Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 418

"So you didn't send troops to Mai Cheng?"

"General Lu Meng, I dare to assure you that there is absolutely no army of Wei state going to the wheat city you said."

Xu Huang now has 100000 troops, how can he not control the whole situation in northern Jingzhou? In Xu Huang's intelligence, the state of Wei has no other army going south, and his own army is even less likely to go south. I believe LV Meng himself knows this.

"So who killed thousands of our general's troops in Mai Cheng?"

Lu Meng still didn't understand.

Is it Shu?

But that's not right!

Because the news came from the general of wheat city, and the wheat city was still in his own hands, so the army of Shu could not arrive.

"General Lu Meng, we need Fancheng and the counties that were in our hands before. Is that ok?"

"General Ben agreed."

Lu Meng said directly.

Because LV Meng knew that the request of the state of Wei was not excessive. He could only agree to it. Otherwise, the state of Wei would be angry, and his state of Wu would probably face the attack of Shu and Wei. At that time, things would not be good.

"I will take the emperor of Wei with me. Thank you, general Lu."

Lu Meng nodded.

Then they talked about something else, and finally they all went back.

However, Xu Huang was very surprised why LV Meng asked such a question. Xu Huang immediately sent scouts to Mai Cheng to inquire about the news, hoping to get useful information.

On the way back to Xiangyang, LV Meng considered more than once who could easily annihilate his thousands of troops without leaving any trace.

At present, it depends on whether Guan Yu has an accident. Once Guan Yu has an accident, I'm afraid the things that his majesty and Lu Xun are worried about can't be avoided.

Two days later, Ding Feng returned to Xiangyang City.

"See general."

Ding Feng said respectfully.

"No gift."

Lu Meng road.

"All the six thousand soldiers under pan Zhang's command were killed, but no result was found out."

"But the general, Guan Yu, Guan Ping and Zhou Cang all died in the battlefield."

Ding Fengdao.

"How to prove it?"

Lu Meng road.

"General, we found Guan Yu's clothes and identity token at the scene."

Ding Fengdao.

"So it seems that Guan Yu's three people are really dead."

"Come on, let your majesty know at once."

Lu Meng road.

"It's the general."

Lu Meng knew that this matter could not be concealed, or even could not be concealed at all. He was afraid that another war would take place in Soochow.

But Lu Meng really has no choice. It is impossible for him not to tell his majesty.

Even if I don't tell your majesty, I believe that your majesty will get information from other places before long. At that time, I'm afraid my situation will be more difficult.


When Sun Quan got the Tang newspaper from LV Meng, he was also shocked. He never thought that LV Meng actually killed Guan Yu.

Although LV Meng didn't kill Guan Yu himself, this account will be charged to Wu.

In fact, Sun Quan is still very afraid of Shu. Once Liu Bei leads his army to fight, who can stop the attack of Shu?

Sun Quan immediately summoned Lu Xun. The person Sun Quan trusted most was Lu Xun. After all, Zhang Zhao and others were loyal to their father and brother, unlike Lu Xun, who was promoted by himself.

"Long live your majesty, long live your majesty."

Lu Xun, a Confucian general, was very concerned about etiquette.

"Bo Yan, take a look at this first."

Sun Quan handed Lu Xun the Tang newspaper sent by LV Meng.

Lu Xun quickly read, immediately Lu Xun realized the seriousness of the matter, LV Meng's men killed Guan Yu, this matter will soon be known by Shu.

Liu Bei had no choice but to attack Wu.

"Bo Yan, what do you think?"

Sun Quan faces Lu Xun.

"Your Majesty, this battle is inevitable. We can only take it."

"Bo Yan, tell me your opinion."

"Your Majesty, Liu Bei can only send troops this time."

"Your Majesty, the people of Jingzhou have contributed a lot to the establishment of Shu state by Liu Bei, especially Zhuge Liang and others. Moreover, most of the officers and soldiers of Shu state are from Jingzhou."

"Your Majesty, Liu Bei can only send troops, otherwise the people of Shu will be lax."

"Your Majesty, besides, Guan Yu is Liu Bei's sworn brother. Guan Yu died in the hands of Wu state. Liu Bei would send troops to Jingzhou because of his love and reason."

Lu Xun is right.

"Bo Yan, in your opinion, what should we do now? Is it to increase troops to Jingzhou or to withdraw our troops from Jingzhou? ""Your Majesty, Jingzhou was attacked by the soldiers of Wu state. How can we say we should withdraw? Moreover, even if we withdraw, Shu state will still attack and continue to attack Wu state."

"Bo Yan, I know what you mean. You immediately lead your army to support Jingzhou." ..