Bringing Military Supplies to Ming Dynasty

Chapter 98

As soon as the news came out, many people flocked to it, especially rich businessmen, who came to the information desk set up outside the immortal house for advice.

The person who received them was Yang Fu, the external shopkeeper of Shenxianju. With that three inch tongue, anyone who came was fooled by him for a while, saying all the benefits of membership card.

For example, with a membership card is the symbol of identity, you can enjoy a higher level of service here and be looked at by others.

With a membership card, you can enter the box or the elegant room on the second floor to get in touch with more big people.

With a membership card, once a friend comes and gets here, it is equal to having no face. It should be used here. It will dazzle your friends and respect you more at the same time.

The important thing is that the money for membership card is not given to Shenxianju, but just stored here first. It also saves you the trouble of carrying a lot of silver when you come out for consumption. More importantly, with a membership card, you can also enjoy the benefits of discount when consuming.

From high to low, there are four kinds of platinum cards, gold cards and silver cards. This can be bought with money. What can\'t be bought with money is the most advanced supreme card. With this card, consumption is completely free.

Of course, the identity of the person who can have the supreme card is also very unusual. For example, now, the only person who owns this card is the real owner, Yang Chendong.

With a platinum card, you can enter the elegant room on the second floor and the box on the first floor of Shenxianju at will and enjoy a 20% discount when consuming.

The gold card can store 5000 taels of silver at one time. You can also enter the elegant room on the second floor and the box on the first floor of the immortal bureau at will and enjoy a 10% discount when consuming.

Silver card, one-time storage of 1000 liang of silver, you can enter the box on the first floor, but you can\'t go to the second floor. You can enjoy a 95% discount when consuming.

As for non members, I\'m sorry. If you want to enter the immortal residence, you can only go to the hall on the first floor, where there are hundreds of tables, which can accommodate thousands of people at the same time. But no matter how lively the hall is, if there is no membership card, even if the elegant rooms on the first floor and the second floor are empty, they are not allowed to enter. This is the advantage of membership.

All membership cards can be consumed by deducting the funds in the card. In other words, as long as you have a membership card, you can come to Shenxianju without a penny. After eating and drinking, raise your hand, hand over the membership card to the service personnel for registration and reimbursement. Just think about how popular it is.

Of course, the membership card also has a minimum limit, that is, when it is less than one tenth of the original amount, there will be a reminder that you must recharge again. Take the silver card for example, one tenth of one thousand Liang is one hundred Liang. When the balance in the card is less than one hundred Liang Li, the service personnel will remind you to recharge and then continue to use it. At the same time, you can also charge more silver at one time to improve your membership level. For example, if a silver card member charges 5000 Liang, it will be upgraded to a gold card member.

Of course, for those who refuse to recharge, once the amount in the card is consumed, the card will be cancelled after three months without money. If you want to do it, you need to apply again. If there is a deficit in the previous card, you also need to make up.

After Yang Fu explained the situation in detail, many people were moved, especially those rich but not high-ranking businessmen. In the Ming Dynasty, the merchant nationality ranked third, one level lower than the ordinary people with good nationality, that is, the so-called good family son.

People like them have a lot of money, but their social status is not high. How to deal more with officials and improve their social status has become the goal of many of them. Now Shenxianju has given them such an opportunity. How can these businessmen who have no profit and can\'t get up early be indifferent?

Businessmen are smart. Because of this, some people put forward that the membership system of Shenxianju looks good, but aren\'t there so many senior officials and dignitaries coming here to spend? If only businessmen come, it will lose its original meaning.

Yang Fu replied with a confident smile, "My Lord has sent gold cards to all the officials above the third grade in the capital. Although they are the kind of membership cards without deposit amount, they must come because they can enjoy a 20% discount. Not to mention that when the immortal Bureau opens, even the emperor, Empress and all ministers of culture and military will appear here. How can they worry about it with this influence There are no officials to enter. There are songs and dances, good wine and delicious food that can\'t be seen outside, the best environment and the most considerate service. How can we not recruit people? "

As soon as I heard that even the emperor would arrive here when he opened his business, the businessmen were full of confidence, and people who paid for cards came one after another.

Today\'s Ming Dynasty has just experienced the famous "rule of culture and publicity" , it can be said that the country is rich and the people are strong, and many businessmen are also rich in funds. However, it is not a matter to do a membership card at all. Those who have money directly do a platinum card, those who have less money do a gold card, and some people tentatively apply for a silver card. They want to see if the immortal bureau is as good as Yang Fu said, and then consider adding funds for a better membership card.

In just seven days, the number of the first batch of handling members was counted. There were more than 40 platinum card holders, with a total amount of more than 800000 taels; more than 200 gold card holders, with a total amount of more than one million taels; and more than 400 silver card holders, with a total amount of more than 400000 taels.

In just seven days, he raised more than two million taels of money. Once the speed of money was spread, the whole capital was in an uproar. You know, because the tax revenue of the Ming Dynasty was low, it was basically 15 taxes and one (lower than the current 10 taxes and one). The other is that the tax of the Ming Dynasty is not a commercial tax. In theory, the commercial tax belongs to the emperor\'s internal money (private house money), but because there is no strict policy, the emperor only depends on eunuchs to collect it. So it\'s unstable! For example, Emperor Wanli was richer than the national treasury! Emperor Chongzhen is as poor as a dog!

Therefore, the tax revenue of the whole Ming Dynasty was only 4.5 million Liang a year, but it was not surprising that Shenxianju got nearly half of the gold and silver before it opened.

In the Imperial Palace, after Wang Zhen received the report from the East Hall spy, he couldn\'t close his mouth with laughter. I was still worried about whether Shenxianju could bring me enough financial benefits. Now it seems that I don\'t need to worry at all.

At present, Wang Zhenchuan ordered East Hall and royal guards not to harass immortal residence. On the contrary, they should strengthen patrols nearby. Once they found someone making trouble there, they should catch it immediately without mercy.

As a result, the business of Shenxianju will go to a higher level. No one dares to fool around here, and no one dares to eat free food here. Under a good environment, more and more people will be attracted.

After several days of preparation, the day finally came.

At this time, the capital is in the golden autumn season. The weather is cool, neither hot nor cold. On the morning of October 6, at the junction of Zhengyang gate and Daming gate, it was crowded and lively.

It was reported to the current emperor Yingzong Zhuqi town before. Therefore, after the early Dynasty, the originally fun emperor came straight from the imperial city to the outer city with a group of civil and military ministers, aiming at the immortal residence.

Different from the emperor\'s usual trip, this time Zhuqi town also took the queen Qian.

This is also specially invited by Yang Chendong. In his words, this is called the emperor\'s family. It is true to have fun with the people.

Of course, Wang Zhen strongly supports this. Under the binding of interests, the greater the momentum of Shenxianju, he will naturally get more in the future.

In the Queen\'s palace, Qian was a little excited, which was the rare opportunity for her to travel with the emperor. For this reason, she was always not good at dressing up. She just rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find out a lot of gold and silver ornaments, and then asked the palace maid to help try them one by one. Finally, she chose a set of clothes that seemed solemn enough, that is, wearing a Dragon and Phoenix pearl crown, a red large sleeved clothes, a Xiayu, a red Luo long skirt, a red saddle, a dragon and Phoenix ornament on a special bun, and the clothes were embroidered with weaved gold dragon and phoenix patterns.

It was so solemn that he was about to catch up with the dress after the seal. Qian went out of the palace with satisfaction, came to the Dragon chariot, and went straight to the immortal residence with the Emperor Zhu Qi town.

When the emperor travels, safety naturally needs careful consideration. Along the road, the royal guards and the fans of the East Hall have long been filled with thousands of people. They are everywhere in the streets outside the immortal residence.

In this regard, Yang Chendong, who has arrived at Shenxianju, did not put forward any different opinions. Although the appearance of Fanzi made many people unable to get close to the gods, this was not a consumption place for ordinary people. Besides, it\'s said to share happiness with the people. Seriously, there are too many people here, so we can\'t take into account the safety. If something happens, this sign will be completely smashed.

The people could not get ahead, which made the front of the immortal house much more empty. Here, there was a red carpet with a length of more than 100 meters, which was very eye-catching from a distance. This is Yang Chendong\'s arrangement to welcome the emperor. He took the red carpet all the way to the immortal house and enjoyed the attention of the public. The audience changed from ministers to ordinary people, so he was happy with the people.

When the emperor\'s Dragon chariot came to one end of the red carpet, Yang Chendong had already waited here in green.

Don\'t wear official clothes, only wear blue clothes. It seems that only Yang Chendong is so in the Manchu Dynasty. Others are afraid that others don\'t know his identity. Only this young master, no matter how others treat him, is still my bank and my care.

"I kneel to welcome the emperor and queen. Long live, please get off the chariot and walk." Yang Chendong knelt on the red carpet and said in a voice like Hong.