knows that the emperor system is not omnipotent, but at least in this low-level world, the emperor system still plays a great role.

But once it really reaches the heaven and the world, I'm afraid the role that the emperor system can give him will be very little.

"Gongjin, the world is so big that you can't imagine, or even you will never know how big the world is."

"You think my Datang should be very strong, but the real super strong will drown the whole Datang in one breath. Do you understand?"

Zhou Yu shook his head. He didn't know the use of his Majesty's saying this to him.

"So we have a long way to go, even beyond our imagination."

"Gongjin, I'd like to invite you to be the general of the Qilin army of the Tang Dynasty. I don't know. What do you think?"

The general of the Qilin army, which is the same level as Chang Yuchun's, commands the main army of the Tang Dynasty. Zhou Yu's breath begins to accelerate.

"Your Majesty, do you trust me so much?"

Zhou Yu said.

"Of course I trust you. I believe you can lead the Kirin army well."

In fact, Li Xian is really not afraid of Zhou Yu's improper behavior, because with the continuous development of the Tang Dynasty, the influence of the state of Wu will become negligible, even if the Tang Dynasty is conquering some places, then Wu Guozhen may not be anything in the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

"This is a volume of Tianji skills, three prefecture level skills and ten metaphysical skills. You can pass them on to the officers and soldiers in the Qilin army. I won't ask more questions."

"But one thing you must guarantee is that the Kirin army is absolutely loyal to me, otherwise I don't mind destroying him myself!"

"Don't worry, your majesty. I know what to do."

Zhou Yu was also very serious.

"I allow you to select enough generals and soldiers, weapons and equipment from Wu's army, and you will arrive in a month."

"Thank you, Lord long."

Zhou Yu knelt down.

"Minister Zhou Yu swears here that he will be loyal to his majesty and the Tang Dynasty, and will never betray him, otherwise he will be abandoned by both man and God."

Zhou Yu made a poisonous oath.

"Gong Jin, please get up."

Li Xian got up to help Zhou Yu. At the same time, Li Xianli checked Zhou Yu's loyalty with the renhuang system. As a result, he improved a lot. He didn't even think that Zhou Yu's loyalty to himself had reached 89%.

"Gongjin, go back and make arrangements. You are going to choose 200000 troops from hundreds of thousands of Wu troops to form a new Qilin army. As for political affairs, I will let the prime minister deal with them."

"I will comply with the order."

Zhou Yu said respectfully.

Zhou Yu was very excited to meet the emperor of the Tang Dynasty this time. He never even thought that he would be very excited to meet an emperor one day.

Two days later, Zhou Yu returned to Chaisang and told the generals about the establishment of the Kirin army.

"Dudu, I didn't expect that your majesty should value you so much. It's really gratifying to hear that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei didn't get such a high position, which is the same as the six generals of the Tang Dynasty!"

Lu Xun Dao.

"No! In addition to the remaining generals you know, there are also six national defense generals Qiao Feng, Zhan Zhao, ye Gucheng, Li Ruyan and imperial concubine Xue Jinlian in the Tang Dynasty. Their positions are almost the same as those of Chang Yuchun, and the position of Dian Wei, the commander of the Imperial Guard, is the same as theirs. "

"Moreover, the personal combat effectiveness of the national defense general is extremely strong. They command the Tianlong army, the most powerful army in the Tang Dynasty."

Zhou Yu said.

Everyone took a deep breath. The strength of the Tang emperor was beyond their imagination.

"From today on, I will no longer be the governor of the state of Wu, but Zhou Yu, the general of the Qilin army of the Tang Dynasty. I hope you will all keep this in mind."

Zhou Yu was right.

"It's the general.""Generals, in our Wu state, most of the generals' troops are privately owned, but this is something that the Tang Dynasty will never allow. Everyone in our Qilin army must be completely loyal to his majesty. If you can't accept our general's Qilin army, you should not come. But once you enter the Qilin army, you must follow the rules of the Qilin army."

Zhou Yu said.

"I'll give you two days to think about it. Let's all step down." ..