Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 419

Outside Jianye city.

Sun Quan watched Lu Xun leave with 60000 troops. He didn't want to go back to the city for a long time.

He knew that this time he was gambling on the fate of the state of Wu, but even if the result was hard for him to accept, Sun Quan would not regret it.

As a strong emperor, Sun Quan certainly hoped that he could dominate the world and let people admire him.

"Your Majesty, it's time to go back to the palace."

Then Sun Quan and others returned to Jianye City, but everyone's heart, including Sun Quan, could not be calm for a long time.

They knew that the first World War was related to the fate of Wu state. Once they were defeated, Wu state would never recover.

Although they will not be destroyed, they will certainly lose the capital to fight for the world.


Xu Chang.

When Cao Cao got Xu Huang's secret report, he also knew that Guan Yu and his son had died in the hands of the state of Wu. Even LV Meng didn't know who killed Guan Yu.

But all this is not important, the important thing is that Guan Yu died in the hands of Wu, Liu Bei and Shu will never give up.

If Liu Bei and Shu had nothing to say, then Liu Bei's prestige would be greatly weakened.

Although Liu Bei had always hoped that Guan Yu would die in battle and that he would not be able to influence Liu Chan's successful accession to the throne after his death, when Guan Yu really died in battle, Liu Bei could only choose revenge.

Otherwise, Liu Bei's three brothers' marriage in Taoyuan will be meaningless.

"Fengxiao, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, Guan Yu died in the hands of Wu, which is very good news for us."

Guo Jiadao.

"How do you say that?"

"Your Majesty, after learning that Guan Yu was killed by LV Meng, Liu Bei will definitely choose to attack Jingzhou."

"First, Liu Bei wants to take back Jingzhou; second, Liu Bei wants to avenge Guan Yu. He wants to let the world see that Liu Bei can abandon everything for the sake of brotherhood."

Guo Jiadao.

"In your opinion, what should Wei do?"

"Your Majesty, maybe you should be ready to help the state of Wu."

"Your Majesty, the combat effectiveness of the army of Shu is absolutely superior to that of Wu. The army of Shu is a hundred battles elite, and the army of Wu is just fighting with Shanyue, which is absolutely not as effective as the army of Shu."

"Your Majesty, if Liu Bei comes here, I'm afraid we have to consider helping the state of Wu. Otherwise, once the state of Shu makes the state of Wu suffer heavy losses, it's definitely not good news for the state of Wei."

Guo Jiadao.

"I see."

Cao Cao knew that it seemed impossible for him to reap the profits of Weng, but it was harmless. Generally speaking, the state of Wei made money.

Cao Cao's mood is also very good, the whole person is very comfortable.



Liu Bei finally received the news of Guan Yu's death.

"Yunchang, why did you leave big brother?"

"Mr. Yun, I'm sorry for you!"

Liu Bei cried.

"Long cloud, big brother has come to accompany you."

Weeping, Liu Bei pulled a sword from the wall and was about to wipe it to his neck.

"Your Majesty, you can't 1"

Chen Dao was so fast that he immediately won the sword.

"Your Majesty, the death of general Yun is very sad, but your Majesty must take good care of the dragon! Otherwise, general Yunchang will not be at ease if he knows. "

Chen Dao said.


but no matter how Chen Dao persuades Liu Bei, Liu Bei cries to death.

All the guards around were very moved. They were moved by his Majesty's brotherhood and His Majesty's true feelings. Many of them began to cry in silence. They really didn't know how to persuade his majesty.

"Here comes the prime minister."

I don't know who said it.

Many people found that Zhuge prime minister had come, and they all looked at Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang had to come!

When Zhuge Liang got the news of Guan Yu's accident, he immediately came to the palace.

Although Zhuge Liang knew that Guan Yu could not escape this time, when he really got the news, Zhuge Liang's heart was actually very hard!

After all, Guan Yu is the first military general and the God of war of Shu, and his contribution to Shu is almost unmatched.

"Chen Zhuge Liang, long live, long live your majesty."

Zhuge Liang said immediately.

Unfortunately, Liu Bei did not have the slightest reaction. He continued to cry and seemed to forget who he was and what he wanted to do.

"Your Majesty, Yunchang has died, but general Yunchang will live in our hearts forever."

"Your Majesty, don't cry any more. There's a big matter for your majesty to decide."Zhuge Liang said in a loud voice.

"Kongming, do you know?"

"My second younger brother is dead, and Yunchang is dead. He died under the steel knife of Wu state. What do you think I should do?" ..