Bringing Military Supplies to Ming Dynasty

Chapter 97


Xu Chengzong and Yang Yang came here after they left Yangjiazhuang. Later, they met the bustard sister Cui Naer and the fragrant lady Dong Hanxiang waiting for the news.

In Lady Xiang\'s boudoir, they talked about what they had said before and after seeing Yang Chendong\'s request.

Originally, it was a matter of pride and pride for men to come to the boudoir of Lady Xiang. But today, they felt that their hips seemed to be on fire. They left as soon as they said something about it. They really didn\'t want to stay for a moment.

Cui na\'er, Xiang Niang Zi and her maid Chuntao are left to look at each other face to face.

Or Cui na\'er couldn\'t help but say, "men are not good things. Dongshuai has taken snow lady. Do you still want to take our Xiang\'er? Who does he think he is?"

I don\'t blame trina\'er for being so angry. Lady Xiang is her cash cow. Although Jiuyi workshop is not under her name, she is just a manager. In the words of later generations, she is a senior manager, but her voice is also very important here.

Once Xiang Niang leaves, the business of Jiuyi workshop will be greatly affected. At that time, I\'m afraid her income will be more than half less. How can she live like that.

Cui na\'er was firmly opposed. She really didn\'t hear it in Xiang Niang\'s ears. Instead, he said a startling sentence, "sister, you can follow dongshuai with me like Mu Lili. As long as I put forward this request at that time, he must agree."

"What?" surprised Cui nale stared at her as if she didn\'t know Snow lady. "Do you... Do you really want to vote for dongshuai? If he is really talented, but there are powerful people like snow lady around him. What position can you have when you go there? Do you want to be a little?"

"Elder sister, I can\'t understand what you said. Who can be a straight wife if we come from a family like us? Lucky, spoiled for several years, bad luck, and the general treatment of the maid in the end is also common. Even the snow lady, what about us first? She can\'t become a wife either. Whether she can become a concubine depends on dongshuai\'s mood." As she spoke, lady Xiang shook her head and looked sad.

This is the tragedy of hierarchy. As an art girl, it seems like a beautiful scene before people, but in fact it\'s just a cheap book. It\'s worse than even ordinary people. With such an identity, which good family would want them? Even if it is really met, married in the past, as people grow old, there are only a few people who will eventually come to a good end.

Being broken by Lady Xiang, Cui na\'er was speechless for a moment and sat there for a long time without talking.

"Elder sister, you promised Xiang\'er to go to dongshuai together. Otherwise, once the event of appearing in the baihuatang happened in our Jiuyi workshop one day, do you think dongshuai will appear as bold as us? For our art girls, offend the dignitaries and even get a knife? Forget it, such people won\'t appear in the future." She shook her head as she said. This time, she was able to make a decision to take refuge with Yang Chendong so quickly because she saw hope from the previous events of baihuatang. Maybe this dongshuai is really a person who cherishes fragrance and jade.

Lady Xiang made a decision and began to persuade Cui na\'er. Finally, she persuaded her. She agreed to let lady Xiang go to Yang Chendong and said that as a condition, she needed to redeem Cui na\'er\'s and maid Chuntao\'s selling contract.

After making a decision, Xiang Niang went out of the Jiuyi workshop and went straight to Yangjiazhuang fifteen miles away from the south of the city with her maid Chuntao.

Yang Jiazhuang.

Yang Chendong has come out of the bedroom, leaving two skilful voices like soft shrimp and snow lady.

To say young is good. In addition to his strong physical strength, Yang Chendong\'s two women in Lien Chan just begged for mercy and fell asleep on the bed. He really just rested for a moment and returned to the backyard to continue training hundreds of service personnel of Shenxianju.

Compared with the previous two days, these people have made a lot of progress. With the addition of Mu Lili, these people have become a lot more disciplined as managers.

Watching them training with satisfaction, Hu mang appeared and half knelt in the tunnel: "young master, lady Xiang is coming."

"Oh, so fast." Yang Chendong is satisfied with the other party\'s decision. If there is no news for a long time, he should also consider whether to give up the other party. Although this girl who looks like young Guan Zhilin in later generations does make her heart beat, if he is not willing to take refuge in himself, he will not be difficult.

If there are more beautiful women in the world, can he have them all? In Yang Chendong\'s opinion, there should be a basic emotional foundation between men and women. If not, what\'s the difference between going to flower street to find women?

"Take her into the side hall and wait." Yang Chendong shouted.

After a column of incense, lady Xiang and maid Chuntao came to the side hall in the backyard of Yangjiazhuang. Just sitting down, there was a sound of footsteps not far away. It was Yang Chendong in blue who came in.

After seeing Yang Chendong\'s figure from a distance, lady Xiang fell to her knees with a plop. As soon as the sixth young master entered the hall, her charming voice came out, "dongshuai, Xiang\'er, please take in, as well as my sister Cui na\'er and maid Chuntao. In the future, being a cow and a horse, just ask for a bite of rice."

"You don\'t need to be an ox or a horse. All you have to do is be a man." Yang Chendong responded firmly. Then he looked at Hu mang standing in the hall, "do you know how to do it? And after winning the three people\'s selling contract, he found Mou Mu and said to carry their books for the three people."

"Yes." Hu mang hugged his fist and promised to go back out. She left xiangniang and Chuntao with a surprised look at Yang Chendong just under her seat.

"What\'s the matter? Why do you look at me like this?" Yang Chendong was a little puzzled. He thought he had something on his face and touched it with his hand, but he didn\'t find anything.

"Dongshuai? What did you say just now? You said you were going to give us a book?" she didn\'t believe it. She was afraid that she had heard wrong just now, and the snow lady looked forward to it.

"That\'s right. Why? Didn\'t my fourth brother tell you? Hey, it\'s my fault. I didn\'t explain clearly. Now I won\'t hide it from you. The Three Snow maidens have raised their nationality and become good family." Yang Chendong thought about it. It seemed that he didn\'t talk about it with the fourth brother. He couldn\'t help laughing and didn\'t care.

But this is not a great thing in Yang Chendong\'s view. It is completely different in the eyes of Lady Xiang.

If a bitch wants to raise her identity, she can do it not only by spending a lot of money, but also with the consent of someone above, and even someone in the palace. These conditions are far from what they can do and dare not think about.

But all this is put on Yang Chendong. It seems that it is not a matter. It will be done in a simple word. This is the power of power, far from what they can imagine.

After getting Yang Chendong\'s affirmative answer, lady Xiang immediately cried with joy, and the tears of the maid Chuntao on one side could not stop flowing out. But Yang Chendong didn\'t like to see women shed tears. Some couldn\'t accept it, so he found an excuse to let them pick up Cui na\'er together and let Yang Si and Yang Wu go on errands.

Tiger awn is very efficient.

I received the order in the morning and everything was done when I arrived in the evening. What I brought were three new contractual identities covered with the official seal of the Ming Dynasty. In other words, from this moment on, the three women are free. In the future, they will not be the kind of cheap nationality despised by others, but a good family woman. This also made the three people hold together and cry for a long time.

In the inner courtyard, Yang Chendong called qiaoyin, snow lady and incense lady, and said the rules of the Yang family in front of them. Regardless of origin, but look at contribution and efforts, as long as you are willing to pay, you will get rich returns. On the contrary, if you want to bully others by virtue of your identity, eat and be lazy, then you are ready to leave the door of the Yang family.

For this matter, none of the seven women complained. They all said they would try their best to do things. With the participation of snow lady and incense lady, Yang Chendong\'s previous program accelerated the training process, and everything was moving forward in an orderly manner.

At this time, the interior decoration of Shenxianju has also entered the later stage, and it can be opened for business in more than half a month.

The things produced in the chixian city came to Tianjin Wei by sea and were transported there to the capital. After Wang Zhen said hello, the way was unimpeded.

A large number of things were transported to the immortal residence in the capital. Hundreds of trained men and women began to work. They took care of everything in order with what they had learned before.

It is worth mentioning that there are two team leaders, Mu Lili and Cui na\'er. Their means of controlling them are much better than Yang Chendong. These 100 people are divided into two groups, led by them respectively. For a time, they have the meaning of competition, which speeds up the efficiency a lot.

Originally, I thought I had seven or eight days to straighten everything out, but due to the credit of the two former bustards, I was able to start business in advance. We have chosen an auspicious day and are scheduled to officially open on October 6.

Yang Bao has long publicized the opening on October 6. It is also mentioned that Shenxianju will handle membership cards to serve noble guests. Only members can go to the elegant room on the second floor and enjoy higher quality and diversified services in the box on the first floor. And on the opening day of Shenxianju, members can have fun with the people together with the emperor and other ministers. For specific handling details, please go to Shenxianju for consultation.