Bringing Military Supplies to Ming Dynasty

Chapter 96

"After a while, anyway, the imperial prison was originally our territory. Your brother won\'t suffer there. You can go and see him at any time if you want. As for release, I\'ll plead for you when the emperor is in a good mood." Wang Zhen thought about it and didn\'t directly release Xisheng. First of all, you have to give an explanation to all the ministers. You can\'t just let people go after shouting fighting and killing here. This means that it\'s too obvious to be partial. Second, it is also to give other eunuchs a warning. If they dare to do something without going through it, they should be ready to go to imperial prison.

"Well, listen to father-in-law Wang." Xining also knows how uncomfortable it is to release people now. She thinks that those ministers are really worse off than dead in the imperial edict prison, but his brother is really resting there. There is really nothing to worry about.

Things seem to have subsided. But through this, Yang Chendong still saw some people\'s hearts. For example, as his brothers, their performance disappointed the sixth young master.

The eldest brother, the second brother and the third brother didn\'t come. Only the fourth brother and the fifth brother came to see him.

The fifth brother came alone. Come and see Yang Chendong. He left safely after he was all right. The fourth brother not only came, but also brought Xu Chengzong, the eldest son of Xu Qin, the Duke of Wei.

Yang Chendong naturally knows why the three brothers didn\'t come. This is because Yang Chendong offended Xisheng and Xining brothers. They didn\'t dare to come because they were afraid of being eaten by seedlings and pond fish. The fifth brother is honest. He didn\'t think so much. As for the fourth brother? Obviously something came.

In the side hall, Yang Chendong came out with the help of qiaoyin and snow lady. At that time, the fourth brother Yang Yang and the eldest son of Xu Chengzong looked at him with envy, a pig like expression.

"Thank you, fourth brother Lao and childe Xu." Yang Chendong arched his hands under his seat, looking less sharp.

Speaking of business, Yang Yang seemed a lot excited. "Sixth brother, this time you suffered. That Xisheng really deceived people too much. Do you want the fourth brother to find some people to beat him?"

"Oh? The fourth brother still has such ability?" Yang chendongming knew that Yang Yang was doing it in front of him, but he still pretended to be surprised. It seemed that he would promise at any time.

Seeing that Yang Chendong was going to be serious, Yang Yang immediately changed his face and changed his mouth: "it\'s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Wait for a while first. When the wind is over, it\'s not too late to clean him up."

Yang Chendong shook his head with a smile. His fourth brother is also in his thirties. Sometimes he looks like a child. Of course, he won\'t care about it. Instead, he looks at Xu Chengzong who came with him and says, "brother Xu, I\'m really sorry to bother you to go there."

"Don\'t say that, sixth young master. In fact, I have something to ask for here." Xu Chengzong\'s face was a little tangled. He had something but didn\'t know how to speak.

"Oh? Brother Xu, if you have anything to say, there are no outsiders here." Yang Chendong didn\'t look at Qiao Yin and Xue Niang. They will become their own women. Of course, they are not outsiders.

Such a practice also makes Qiao Yin and snow lady excited. Their eyes towards Yang Chendong become softer.

Originally, in front of the two women, Xu Chengzong couldn\'t say something, but then Yang Chendong said so. Unless he gave up his goal, he could only say it. "Well, even though the sixth young master didn\'t treat me as an outsider, that\'s what brother said. In fact, besides visiting the sixth young master this time, there\'s another thing that Xiang Niang of Jiuyi workshop entrusted me."

While talking, he paid attention to Yang Chendong\'s performance. He didn\'t mean to be surprised, let alone surprised. The snow lady standing on one side seemed a little unnatural.

Seeing that Yang Chendong neither asked nor interrupted himself, Xu Chengzong simply clenched his teeth and spoke out about the entrustment of snow lady, "seeing that the baihuatang is going to close, Xiang lady thought whether she could learn some songs from the sixth young master, so that more people can hear the sound of that day."

"Yes, yes, we have been used to listening to new songs recently. When we can\'t hear them at first, we feel uncomfortable all over. The meaning of Childe Xu is also the meaning of all of us." Yang Yang immediately opened his mouth to help when he saw a look in Xu Chengzong\'s eyes.

One is the eldest son of Duke Wei and the other is Yang Chendong\'s fourth brother. Looking for these two people to talk about love, it can be seen that lady Xiang took some pains and was determined to get it.

Unfortunately, lady Xiang doesn\'t know Yang Chendong and his ambition. If the other party is just an ordinary art girl, perhaps Yang Chendong will help. He casually teaches two or three new songs, which will save everyone\'s face.

But who is lady Xiang? That\'s talent!

Even though it is a talent, Yang Chendong met again. How can he let go. Seeing that the snow lady is in her hands and has received it in bed, where does the fragrant lady go?

He shook his head gently. This action made Xu Chengzong and Yang Yang, who had been waiting for an answer, feel gedeng. They thought something they wanted to get was wrong. Is it true that Yang Chendong is not willing to sell them this face?

"Sorry, brother Xu, fourth brother, it\'s not that Chendong doesn\'t give you face. I really think I\'m too fond of Lady Xiang. I think she just wants to be an art girl and stay in a small nine arts workshop. She has no promise and no development in her life. It\'s not like coming here. My platform here is huge. I can ensure that she can play and learn from her at that time To more new songs, isn\'t it just the way to convince everyone? "

Yang Chendong said it very clearly. It\'s not that I don\'t give you face, but that I have the idea of accepting lady Xiang. Even if you want to use it for yourself, how can you teach her new songs and let her have more independent strength?

"This..." listening to such reasons and answers, they didn\'t know what to say for a time.

If they refuse in other ways, they must be angry in their hearts. But Yang Chendong said frankly that everything is for his own interests. He gave birth to the idea of accepting the fragrant lady. What else can they say? Accuse the other party of being overbearing?

No matter what era, one truth remains the same. That is, the capable go up and the mediocre go down. In terms of new songs, Yang Chendong\'s strength is absolutely the strongest. He naturally has a certain authority in this regard. It\'s not easy for others to refute what he says.

"That... Sixth young master, what do you mean by a bigger platform?" although he understood what he meant, Xu Chengzong still asked some questions he didn\'t want to give up.

"Shenxianju. The emperor knows that Shenxianju has a large territory and a good environment, which is far from being comparable to a small nine arts workshop. At that time, the guests there will not know how many times more than today\'s nine arts workshop. Singing new songs there can have more influence and naturally earn more money."

Yang Chendong\'s answer was resounding, which made Xu Chengzong and Yang Yang close their mouths.

Although today\'s immortal house is still in the process of internal decoration, even in order to maintain a sense of mystery, outsiders are not allowed to detect it at will. But its reputation has long been outside. In addition to the emperor knowing it and promising to go in person when it opens, there is a more important reason for its great influence, that is, it is said that the total investment before and after is 300000 Liang.

Three hundred thousand taels. Taking one or two silver coins as an example, one or two silver coins can be exchanged for one thousand copper coins, and one copper coin can buy two small steamed buns. If converted, one or two silver coins is equivalent to one thousand yuan now. Three hundred thousand Liang is equal to three hundred million in future generations.

It\'s just a restaurant. It\'s such a huge investment. No wonder it will arouse everyone\'s curiosity. Before it was opened, the restaurant industry in Beijing was hit hard. Some restaurant owners began to think about selling their industries. They were worried that once Shenxianju opened, everyone would go there to spend money. What should they do?

A restaurant that hasn\'t been opened has caused people in the same trade to be in danger, not to mention ordinary people. They look forward to it and wonder what Shenxianju will be like after investing so much silver? Does it really become the residence of immortals?

Yang Chendong takes the immortal residence as the platform. Naturally, it is not a small nine art workshop, which makes Xu Chengzong, who was still a little unconvinced, unable to speak any more.

After a moment, they left dejected. Leaving Yang Chendong, the three remained in the side hall.

"Young master, do you really like lady Xiang?" I don\'t know whether it\'s curiosity or jealousy. In short, the snow lady asked the question this moment.

"Hehe, she dances well," said Yang Chendong. Then when he saw that neither snow lady nor Qiao Yin looked indifferent, he said flatly: "I tell you, my young master\'s family property is very large, and there are a lot of opportunities for you to show. Don\'t say it\'s the three of you, even if there are more than ten talents like you, and the young master can eat it. So don\'t think about internal fighting. If Xiang Niang doesn\'t come back, you are good sisters. If you let me know who played a role in it I won\'t punish her for her bad role. Just let her go on her own and come from the Yang family. "

Yang Chendong said these words seriously and seriously.

It seems that we seldom see Yang Chendong like this. For a time, Qiao Yin and snow lady all changed their faces. Because they once had it, they were more afraid of what they lost now. They immediately knelt on the ground, "young master, we just ask, there is no such idea, there is no such thing."

"Come on, get up." the two women knelt. Yang Chendong was also distressed. He quickly reached out and picked them up one by one and held them in his arms. "I\'m making a rule. Don\'t kneel down and hurt your knees in the future. What can I do? The young master will be distressed. Well, now let me see if you\'re really hurt. Go and go to the bedroom."

Since the scene in the morning, the relationship between Yang Chendong and the two women has changed qualitatively. Although the last step has not been crossed, it is just a matter of time. Yang Chendong, who knows its flavor, decided to do both today. Now is the best time.

"Ah!" why don\'t the two women know what the young master is going to do? At one time, a red color rises to their faces. But how can they be powerful opponents of Yang Chendong? Moreover, they had expectations in their hearts. Now they finally want to achieve their wishes. I\'m afraid it\'s too late for joy, how can they retreat.

In a short time, the three entered the bedroom, and then there was a sound of spring (omitting 100000 words...).