Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 401

Yujin's army was completely destroyed this time, and less than a thousand Cao soldiers escaped.

Gaolan in Fancheng was the first to get the news. When he got the news that Yujin's army had been destroyed, Gaolan sat on the ground in an instant.

But soon Gao Lan stood up. He knew he couldn't fall down. Once he fell down, Fancheng would be taken away by Guan Yu.

At the same time, Gao Lan also got the news that Yu Jin surrendered to Shu. How could this be possible?

As a general of the state of Wei, Yu Jin was defeated and captured. How could he choose to surrender?

So the late festival of Yu ban has been lost, which I'm afraid everyone didn't expect.

It turned out that Yu Jin was so afraid of death that only those who were afraid of death would choose to surrender.

Gao Lan immediately sent a courier to quickly pass the news to Xu Chang. His Majesty must know this as soon as possible.

"General, I didn't expect that Guan Yu dug the Han River and drowned General Yu Jin and his army."

"Guan Yu also took advantage of the rainstorm, otherwise, the water of Han River would not have been submerged in the camp of General Ban."

Gao Lan knows that this is also Guan Yu's intelligence. I'm afraid only Guan Yu and other generals know how to use the advantages of time and place to destroy the enemy.

At the same time, Yujin camp was in a low-lying area at that time, which also created opportunities for Guan Yu. Otherwise, even if Guan Yu had the ability to communicate with heaven, he might not be able to flood the seven armies.

But whether it's Guan Yu, Yu ban or Gao Lan, they will never dream that all they do is under the surveillance of Datang.

Because Li Xian and others are all enjoying their happiness in Xiangyang City, Li Xian will never do it now.

This is because it will not be of great benefit to Datang.

"Your Majesty, Guan Yu is really powerful."

"Guan Yu is the" general "of Shu state. Guan Yu's regiment destroyed Yu Jin's army."

Pan Zhang's words are astonishing.

"What? Did Guan Yu's regiment destroy Yu Jin's army? "

Lu Meng was surprised.

Lu Xun was also shocked. How could it be?

Why does this happen in just a few days?

"How did Guan Yu do it?"

"General, Guan Yu dug the Han River and flooded the forbidden army."

Lu Meng and Lu Xun immediately understood that Guan Yu had dug the Han River, and there was a problem in Yu Jin's choice of the location of the camp, which led to the annihilation of Yu Jin's army. ..