Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 417

"Big brother? My big brother, he wants me to die. How can he say this to me? "

Guan Yu almost broke down.

"General Yun Chang, Liu Bei sent Zhuge Liang to lead a hundred thousand troops to attack my Tang Dynasty more than a month ago. Unfortunately, Li cunxiao, the great general of our Dynasty, defused them easily, and almost wiped out the hundred thousand troops."

"General Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong, the five tigers of Shu, were captured by our Tang army."

"What? I don't know what happened in Shu. I have to keep it from me all the time? Why? "

"It's strange to know that Yide wrote last time and talked about the three bonds of friendship in Taoyuan. It turns out that Yide is also disheartened."

Guan Yu said.

"In the west of Shu state, our great Tang Dynasty supported more than one million soldiers, the strong like clouds, and the counsellors like rain."

Li Xian said with pride.

"General Yunchang, are you willing to submit to me?"

"Your Majesty, I haven't thought about it yet. How about giving me some time?"

Guan Yu said.

"Well, I promise you."

"General Yun, don't worry. I won't treat you like Liu Bei. I can't do that kind of thing."

Li Xian promised.

"Ah! Guan Yu asked himself that he never had a second heart towards Shu and elder brother. I don't know why elder brother didn't trust me. "

Guan Yu doubts.

"General cloud, you are wrong."

"What's wrong with me?"

Guan Yu is puzzled.

"Liu Bei doesn't doubt you, even Liu Bei doesn't doubt your loyalty to him and Shu. What Liu Bei doubts is whether his own country can be passed on to his son Liu Chan."

"General Yun Chang, I'm afraid Liu Feng will encounter an unexpected situation soon."

"What is it?"

Guan Yu was almost speechless.

However, with Guan Yu's wisdom, he soon understood the truth. Liu Bei was preparing for his son's successful accession to the throne!

Later, Li Xian asked Guan Yu to take off their general clothes and divide them into several parts at the same time, giving people the illusion that Guan Yu had been killed.

At the same time, Guan Yu and his three men also left their waist tags nearby. I believe that once they were found here, they will soon be able to confirm that Guan Yu and others and pan Zhang, general of the state of Wu, were all attacked by surprise, and no one was dead.

Finally, Li Xian and others left Mai Cheng.

But Mai Chengshou didn't get pan Zhang's reply. He gradually felt that something might be wrong and immediately sent someone out to check.

Get the news, but let the wheat city guard will be very frightened, immediately sent to Xiangyang City General LV Meng report.

At the same time, the general of Maicheng ordered the troops to guard the four gates.

Half a day later, Xiangyang's LV Meng also received the news from Mai Cheng. LV Meng was even more furious. It's unreasonable who should be so bold and dare to attack his own army and kill his own general.

"Ding Feng, you immediately lead your troops to Mai Cheng to investigate the matter."

Ding Feng also did not understand who could have such ability. Was he from the state of Wei or Shu? I'm afraid it's unrealistic!

However, all these things make LV Meng very angry. LV Meng thinks that his arrangement is safe this time. He didn't expect to encounter such things. Now it depends on whether Guan Yu is dead.

Once Guan Yu dies, everything will be over. Although LV Meng is eager to die, he doesn't want Guan Yu to die in his own hands.

Later, LV Meng sent people directly to Cao's camp. He wanted to see General Xu Huang of the state of Wei. This was not an ordinary matter. If it was not handled properly, it might cause trouble and even put the whole state of Wu in a very dangerous situation.

Xu Huang was also shocked by LV Meng's invitation. Did LV Meng prepare any conspiracy?

It's impossible! Immediately Xu Huang agreed to LV Meng's request.

Even if LV Meng had any intrigues, Xu Huang was not worried at all.

When Xu Huang and LV Meng met, they both felt that the other side had no conspiracy this time. Xu Huang came by invitation, and they didn't know what LV Meng said.

And Lu Meng is also staring at Xu Huang, hoping to judge from Xu Huang's expression.

"General Xu Huang."

"General Lu Meng."

Lu Meng and Xu Huang said almost at the same time.

Their personal guards are nearly 100 meters behind them. It is impossible to hide the army in this vast land.

"I don't know what happened when general Lu Meng invited me to come here?"

"General Xu Huang, I want to ask you a question. I hope you can tell me the truth."

"General Lu Meng, but it doesn't hurt to say so."

Xu Huang said directly.

Xu Huang guessed that LV Meng must want to talk about the situation in Jingzhou with himself.

"General Xu Huang, did the state of Wei send a large army to Maicheng?"

With that, LV Meng stares at Xu Huang's eyes."General Lu Meng, which city is Mai Cheng?"

Mai Cheng, Xu Huang has never heard of it! ..