Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 416

Dozens of horses appeared in front of Pan Zhang and Guan Yu. They were all shocked. They couldn't imagine who they were?

"I have a crush on Guan Yu. Since Shu has abandoned Guan Yu, I am willing to accept him."

"Who are you?"

Pan Zhang said angrily.

The man in front of me actually claimed to be me, so there is no doubt that the man in front of me is the emperor. But from the current situation, the emperor's country must be very ordinary. Otherwise, how could the man in front of me only bring dozens of people to him.

"I am the emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

"You are satisfied with the answer."

"Ha ha ha! The general has never heard of it. The Tang Dynasty must be a valley country with no fame. If you know the truth, go away immediately. Otherwise, the general will leave you dead in an instant! "

Pan Zhang roared.

"Ha ha ha! You're such a fool. Do you think we Tang Dynasty are being slaughtered

Xue Jinlian said angrily.

Is the power of the Tang Dynasty really felt by the generals of Wu state?

This is unreasonable.

"Since you don't want to leave, I'm not polite."

Pan Zhang said in a loud voice.

In Pan Zhang's eyes, there are more than a dozen people in front of him, who can block thousands of elite troops. This is obviously an impossible thing.


Pan Zhang ordered.

But Guan Yu, Guan Ping and Zhou Cang didn't say anything at this time. What they want most now is to live. As long as they live, everything is possible.

Immediately, Wu Jun launched an attack on Li Xian and others. In an instant, countless feather arrows shot at Li Xian and others.

But all these arrows were blocked by the strong of Tianlong army. Pan Zhang wanted to use bow and arrow to deal with Li Xian and others. It was a daydream.

How powerful are Li Xian and others? Can he be a threat to thousands of soldiers led by a small Wuzong?

With Pan Zhang's order to attack, the generals and the strong of Tianlong army in the Tang Dynasty were also furious.

Immediately, Li Yuanfang, Qiao Feng, ye Gucheng, Ruyan, Xue Jinlian and others were furious, and they immediately released their momentum, which made the whole battlefield very strange.

Pan Zhang was also very shocked. He never thought that he would encounter the biggest dilemma. These people are really powerful, even far beyond his imagination.

Among the five who are strong in Wuwang's realm, the rest are the worst. They are also strong in the later period of Wuzong's realm. How can this be possible?

Even the whole state of Wu could not have so many strong people.


Pan Zhang was also very surprised when he burst out a mouthful of blood. He never thought that the strength of the other side was so strong.

"What now, general?"


Pan Zhang said immediately.

Pan Zhang knew that the things in front of him were far beyond his imagination.

But now that he wants to retreat, he can retreat. It's a daydream.

"Kill! None of them


With a roar, Qiao Feng immediately attacked pan Zhang's army.

Notice that pan zhangdajun really felt the strength of Qiao Feng and others.

Qiao Feng and others, that's the king of Wu. Every king of Wu is very powerful. It's unimaginable.

There were countless screams immediately. Few of the Wu soldiers could escape from the battlefield, because the strong of the Tianlong army had completely controlled it, which they could not imagine. But they could only accept this situation, and they could only be loyal to their country. This was also their choice, and they had no other choice.

This is the gap between the strength, if their strength is strong enough, then all this is easy to say.

With the passage of time, more and more Wu soldiers died. This scene made all the Wu soldiers very scared. But all this has not changed at all. They can only blame their bad fate.

Pan Zhang was almost crazy. Originally, according to the general's calculation, was he allowed to take credit?

But he never thought that he should be defeated so thoroughly.

When the last soldier of Wu army fell to the ground, except for Li Xian and other people of Tang Dynasty, only Guan Yu, Guan Ping and Zhou Cang were left in the whole battlefield.

Guan Yu and others were also very surprised. They also realized that they and others might fall into the hands of Li Xian and others.

"Are you from the Tang Dynasty? Which country is Datang? "

Guan Yu was very confused.

"Why didn't Liu Bei tell you?"

Li Xian asked.

"Big brother? My big brother, he wants me to die. How can he say this to me? " ..