Bringing Military Supplies to Ming Dynasty

Chapter 64

Following the sound, Yang Chendong turned his head and saw a seemingly elegant young man smiling and putting ten or five liang of silver on the copper plate. His eyes drifted away everywhere, as if he was showing off his height, wealth and handsome to others.

"Sixth brother, only when you reward more than 50 liang of silver will you be sung and drunk, and you may be remembered by Lady Xiang. Look, how much will we reward later?" noticed that Yang Chendong seemed to be interested, and Yang Yang, the fourth brother, hurriedly added a jar.

Anyway, it\'s Yang Chendong\'s silver. If you don\'t give it to lady Xiang, you may not give it to yourself. Even so, you\'d better give it more. If it\'s so general, he naturally follows in the limelight.

"Oh, is there such a saying?" Yang Chendong smiled at one of them, and then raised an index finger towards the tiger mang standing behind him.

"One hundred liang? Six younger brothers have spirit." Yang Yang thought he understood. He smiled at this gesture. Then he settled down and waited for the turtle slave to show off when he came to his desk.

The tortoise slave drank and sang. Then he handed the ten pieces of silver on the copper plate and some hanging money rewarded by others to another little tortoise slave behind him, and then walked to another table.

However, it seems that the good luck has run out, or most of the people who came here today are shy. In short, they haven\'t drunk and sang until they came to Yang Chendong\'s table. The turtle slave first lowered his head to show respect, and then looked at the table of the descendants of the two national lords not far away.

Being able to be a turtle slave who comes to collect reward money is also of some identity and insight. What kind of person can reward how much money, he can naturally see at a glance. In his eyes, Yang Yang is not the first time to come. Is this the first time someone has taken such a good seat? But I\'m afraid that\'s the ability. There may be a reward, but it won\'t be too much. Otherwise, I\'ll sit in the right position of the two national Lords.

Yang Yang had known the result for a long time, so he had been waiting for the arrival of Guigong and gave a good performance. This also saw all the changes of Guigong in his eyes. Seeing each other\'s eyes, he didn\'t look at himself. He couldn\'t help laughing. Then he nodded to the tiger mang standing behind him like Yang Chendong just now and said "reward!"

Hu mang will not listen to Yang Yang, even though he is his fourth young master. But Yang Chendong\'s order came first. When he heard the reward word, he obediently untied the package on his body, then took out the silver and put it on the copper plate.

Compared with the reward given by Prince Wang just now, the silver this time is twenty-one ingots. This release is continuous, and five ingots come in in an instant. Yang Yang looked like waiting for the turtle slave to sing and drink, but who thought that Hu mang still didn\'t stop, and the silver ingot in his hand continued to "smash".

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty

Yang Yang\'s face changed greatly. It was far more than a hundred Liang silver, but he still didn\'t stop. This tiger mang wouldn\'t be stupid. What would he do?

If you want to stop it, you\'re worried that you\'ll lose face. He had to look at his sixth brother Yang Chendong, but he still couldn\'t understand it, because his sixth brother smiled like he didn\'t see what was in front of him. He was still so calm and unmoved.

The tortoise slave was also silly at the moment.

It was thought that the fourth young master of the Yang family would reward three or five liang of silver to the sky. Who would have thought that the silver ingots of twenty-one ingots were thrown into the copper plate without blinking. There was a constant knocking sound, so that he had to hold them with both hands, but he still couldn\'t support them. Fortunately, the little turtle slave behind him had some eyesight. He had already come up to help. The two people barely supported with four hands.

In the past, when someone rewarded silver, guinu just felt happy and excited. Then, according to the rules, he can also get a certain commission, that is, the more he receives, the more he naturally gets.

Only today, he felt the pressure and gave birth to the idea of stopping reward quickly for the first time, because his hands really couldn\'t support it.

Yang Yang and GUI Nu\'s faces had already changed. Not only that, the faces of the people watching the scene in the whole hall changed. Even Cui na\'er, who was standing on the stage, turned red. She didn\'t know whether she was frightened or excited, or excited.

This scene also surprised others. When the two princes saw it, their faces were also changing. When they saw a large number of silver on the copper plate, they were seriously looking at Yang Yang and Yang Chendong, who was sitting beside him.

It has long been clear who Yang Yang is who he often meets here. It\'s impossible for a poor young master Yang to have such financial resources.

Of course, this is not to look down on Yang Yang, because even if he has so much money, he won\'t take it all out. He has to live. Not to mention, even if you take out so much silver money, you may not get the favor of Lady Xiang. You know, with the money in hand, I don\'t know how many concubines I can marry.

Others were also shocked when they watched this scene. There is envy, jealousy and hatred in his eyes.

It was like the prince who had just rewarded fifty Liang. He was still proud, but he did lower his head for a while. He was so complacent that he only rewarded fifty Liang. Isn\'t it too ignorant and foolish to compare with the reward given by the Yang family?

No matter what other people thought, Hu mang took out pieces of silver ingots according to Yang Chendong\'s order. Finally, he stopped after taking out a full thousand Liang, and then closed his huge package.

One thousand liang of silver is converted into one hundred jin, but the package seems to be not much less. People can\'t help but wonder how much silver is left in the package. At the same time, they have to admire Hu Mang\'s strength and don\'t bend up when carrying such a heavy package.

Looking at the two tortoise slaves, they had been bent down by a hundred kilograms of silver ingots. In the distance, two tortoise slaves had to come forward to help. The leader took time to drink and sing, "fourth master Yang has a reward, 1000 liang of silver!"

As soon as the sound of drinking and singing came out, the whole audience was quiet, but then it became noisy. Some friends who had greeted Yang Yang before stood up and hugged each other. At this time, they were proud to know such friends.

Of course, Yang Yang, who was in the limelight, got up and saluted around. His big mouth was almost behind his ears. Don\'t mention how happy he was.

This was definitely the most proud day of his life. At this moment, he felt that life seemed to have reached the top, and the identity of the whole person seemed to have been raised a lot.

But what he didn\'t know was that every wise man didn\'t look at him at all, but lingered on Yang Chendong, who was seated on one side. Even more intelligent people have guessed the identity of this person.

The turtle almost lowered his head to the waist and bowed. There were not many people who rewarded 1000 liang of silver before, but they could count it with one hand, and it was a long time ago. At least for the first time in his time as a turtle slave. It can be imagined that he was so excited that he couldn\'t close his mouth at the thought of the commission he could get.

The tortoise finally left and went to other tables. But with Yang Yang\'s jade in front, it\'s hard for others to reward them. Even if Xu Chengzong and Zhang De gave a reward of one hundred Liang silver, how could they feel that the turtle slave was so powerless when he drank and sang?

After the reward, Cui na\'er, the bustard sister in charge, bowed again, and then stepped back slowly. Instead of her, a girl in red gauze took four maidens with the same appearance to the stage.

It was lady Xiang who came. She didn\'t do anything, but as soon as she appeared, she immediately attracted the loud cheers of everyone in the hall.

Yang Chendong looked up. He was wearing a red rose fragrance tight fitting robe with sleeves, a green smoke gauze floral skirt under it, and tied a big bow with gold soft smoke at his waist. His sideburns were low, and a jasper Zanfeng hairpin was inserted obliquely. His body was slender, and the demon was gorgeous, which attracted people\'s soul.

The first feeling for the sixth young master is Yan!

This kind of person is described as beautiful but not afraid of things. It has a trace of the youth of later Hong Kong actress Guan Zhilin, and gives people a sense of demon charm, fragrance and beauty.

When Yang Chendong was looking at each other, lady Xiang also looked up. At the moment, he looked at each other. At this moment, the sixth young master felt that his heart seemed to beat a few times with a bang.

"Sixth brother, she\'s looking at me, looking at me." this beautiful feeling was soon stirred by the fourth brother Yang Yang. He looked like a pig. His saliva was about to flow out, pulling Yang Chendong\'s sleeve and repeating.

Yang Chendong\'s thoughts returned in an instant, and then a dispensable smile came out of the corners of his mouth. He already knew that the power of this sweet lady was that she could easily hook people\'s soul. Often a look in her eyes made men unable to help themselves.

As soon as Lady Xiang appeared, the scene suddenly became a little crazy. Everyone\'s eyes were like rain arrows, brushing straight towards the stage. In this regard, lady Xiang seems to have been used to it for a long time. She still goes her own way. First, she apologizes, and then there is a wooden table and an ancient Qin in front of her. Her white and jade hands are gently lifted forward and fall on the strings. Then, a soul stirring piano sound is emitted, which makes the whole audience quiet in an instant.

This is the strength of Huakui, who can hold the stage in an instant and play the role of town. Then I saw her a pair of jade hands constantly touching the guqin, and beautiful melodies came out in response to the sound, which made people feel relaxed and happy.