Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 402

Chengdu, the kingdom of Shu.

The news of Guan Yu flooding the seventh army finally reached Chengdu.

Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang and others were all shocked. They never thought that Guan Yu, the leader of the five tiger generals in Shu Kingdom, actually destroyed the army of Yu ban.

Originally, in Liu Bei's mind, Guan Yu could not have defeated the army in such a short time, but Guan Yu skillfully used the Hanshui regiment to defeat the army.

This is beyond the expectation of Liu Bei and others, but it is also a very comfortable thing for Shu.

Now the state of Wei has lost 100000 troops, and the blow to the state of Wei is also very serious.

Although the strength of the state of Wei was strong and sufficient, the 100000 troops were almost one seventh of the strength of the state of Wei.

"big brother, second brother this wave is really awesome, the regiment has destroyed the one hundred thousand armies of the generals under Cao Cao's command, and captured the general of the Wei state."

Zhang Fei laughs.

"Yes! Your majesty, general Yunchang really made our Shu Kingdom more famous this time. Who would have thought that general Yunchang could destroy the forbidden army? "

Zhuge Liang also said.

"Yes! Now it's up to general Yun Chang whether he can capture Fancheng and Wancheng? "

Liu Beidao.

Zhuge Liang and others all nodded. They felt that general Guan Yu had defeated Yu Jin and could definitely make a name for Shu.

I'm afraid not many people in the state of Wei are willing to fight with general Guan Yu. After all, Guan Yu is absolutely the most powerful at this time, and not many people can defeat him.

Then all the officials retired, leaving only Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang.

"Your Majesty, shall we send an army to support general Yun Chang?"

Zhuge Liang said cautiously.

"There are not many troops in Shu now. I'm afraid there will be no extra troops to support Yunchang at this time."

Liu Beidao.

"I know."

Zhuge Liang fully understood that Liu Bei wanted Guan Yu to die!

Does Shu state have no surplus troops to support Jingzhou battlefield?

This is impossible. If Liu Bei wants to mobilize troops to support Guan Yu, there is no problem that he can mobilize at least 200000 troops.

At the same time, Zhuge Liang has a good understanding of Liu Bei's failure to persuade Guan Yu to change his temper.

Liu Bei's grasp of people's heart is very accurate.

Liu Bei also knows Guan Yu's shortcomings, but Liu Bei never reminds Guan Yu to correct them.

Because Liu Bei knows that once Guan Yu becomes perfect, even if he wants to press Guan Yu, it is very difficult.

Even after his death, the kingdom of Shu will really respect Guan Yu, and even his son Liu Chan will always be suppressed by Guan Yu.

This is the main reason why Liu Bei never reminds Guan Yu.

At the same time, it's the same with Zhang Fei. One of Zhang Fei's favorite things is to beat soldiers, even his own soldiers and lieutenants. Zhang Fei will never show mercy.

This is also the reason why Zhang Fei was killed later.

But no matter what, Guan Yu's flooding of the seven armies shocked countless people, and Guan Yu's prestige was even better. I'm afraid that even Lv Bu, the first general of the Han Empire, would feel very surprised.

However, although Liu Bei did not send a large army to support him, he also sent a messenger to Jingzhou to praise Guan Yu.

In this way, Guan Yu will become more arrogant and feel that he is the number one in the world.

In 1956, Guan Yu did not fight with Lu Bu. At this time, Guan Yu must feel that he is the first person in the world, so Guan Yu's death is not far away.

Liu Bei knew that Guan Yu was very famous now, so the state of Wu might also intervene in the war. Once the state of Wu intervened, if he did not support Guan Yu, the Jingzhou army of Guan Yu alone would not be able to stop the army of Wei and Wu.

Once Guan Yu is dead, he can take this opportunity to send troops to Wu. What can Wu do to stop his army?

This is Liu Bei's plan. Liu Bei is confident that the army of the state of Wu will never be able to stop his own army.

Zhang Fei wants to lead the army to support Jingzhou's second brother, but how could Liu Bei agree?

Liu Beiyi's main task now is to defend the possible eastward advance of Datang and never support the Jingzhou battlefield.

Once the support for Jingzhou leads to the loss of Chengdu, it will be a great disaster for Shu.

And Zhang Fei although in the heart is unwilling, but he also can't how?

After all, Liu Bei is the king of Shu, the supreme ruler of Shu.

General Huang and other generals did not know Liu Bei's role in the war, but their loyalty to Liu Bei was no problem.


Outside Fancheng, although Guan Yu flooded the forbidden army, his whole body floated up and felt that he was really invincible.But for three days, Guan Yu still failed to conquer Fancheng, which made Guan Yu very angry. At the same time, Xu Huang also led the army to Wancheng.

But I don't know why Xu Huang and Cao Jun didn't move on to support Fancheng. ..