Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 415

Guan Yu dragged his tired body and took dozens of cavalry to fight out of the encirclement. However, the rest of his soldiers were not so lucky. Most of them were captured by the state of Wei and the state of Wu.

"Father Shuai, shall we continue to march towards Mai Cheng now?"

Guan Ping Road.

"We can only go to Mai Cheng and return to Chengdu from Mai Cheng."

Guan Yu said.

At this time, Guan Yu had only one idea in his mind, that is, to quickly return to Chengdu and ask Liu Bei why he did not send troops to support him.

Why did Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang not support themselves, so that Jingzhou fell into the hands of Wu, and their Jingzhou army was destroyed.

When the news of the victory of the battle of Wancheng reached Xuchang, Cao Cao and the Minister of the state of Wei were extremely shocked. General Xu Huang hardly paid any price, so Jingzhou army suffered heavy losses. Even more than 30000 troops of Jingzhou army surrendered to Xu Huang, which was a great victory for the state of Wei.

After they got the news, XiaHouYuan and XiahouDun were even more frightened. Sure enough, they were very wrong this time, and they were also very regretful. They even asked the court minister to intercede, but none of them had much effect.

Because now there is no shortage of generals in Wei state. Although they are strong in wuzongjing, they have little ability to dominate.

Cao Cao was very happy. He immediately ordered Xu Huang to be rewarded. At the same time, he asked Xu Huang not to have any friction with LV Meng. After all, the state of Wei had little fighting power to fight with other countries.


It's just a small county. It's not very important for Shu.

Today, however, with the rest of the roads leading to Chengdu occupied by Wu and Wei, this will be the only road leading to Chengdu, which is very important.

Everyone, including Guan Yu, has calmed down. As long as they break through the wheat city today, they will be able to get to Chengdu unimpeded.

But I'm afraid Guan Yu would never dream that even if they could pass through the wheat city, Liu Bei would probably poison them by surprise.

Immediately, with a loud noise, thousands of cavalry rushed out, and immediately surrounded Guan Yu and dozens of disabled soldiers. Guan Yu and every soldier were dead. They never thought that they and others would be ambushed here. What a terrible thing.

"Ha ha, Guan Yu, you didn't expect that our general had already figured out that you would definitely take the road of Mai Cheng. If you knew what you were going to do, you would surrender immediately, or you would be crushed in an instant."

At this time, pan Zhang was very excited, and Guan Yu was about to be killed by himself.

Because pan Zhang knew that Guan Yu could not choose to surrender. In this case, only death was his destination.

"It's impossible for the general to surrender unless he dies in battle!"

"In that case, the general will send you on the road. As long as the general takes your head, it is definitely a great achievement."

Although pan Zhang knows that Guan Yu is a powerful man in the realm of King Wu, it is still unknown how much strength Guan Yu can exert due to his serious injury. In this case, can't he kill Guan Yu after thousands of troops under his command enter the army?


Pan Zhang immediately ordered.

"It's the general."

All Wu Jun all excited way.

This is Guan Yu! Today, if they can kill Guan Yu, they will be able to pay homage.

"Brothers, let's go!"

And in a forest not far away.

Liu Xian led dozens of experts here.

"Sire, shall we attack at once?"

"Not for the time being."

When Guan Yu, Guan Ping and Zhou Cang's willpower is almost exhausted, they will be able to win the most when they go out.


Guan Yu's green dragon Yanyue sword is waving rapidly. Almost every moment, Wu soldiers fall under the green dragon Yanyue sword.

But pan Zhang is not worried at all, because he knows that today Guan Yu will die, and no one can solve Guan Yu.

Ten minutes later.

Guan Yu, Guan Ping and Zhou Cang were exhausted. They had little strength.

"Ha ha ha! Guan Yu! You're going to die soon. Is there anything else to say? "

Pan Zhang laughed.

"Well! It's a tiger falling flat and being bullied by dogs

Guan Yu said coldly.

"Do it! Kill Guan Yu

Pan Zhang roared.


All of a sudden, a voice of incomparable dignity came.


Pan Zhang said in a loud voice immediately. ..