Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 400

A deputy general ran to Yujin road.

It's over.

It's really over this time. Guan Yu must be well prepared to lead the Jingzhou army to attack at this time. Guan Yu is sure of himself.

"How did you see them coming?"

Yu Jin asked.

"General, all the Jingzhou troops led by Guan Yu are on boats and rafts."

The Deputy answered immediately.

"Heaven is going to kill us!"

Yu Jin looked up at the sky and sighed.

At once, the drum sounded. Cao Jun knew that the Jingzhou army was going to attack. Immediately, almost every Cao Jun soldier was as pale as ashes.

Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill

Immediately, countless shouts of killing were heard, and countless Shu troops rushed into Cao's camp. They used the advantages of boats and rafts to madly kill Cao's troops.

"Give orders, surrender and not kill."

Guan Yu then ordered.

"Listen, Cao Jun, surrender and don't kill."


Immediately all the Jingzhou troops roared loudly. They decisively carried out their general's orders. They also hoped that these Cao troops would recognize each other and surrender to them.

"Fight with them."

"Yes, we fought with Jingzhou army."

"Don't kill us, we surrender."

"We surrender."


Some are willing to surrender, others are not.

But there is no doubt that Cao Jun, who chose to surrender, will survive this war.

The Cao soldiers who did not choose to surrender, although they could kill a small number of Jingzhou soldiers, there was no doubt that they only died in the end.

"General, we will have Jingzhou army attack here soon."

The deputy general faces Yu Jin Road.

Yu Jin nodded.

Although the place under their feet was not attacked by Jingzhou army for the time being, Yu Jin knew that they would be attacked by Jingzhou army soon.

This place is not very big, it can only hold more than 6000 soldiers, and their weapons are not enough, especially bow and arrow. How can they block the attack of Jingzhou army?

Guan Yu's building ship.

"General, our men have found the location of Yu Jin."

A deputy general faces Guan Yu Road.

"Where is Yu ban?"

Guan Yu said.

"General, Yu Jin leads thousands of troops on a high slope."

"Take the general with you immediately and wipe out the army of Yujin."

Guan Yu said.

In Guan Yu's eyes, Yu Jin is Cao Cao's general, it is impossible to surrender to himself, so Guan Yu intends to destroy Yu Jin.

Guan Yu immediately mobilized ten thousand troops to attack the high slope where Yu Jin was.

"Guan Yu, is it really you?"

Yu Jin looks at Guan Yu.

"It's general Ben."

Guan Yu sneered.

"Yujin, I'll give you a chance. As long as you immediately lay down your arms and choose to surrender, you may be able to save your life. Otherwise, you will die!"

Guan Yu said coldly.

"Guan Yu, I'm a general of the state of Wei. How can I surrender to you?"

Yu Jin said immediately.

"All the officers and men follow orders and attack."

Guan Yu ordered.

"It's the general."

Jingzhou army horse all loud.

"Shoot the arrow."

Ordered a general.

Immediately thousands of arrows shot at Yu Jin and Cao Jun, as if to kill them all.

These Cao troops immediately screamed because they had almost no armour.

"Keep shooting."

A general continued.

There were several more rounds of arrow fire.

Yu Jin watched Cao's soldiers fall to the ground and die. He was also very angry, but what could he do?

Immediately thousands of Jingzhou troops rushed up directly, and immediately many Cao troops were directly killed.

And Yu Jin was also captured by Jingzhou army, and immediately brought to Guan Yu.

"Yu Jin, now is your last chance."

"My general finally asked you, are you willing to surrender to my general?"

Guan Yu said sternly.

"General Guan, I am willing to surrender to Shu."

Yu Jin finished this sentence, the whole person is also a moment sitting on the ground.

Knowing that his reputation was ruined, Yu Jin surrendered to Shu.

"Order to go down immediately. General Yu Jin of the state of Wei has surrendered. Let all Cao soldiers surrender immediately. Otherwise, there will be no amnesty."

Guan Yu said immediately."It's the general."

Zhou Cang and other generals said immediately.

Guan Yu looked at Yu Jin kneeling on the ground, but he did not expect that Yu Jin, a senior general of the state of Wei, chose to surrender.

However, this is also good news for the kingdom of Shu, which can more damage the prestige of the state of Wei. At the same time, Cao Cao may also be very angry.

This war was destined to go down in history, and then Guan Yu immediately ordered Guan Ping to take people with him to fill the gap in the Han River. ..