Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 420

"Big brother, Yunchang is dead. We have to take revenge. We must take revenge for the second brother."

Zhang Fei came to the palace and roared.

When Zhang Fei got the news, he wanted to know his life, but when Zhang Fei thought, once he died, who would avenge his second brother?

Zhang Fei knows that he has to avenge his second brother by killing LV Meng.

So Zhang Fei came to the palace.

When Zhang Fei saw Liu Bei crying, his whole life was more complicated. He didn't want to say anything more. He just wanted to avenge his second brother.

"Yide, elder brother promised you that we would take revenge for Yunchang. I want you to take down LV Meng's head and pay homage to Yunchang's spirit in heaven."

Liu Bei said in a loud voice.

"It's big brother."

Zhang Fei said immediately.

"Prime minister, you immediately make an order for me to leave 100000 troops in Chengdu to defend the Tang Dynasty. Except for 20000 troops in the sword Pavilion, the rest of the troops immediately move eastward, ready to take back Jingzhou and take revenge for commander Yun."

Liu Beidao.

"Your Majesty, please think twice."

Zhuge Liang said immediately.

"It must be carried out without error."

Liu Bei said angrily.

"I will comply with the order."

Zhuge Liang said with tears.

Zhuge Liang knew that his Majesty was going to start a national war with the state of Wu, and it was still a war of overthrowing the country. He was going to use 500000 troops to fight.

Although Shu's army has strong fighting capacity, the money and food consumed by 300000 troops is absolutely a terrible number.

Zhuge Liang silently hoped that his Majesty would take Jingzhou quickly, otherwise once the army fell into the mire, the national strength of Shu would definitely be dragged down, which was something Zhuge Liang didn't want to see.

Three days later, Liu Bei personally led 200000 troops, followed by generals Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Chen Dao, Wang Ping, Yan Yan Yan and so on. When he arrived at the Jingzhou border, the troops would gather around 300000.

Zhuge Liang led Manchurian civil servants to see them off.

"Prime minister, I'll leave Chengdu to you. I hope you can do your duty and protect Chengdu."

Liu Bei asked.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will do my best to ensure Chengdu is safe after I die."

Zhuge Liang believed that with 100000 troops in hand, no one in the world could conquer Chengdu.

With Liu Bei's command, the 200000 troops marched toward the East.

All the soldiers of Shu army are very excited. They believe that they can definitely make great contributions and get rich rewards this time.

And Liu Bei is the most excited one, although he pretends to be very sad.

But deep down in his heart, Liu Bei was very excited. Guan Yu died, and his heart was dead. It was really a happy event.

Moreover, he can take back Jingzhou under the banner of revenge. After all, the combat effectiveness of Wu's army is not strong. I can't say that he can easily invade Wu. At that time, his kingdom of Shu will be at its best.

And the news of Liu Bei's sending troops was immediately obtained by the spies of the state of Wei and the state of Wu. They speedily sent the news to their master.

I believe that the state of Wei and the state of Wu will get the news before Liu Bei arrives in Jingzhou, which is beyond doubt.

Three days later.

Lu Xun of Wuling county got the news that Liu Bei had sent troops, but this was really expected.

If Liu Bei doesn't send troops, it will be extraordinary.

"General, what shall we do now?"

One of the lieutenants faces Luxon road.

"What are you worried about? Isn't Liu Bei leading 300000 troops to attack? Our army also has 70000. I really don't believe that Liu Bei can easily conquer Wuling city. "

Lu Xun said coldly.

"Great general, the last general is abrupt."

"Pass on the orders and prepare more materials for guarding the city."

Lu Xun didn't feel anything wrong with the deputy general's performance. After all, everyone would be afraid of the 300000 troops coming, but Lu Xun himself couldn't show much fear. Although Wuling city is not a strong city, Lu Xun believed that he would be able to hold on for a period of time until LV Meng led the army to arrive.

At the same time, governor Zhou Yu will send a large army to support.

After all, this is a national war, which is very important for Wu and Shu. How can Wu admit defeat.

Lu Xun got the news that governor Zhou Yu of Dadu had asked to send generals such as Tai Shici and Gan Ning to support him.

Once the reinforcements arrived, Lu Xun believed that he would not lose much to Shu.

With Lu Xun's military order issued, the whole Wuling city began to quickly prepare. All the 70000 troops were united and ready to defend Wuling city.

Because they knew that once Wuling fell into the hands of the Shu army, it would not be good news for the state of Wu. The door of Jingzhou would be opened immediately, and most of Jingzhou would fall into the spearhead of the Shu army.No accident, Jingzhou will fall into war again. ..