Bringing Military Supplies to Ming Dynasty

Chapter 65

With the jade hand gently pulled out, I saw the Qianqian jade finger playing fast on the string. The sound of the piano was sharp, high, but not abrupt. Like countless horses running away, strong and fierce

Yang Chendong was also moved by the wonderful music. At this moment, the piano sound in his ears was also rising and falling, deep, gentle and passionate.

When the sixth young master was immersed in it, suddenly the sound of the piano turned into a charming tenderness, and the fragrant lady finally opened her sweet lips and said slowly: "make an appointment with your lover. It is agreed that the peony bar of the peony platform will be repaired when the flowers bloom, and wait for the flower to sprout. It is the slave\'s luck. It is almost Qingming Day, and the flower stamen head (also) will not be born, (think of last year\'s flowers) it will bloom at this time, (how this year) it\'s very late... "

This is the famous song "flowers bloom" in the repertoire of the Ming Dynasty. It tells about the relationship between men and women, even very explicit.

As spectators who are very familiar with these tracks, they naturally listen to the sound in their ears and nod endlessly, but it is really so uncomfortable in Yang Chendong\'s ears.

In addition to the difference in the realm of appreciation, Yang Chendong still thinks that it is really wrong for people\'s children to let such a beauty as Lady Xiang sing such a song. It is like a big singer singing bel canto. How can you give people a good feeling if you get a song of children\'s song for him to sing?

When he was unhappy, Yang Chendong naturally shook his head. Even Yang Yang around him didn\'t find this scene. Maybe he had been immersed in the beautiful voice of empress De, but one person really saw it, that is, the prince not far from the table.

Prince Wang naturally has his own name. Wang Si, with the word Yizi, is the editor of the Imperial Academy and is the official position of Qipin.

Of course, these are not important. He also has a more important identity, that is, the eldest grandson of Wang Zhi, the Shangshu of the Ministry of officials.

My grandfather was a heavenly official of the Ministry of officials, but I want to know how great the future of Wang Si will be. Just now, he was humiliated by Yang Yang. Although it is said that he is not a person who must report defects, it would be great to have the opportunity to find the field back.

When listening to the music just now, he accidentally glanced at the table of Yang Yang. After all, the people at this table had taken away the limelight just now. When he looked at it, he saw Yang Chendong shaking his head.

He was sure that this shaking was not the other shaking. It was not the kind of shaking his head like listening and appreciating, but the meaning of not understanding, disapproving and dislike.

This made him think he had found an opportunity. He didn\'t care that lady Xiang was still singing there. When everyone was enjoying listening, he suddenly stood up from his seat, pointed to Yang Yang\'s table, drank loudly and asked, "dare you ask this brother, why do you shake your head? Does he dislike that lady Xiang is not singing well?"

Originally, everyone was immersed in music and was suddenly interrupted. It was still such a loud voice that everyone woke up from the state of closing their eyes and enjoying. Just when they saw that the angry person was Wang Si, many people immediately stopped to denounce their ideas.

Lady Xiang was singing and immersed in the story. She was suddenly interrupted and her face was unhappy. But when she saw that it was Wang Si, she also knew that she couldn\'t afford to offend. Just as she was on the stage, she naturally got up and said all blessings first, and then said in a sweet voice like a yellow warbler, "young master Wang, I\'m really sorry..."

"Madam Xiang, it\'s none of your business. I\'m talking about the person who is dissatisfied with the music. Hey, you have the courage to shake your head. Why don\'t you have the courage to stand up?" Wang Si interrupted Xiang Niang Zi\'s words. If she took the initiative to talk to herself at ordinary times, he might be happy. But now, he is angry and still cries for the goddess in his heart. Naturally, he won\'t give more answers. The spearhead is directed at Yang Chendong.

When Wang Si shouted for the first time, Yang Chendong knew that he had something to point to, and that he was referring to himself.

Originally, he just shook his head because he was not used to listening to the repertoire of this era. In addition, he felt that singing such a song under the condition of Xiang Niang was really indecent and disgraceful. But he didn\'t expect to be found and identified on the spot.

Wang Si\'s identity, as Yang Yang, the fourth brother, said just now, is the eldest grandson of Wang Zhi, the Minister of justice of the Ministry of officials. With such an identity, he is naturally confident and his eyes are higher than the top. Of course, it\'s just that in the eyes of others, it\'s just a floating cloud in Yang Chendong\'s eyes.

Don\'t say it\'s Wang Si, his own grandfather Wang Zhizai. Yang Chendong should do whatever he should do. He will never wronged himself because of the identity of the other party and let others blame him. Therefore, after looking at Wang Si, he smiled and said, "why? It\'s difficult to say that it\'s stipulated that people who listen to music can only praise, but can\'t have other opinions?"

"This..." Wang Si was speechless all the time. Where could there be any rules to ask people to listen to music? This is entertainment, just according to their mood.

It\'s just that although there are no regulations, it\'s lady Xiang who is on stage. Wang Si has been thinking about it day and night. If he hadn\'t considered each other\'s origin, he might have begged his grandfather to take him as a concubine. But Huakui is also a cheap nationality. He can\'t get into the Wang family by virtue of this one.

What you can\'t say is the best. It is precisely because this is not available that Wang Si feels the benefits of Lady Xiang. However, if he has spare money, he will come here to join in. Yang Chendong really looked down on the goddess in his heart. With this, he couldn\'t swallow the breath. "Yes, no law has this provision, but all the people who come here come for the fragrant lady. Do you want to say no? If not, why do you appear here again? Please go out now."

As he spoke, Wang Si pointed to the door with an expression of righteous indignation.

Wang Si didn\'t feel ashamed of his name. He was really smart. Knowing that it was impossible to say things with the law, he borrowed the name of Lady Xiang. For a time, it really aroused the resentment of everyone. Most people stood up at the moment in order to please lady Xiang. Then Qi angrily pointed to Yang Chendong and said, "if you don\'t want to see it, go out immediately."

Not far away, the descendants of the two princes did not join the condemnation queue, but watched the scene with great interest. They have long guessed Yang Chendong\'s identity. It is likely that it is the sixth son of the Yang family who brought great joy to the Emperor today. Therefore, they got a five grade post of Prince washing horses.

With such a big hand and the previous Yang Bao, they don\'t think it\'s a master who can be manipulated by others at will. But now the situation is not good. I\'d like to see how the sixth young master of the Yang family will break the game.

So many people suddenly pointed the spear at Yang Chendong. Hu Mang and Yang Er instinctively want to flash to the young master for protection. But the sixth young master waved his hand in an indifferent manner. He noticed that in such anger, Wang Si just said to let himself out without adding a word. It can be seen that this man is still reasonable. At least he is not a fool who sprays feces to bring disaster to himself.

To put it bluntly, it was just because the previous reward oppressed others and showed a trace of disrespect to lady Xiang that led to trouble. This is just a young and frivolous thought.

If at ordinary times, Yang Chendong will only smile, and then why not leave here. In doing so, maybe others will say that he is weak, but the real weakness is not how others evaluate him, but whether he has a strong heart.

Undoubtedly, Yang Chendong has a strong heart. But he will not leave for nothing else, just because it is inconsistent with his plan.

From entering jiuyifang, Yang Chendong was implementing his plan to attract talents. The same is true for a reward of 1000 Liang. It seems that he is generous and generous, but in fact, he just takes this to leave a deep impression on Xiang Niang\'s psychology, and then has a close talk with her. He believes that it should not be difficult to persuade this person to join his own forces because of his understanding of vocal music.

Because he came with the heart of solicitation, and Xiang Niang is a talent and meets his own standards of looking at people, he can\'t leave at will. Losing face is small, but breaking the plan is big.

"Is this prince Wang?" Yang Chendong decided to fight back, which was also a good opportunity for his performance. He will seize every opportunity.

"Exactly." Wang Si saw that Yang Chendong didn\'t have the slightest displeasure because of the stimulation of his language. On the contrary, he treated him politely, and the resentment in his heart was much less.

"Young Yang Chendong, I\'m polite here." the sixth young master smiled and hugged his fist in the air.

After reporting his name, Yang Chendong waited to see the changing faces of the people. The fact didn\'t disappoint him. Sure enough, many faces changed dramatically. Whether it was the previous Yang Bao or today\'s lucky potato, it was enough to make him famous, not an unknown person.

The so-called person\'s name is the shadow of the tree. After the big name newspaper, many people\'s attitudes have changed. Knowing that this is the founder of Yang Bao and the author of shooting carving, Xiao Li Throwing Knife and other books, and knowing that people are still first-class and fifth grade officials, many people who don\'t rely on their strength quickly shut their mouths.

This is the reality.

When a person\'s strength is too much stronger than you, whether you have to find trouble is another matter. This can be said to be selfish, but it is also caused by human nature. As I said, it\'s true that we came to see snow lady, but we won\'t offend a Wupin official or such a young Wupin official for such a small thing.

As soon as the name was announced, suddenly many people closed their mouths, returned to their seats and sat down again, just like the way they had just been booing.